Friday, June 14, 2013

How's my essay? Please give out any suggestions or opionions?

How's my essay? Please give out any suggestions or opionions?
Foreign aid policy of the United States is a program by which the United States of America interacts with other nations and set standards of interaction for its organizations, cooperations and citizens. The policy only spends a tiny portion of America’s annual budget (about 0.1% of the Gross National Product), but the United States still spends over billions of dollars the program. There have been arguments rising for the past few years about this policy. Some people feel that it is not enough and that we should spend a lot more helping other nations. Others criticize that we spend too much and that we should spend all money addressing problems our own problems. I think that we should spend all our money to solve our own problems before helping others. The Great Recession is an economic decline began started after Lehman Brother’s bank declared bankrupt in December 2007. The financial crisis has also been linked to reckless lending practices by financial institutions encouraged by the government in the United States. It spread around the world and affected much of the industrialized world and has caused a significant problem in the economic world. The effect of this depression has caused deceleration in economic activity across the globe. The financial crisis has caused people in America to loose their jobs and the rate of people without jobs to increase around 10%. The situation in Europe was a lot worse, with Iceland declared bankrupt and Greece announcing that it’s going to sell land to return debt. The condition of Spain isn’t so good either, with the unemployed rate up the roof, a staggering 20%. United States is one of the world’s most important economic world leaders and it should spend more money trying to improve its economics before helping others. If America improves their economy, it’s going to affect worldwide. During recent years, Public Colleges/Universities increased tuition to support the school due to shortage in funds. Increase in tuition has caused a problem in many of the poorer families since they couldn’t afford the school anymore. This would make those who can’t afford university lose the ability to compete with others and ultimately get eliminated. The result of this would cause the poverty to increase greatly, and for these people, they might rob/steal to try to survive in this world. The crime rates are going to rise and the society is going to be in chaos. To stop that from happening, the government of United States of America should stop spending billions of dollars to help others but to try to improve the student’s ability to afford tuition for school by offering more scholarship and/or support the public university/college. Some people might argue that foreign aid is vital for helping countries with major catastrophes and creates a safer and prosperous world to those who need help. Major Catastrophes like Haiti Earthquake that happened in the past few years is one of the most serious natural disasters that happened in January 12, 2010 with a magnitude of 7.0. This disaster has been responsible for the death of over 230,000 people. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere and the earthquake has completely destroyed Haiti’s ability to relieve victims of the disaster. Although America should preserve the funds of Foreign Aid Policy to solve the problems occurring within the country, the government should still send out resources and manpower to assist the survivors of the disaster. America should act as a leader for the rescue effort, coordinating rescue attempt between countries to make steady progress and avoid miscommunication or misunderstanding. I think that the Foreign Aid Policy should be canceled since the United States of America should spend the money on their own problems first before assisting others. We have to help ourselves before assisting anyone else or our own country will be in serious trouble. America should spend the fund from Foreign Aid policy on helping improving the economic situation and decreasing the tuition needed to go to Public college/university. After solving the issue within the states, then the country should help others with their problems.
Homework Help - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
it is awsome, i think u r a great writer!!!
2 :
Well, schools vary when it comes to writing essays, but if this is the format your teacher/professor will accept, then I say you did great!