Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why do crack dealears still exist?

Why do crack dealears still exist?
I can ride a bicycle thruogh known crack nieghborhoods and see deals going down. Yet the police 1 block away seem to be obliviouse to the crime being perpitrated. My question is is this govornment gone bad? Because I have seen the same senerio in many larg city's and small towns thruout our great United States of America. Are they just making money ?
Other - Society & Culture - 8 Answers
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1 :
Yeah... I really don't know whats up with that, but I guess they're just looking for those same old thrills.
2 :
Supply and demand. People buy the stuff, so people sell it. It must be the government's gone bad. The evidence is clear in the results produced by the educational system. Have you seen your spelling?
3 :
Pretty much. A lot of police don't want to deal with drugs dealings because of the fear of getting shot down or family being attacked...plus they say they have more important 'dealings' to be handling.
4 :
Crack dealers still exist because people are still demanding to buy crack. If people themselves do not buy drugs, then drug dealers won't bother trying to sell something that is not profitable. Economics = supply and demand concept.
5 :
Supply and demand. Simple economics 101. If there is a market someone will supply the product. That is why I always chuckle at the efforts to eliminate supply. You can't because the users remain.
6 :
Because there's a demand, and where there's a demand, there will be a market, whether it is black (when the product is illegal) or not.
7 :
Possibly no ones talking.Catch them in the act of selling.Where theres crack theres alot of other stuff.Guns,violence.Who knows.DK.Its sad.Crack dealers,child molesters,rapists,murders.No ones talking,it just keeps on going till someone gets does something about it.Money plays a big part too.
8 :
Cops are bored with running in crack dealers; they really are only the tip of the iceberg, the real criminals are the growers and suppliers in South America, the big drug cartels, like Medellin in Colombia. As soon as a cop arrests a crack dealer, he is out on bail...and the only ones making money are the cartels, the guys at the top. The cops are just frustrated at the revolving door of drug dealing.