Saturday, December 28, 2013

Are we doing the right thing by sending all our money and technology to China?

Are we doing the right thing by sending all our money and technology to China?
Another crucial factor in the Latin American leftist resurgence is the assistance of former Soviet officials and other international connections, according to Toby Westerman, editor of International News Analysis and author of Lies, Terror and the Rise of the Neo-Communist Empire — Origins and Direction. Westerman told The New American that a worldwide alliance including Communist China, Islamic fundamentalism, Iran, leftist Latin American rulers and guerrillas, and other forces were all collaborating in a war against the United States, united by their “anti-human, anti-God” ideology. “[The Russians] are running the same game, just slightly different — it’s more of a franchise operation than a central corporate operation, if you will. But if you take Russia out of it, the whole thing collapses.” Indeed, the Russians have been supplying advanced weaponry to regimes like Chavez’. Russian National Security Council Chief Nikolai Patrushev actually attended the most recent ALBA summit last year. And China and Iran have both jumped on the bandwagon as well, cooperating with a variety of unsavory Latin American governments in myriad sectors and projects. “We are creating a new world, a balanced world. A new world order, a multipolar world,” Chavez told reporters during a visit to Communist China, one of many. His “new world order” includes China, Iran, Japan, and a significantly weakened United States, he explained. The United States is being milked while its citizens suffer. For what! So that some corrupt Monopolies can make a fortune. @armchair- I was complaining when Bush was in office. I was one of those who couldn't stand Bush. I'm an Independent not a Republican.
Politics - 8 Answers
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1 :
2 :
What a stupid question. Of course it is bad!!! Duh, if we didn't do that this country would be better.
3 :
All my money is safe right in my bank.
4 :
We are funding are own future adversary and we will have only ourselves to blame when China gets enough power that it becomes embolden to forcibly retake Taiwan and tries to dominate Asia, it will happen. Make no mistake, we are the sole reason for China's rapid growth in economic power.
5 :
Of course not. We spent the last half of the 20th Century propping up communist countries.
6 :
We are the competitors of other countries. That is why world opinion is a stupid thing to care about. Their opinion is that we do what is best for them, not us.
7 :
Foreign aid is only 1% of our total budget. If we were actually doing what you suggest right now on the technology end (we did it under Bush/Reagan in terms of our patents and technology, and again under Bush/Cheney), we would not currently be in a race with China to be the world's LEADER in alternative energy products (see website). There are more than 40 states in the U.S. with new or refurbished factories busy making alternative-energy products for use at home and for shipment as exports around the world. President Obama and his team of experts have been very busy getting foreign markets more open to receiving our exports, and they have convinced China's government to stop manipulating the yuan (their currency) to put our marketable goods at a disadvantage. Where were you with this complaint when the eight-year reign of terror called Bush/Cheney allowed the trade deficits to SOAR while outsourcing all of our manufacturing jobs? President Obama has been dealing with these problems almost since day one of taking office (see
8 :
This is nothing new. American Business men and women have been sending America to China for years. It is because of our American old timers in Business that we are in this position. Back in the early 30'' and 40's the American Business People were so greedy they hired China workers to make them rich. They moved lumber, metal works, and all types of monopolies to China. Then the product was made in China and sent back to America. Our own Greedy American Business People did this to us. Took jobs from America and gave them the jobs so they could get cheap labor. Un-believable what they did to get cheap labor. Now Karma is bitting them in the azz. But many of them who sold America out, still come to the American soil, so when they die, they have their disloyal azz buried on America dirt.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

How can anyone NOT support Tea Party values?

How can anyone NOT support Tea Party values?
The impetus for the Tea Party movement is excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets. Core Values •Fiscal Responsibility •Constitutionally Limited Government •Free Markets Fiscal Responsibility: Fiscal Responsibility by government honors and respects the freedom of the individual to spend the money that is the fruit of their own labor. A constitutionally limited government, designed to protect the blessings of liberty, must be fiscally responsible or it must subject its citizenry to high levels of taxation that unjustly restrict the liberty our Constitution was designed to protect. Such runaway deficit spending as we now see in Washington D.C. compels us to take action as the increasing national debt is a grave threat to our national sovereignty and the personal and economic liberty of future generations. Constitutionally Limited Government: We, the members of The Tea Party Patriots, are inspired by our founding documents and regard the Constitution of the United States to be the supreme law of the land. We believe that it is possible to know the original intent of the government our founders set forth, and stand in support of that intent. Like the founders, we support states' rights for those powers not expressly stated in the Constitution. As the government is of the people, by the people and for the people, in all other matters we support the personal liberty of the individual, within the rule of law. Free Markets: A free market is the economic consequence of personal liberty. The founders believed that personal and economic freedom were indivisible, as do we. Our current government's interference distorts the free market and inhibits the pursuit of individual and economic liberty. Therefore, we support a return to the free market principles on which this nation was founded and oppose government intervention into the operations of private business. Our Philosophy Tea Party Patriots, Inc. as an organization believes in the Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, and Free Markets. Tea Party Patriots, Inc. is a non-partisan grassroots organization of individuals united by our core values derived from the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America, the Bill Of Rights as explained in the Federalist Papers. We recognize and support the strength of grassroots organization powered by activism and civic responsibility at a local level. We hold that the United States is a republic conceived by its architects as a nation whose people were granted "unalienable rights" by our Creator. Chiefly among these are the rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The Tea Party Patriots stand with our founders, as heirs to the republic, to claim our rights and duties which preserve their legacy and our own. We hold, as did the founders, that there exists an inherent benefit to our country when private property and prosperity are secured by natural law and the rights of the individual. As an organization we do not take stances on social issues. We urge members to engage fully on the social issues they consider important and aligned with their beliefs. Source(s): So ; If you read it : Just what do you disagree with in the Tea Party Mission Statement that would make you show your ignorance by using a childish name calling to refer to someone as an insect ? Your bias` media hasn`t shown you this now have they --… -- nor this Mmm, mmm, mmm: .....NJ shuts down Barack Obama Elementary School March 17, 2011 How fitting that a school named after our profligate, post-achievement president is shutting down thanks to fiscal mismanagement and non-achievement.… .. See , a Tea Party member will tell you the truth !!!
Politics - 15 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Iris, you are not a tea partier. You are one of those ignorant Barack Obama loving liberals/.
2 :
Many are big-government rebels.
3 :
wall of text, talk to you later
4 :
As a rich republican CEO, I commend the working class Tea Party for tenaciously defending the rich billionaires like myself so that 99% of America's wealth will rightfully remain in our hands Sincerely, Rick Riche
5 :
Because you lie, you're hypocrites, ...and weaklings. You exploit people but you lie about it. You have neither integrity nor guts....
6 :
Tea party values of creating a Mugabe style right wing dictatorship? No thanks.
7 :
tea these days is more expensive than soda. so there is no reason to buy that stuff.
8 :
The issue is you actually believe in none of those values.
9 :
So this means that you will eliminate all government subsidies? Your primary industries will fail (farmers for example require subsidies to survive) then the rest of the economy will follow. The unbridled capitalism and excessive freedom given to the banking sector have already cause chaos throu8ghout much of the world. You lot just don't learn from experience do you
10 :
I agree with balancing the budget and not spending beyond our means so we don't pass the buck onto future generations. I have been to some of the largest tea party gatherings that have occurred. The people in the crowd are good. I like them a lot. However the corporate @$$ hats running the show are the same as they have ever been. They do not give two $hits about this country or any one in it. All they care about is making more money. I am sorry, but I actually love America and real life Americans. When I see poor people on the streets I feel sorrow not disdain. I have empathy not blind hatred. The tea party is ignorant and lost. I don't believe in the fairy tale bs that that the tea party is trying to sell every one on.
11 :
I am not a fan of glen beck, nascar and beer guts i rest my case...........or mass hysteria created by pure ignorance... but.that's just me
12 :
well I don't support any radical group or movement
13 :
Because we still remember the Holocaust.
14 :
Wrong, they didn't exist while W was spending more than all presidents in our nations history. They simply can't handle a black man with a Muslim name in the white house.
15 :
braindead, or just plain high next ?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Isn't it a joke how America the richest nation in the world has 4 million of it's people without healthcare?

Isn't it a joke how America the richest nation in the world has 4 million of it's people without healthcare?
This is not American bashing but this is one of the biggest travesty's in this country today. It's embarassing that some countries in the world with much less money than the United states can somehow get healthcare for everybody. Others in the world gurantee free healthcare for everyone. But how can a country as rich & properous as America can deprive 4 million of it's own people healthcare? I hope that whoever the next president is will make this a top priority. You could be right phlatulent_phrog. I wouldn't be suprised if it's much more than that.
Current Events - 24 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Cubans life is better.
2 :
I agree with you.
3 :
4 :
Yes, it's been bad for a long time. The system is set up for the rich. I was without healthcare when I was in college. and dental care. that was really bad.
5 :
I wonder if that includes all calculated debts that the US has...which aren't repaid by friendly donations unfortunately.
6 :
i agree. our leaders are too greedy. and selfish. im glad to live here, but just not with those certain people. any new president will be better than our president now anyway.
7 :
We do a very poor job looking out for our older, disabled, low-income, and very young citizens. A strong Puritan ethic, spartian ideas for the poor, a mean spirited stinginess are part of the culture. Also many needy persons are minority and prejudice plays a role.
8 :
Never to fear. Hillary Clinton will help. Oh wait.. Last time she did that was only to get Bill into the white house. And when he got in, it wasn't health care on his mind.
9 :
No..... its worse that America the richest nation in the world invades, takes over and deserts Iraq wiThout giving them even a 30th of Wat the Americans have but killing there friends and family's who may not be terrorists and leaving it to independent body's such as the red cross etc to help the people there... Irish Guy
10 :
Yes I see maybe those people that can't afford healthcare it is pretty expensive ya know and not everyone in the country have the same level of income as richer people do. Not saying you have to be rich just richer than people who can't afford it. I would like to get healthcare myself but can't affor it yet as I've started a new business and haven't started earning income for myself. So theres something you should to account first.
11 :
It IS a joke. There is no reason why our government couldn't make sure EVERY american has basic healthcare that includes routine physicals and basic tests. Insurance was ment to be used when something was wrong but by the time the doctor finally orders the tests that show something, your deduction has been met and your already $1,000's in debt. Will it get fixed? Not as long as americans keep supplying government employees with healthcare. They dont pay for it, so how would they know what it's like to be without!
12 :
It is basically all about whose pockets get lined in the political areana. I am one of millions...not just mere 4 millions...that does have health insurance but it barely covers the barest of needs. My co-pay is $30 per visit. My prescriptions run $10, $30, and $50 depending on the drugs and if they are generic or not and also if the insurance covers them. And in some cases I can not afford to spend $50 per prescription if I get more than one at a time on top of a doctor visit too. It is a shame really that though we have some of the best healthcare in the world that not all of us can get it. It is expensive for one thing and for another getting even a good doctor is another challenge especially for the poor. If the government would not be so caught up in its little games maybe more people would not have to do without the healthcare they need.
13 :
it is no joke to the 40 million
14 :
I agree, healthcare should be available to everyone, and life should be valued above money. But I live in Canada, and we have free healthcare, but it's slow, and we get taxed pretty heavily because of it. And despite our free healthcare, it's not accessible to everyone. If you don't have a healthcard, unless your in critical can't count on any help. Don't feel to bad about your healthcare system, it may not be the best, but wealthy Canadians have actauly travelled abroad to spend lucritive sums of money on healthcare, because it's far to slow in Canada. Theres been people who have gone to the US, and even as far as India in search of prompt service.
15 :
It's not a joke, and it's not a coincidence. If you'd rather live in a country that is like Canada, then move to Canada. I prefer it here.
16 :
Actually, I thought the figure was 37M, but that simply makes the situation even sorrier. If the US wasn't blowing trillions in iraq to God knows what end, think how easily, speedily and completely they could eradicate this sorry state of affairs. I don't mean to America-bash either, but I think the US government (administration?) has a seriously screwed-up sense of priorities.
17 :
yesterday i had to get into a small unpleasant exchange to get a bottle of antiboitics from the emergency rm in a veterans hosp where im suppose to get all the care i need for an absess in mouth-ive read much worse-alot of the medical profession stinks-i dont know how some of those sob's sleep at night -these docs act like they cant be replaced-they can- being in pain is bad enough you shouldnt have threaten someone to get an aspirin
18 :
Who's laughing.... not the people without health care. Have you seen the health care that is given to the people in other countries. It's not very good. Ask some of them don't just see that it's there. To be honest what we as a country make available to indigents and people without health care goes a longer way than most of the countries that do have these health care plans. I know this because a lot of those people come to our country for special surgeries and they have to pay out of pocket for so much. There are times that the health care doesn't see the benefit out weighing the cost. And that is what can happen in America if we don't study this thing well and get it right before we run with it. Look at welfare and social security. ~ I hope that whomever is the next 10 president will implement it then study it do those 2 years studies and blind studies like the pharmaceutical companies do for drug testing and get it right. We help everyone if you don't believe me go to the border and see how many people are trying to get into America... Not one is trying to get out.
19 :
I agree,Canada doesn't have that much money and we have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better healthcare than you guys.
20 :
Scooter, is there another country that has less? let us know so we can go there illegally and get some of their health insurance benefits. :-)
21 :
Health care for everybody IS available. All you need to due is "Get A Job" with benefits, or build a "successful" business and PAY for it. On the other hand there is "Socialized Medicine" in some countries, like Canada. I think THAT is what YOU are interested in. But NOT what you WANT, if you research it. There are very good reasons to keep "Health Care" the way it is, here in the USA. I'm not saying it's "inexpensive", but the quality of "care" is among the best in the World. When "Health Care", becomes "Socialized Medicine", the quality of care goes down fast. And that is only the beginning of your "problems" once you start "Socializing" stuff. Ask yourself,"Who pays for 'socialized medicine'?" Some say, "The Government". So, where does "the Government" get the "money" to pay for it??? TAXES!!! Who pays TAXES? Not the "Mooches" who want "socialized ANYTHING"!!!
22 :
One of the biggest jokes of our time. I have health issues, I have some health insurance if that's what you would like to call it...Here's a sample of my out of pocket monthly... one scrip I pay $73.13 ...2nd one I pay $54. ...3rd one I pay $110. Unfortunately they are not available in generic so the $4. generic plan can't help me. I also have a job. You are dead on about this issue. Politician's today only care about their pockets, not the citizens in this country. Hat's off to Canada!!
23 :
Actually it's a national disgrace. Only the AMA and the pharmaceutical companies enjoy this status quo: a health care business rather than a health care system. And I suppose that the doctors and drug companies are funneling a piece of their profits to our elected bureaucrats--to ensure that we never get socialized medicine. As always, we have the Best Representatives That Money Can Buy. Only the idea of reform is a "joke."
24 :
have you seen a health insurance building? they're huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's because they rip people off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Why is it that flying an American flag is less accepted than claiming ethnicity in the United States?

Why is it that flying an American flag is less accepted than claiming ethnicity in the United States?
(true story) So I get out of my truck, into the gas station, to see a man from India behind the counter. That's a common sight these days, not a big deal. I grab a Mountain Dew 1 liter and head to the counter. "How are you doing today?" He asked. "Just fine, thanks." "So what is that flag on your...antenna? Antenna, right?" "Yeah. It's the American flag." "Oh, so... you are a redneck, right? I think that what they called them. I got a funny E-mail from my cousin.." "Nope, just an American, proud of his country. What's that on your head?" I decided to ask. "It's my dastar." "You mean turban, right?" "Yeah, I-I guess.." "Well, why do you wear it?" "I like to, and it's a symbol of where I come from. It reminds me of home" "Well, The flag on my truck symbolizes where we are right now, America. By the way, if where you came from is home, why did you leave?" "I came here to make money." "Well, there's something I want you to remember. That flag, while you're here, is more important- than where you came from, and I was born in Germany!" He whispered under his breath "Americans....pfff..." Yeah my flag is pretty small, ^^
Other - Society & Culture - 6 Answers
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1 :
Flags don't make very good airborne transportation. What does ethnicity have to do with airborne transportation methods? Although...Arabs have been known to fly carpets. I guess this just isn't my area of expertise, sorry.
2 :
Because we let just anyone and everyone in this country now a days. And let them tell us how we should live. In the USA when we call a company or bank or wherever should we have to choose whether we want English or Spanish or any other language? Should letters from companies be printed on both sides of the paper in different languages, should different copies of the same magazine at the store in different languages. We are in America where English is the official language (supposedly). If you were not born here you are here by CHOICE you need to adapt to the ways of the USA not the USA adapt to your ways.
3 :
Your right. They all hate us. Yet here they are. Go figure.
4 :
Immigrants are fheads
5 :
People migrate for many different reasons.. many people migrated to the US in particular, because their own countries where devastated by the direct outcomes of the actions that the USA instilled upon them. It's easy for Americans to expect migrants to be thankful, but if you put yourselves in their shoes, they figure they have made major moral sacrifices to be where they are and somehow the American people owe them, at least a little. So from where I'm standing, that American flag means very little. Then again I'm in Australia where the sun shines and whilst no one gives a S hit about our own flag we love the ground we walk on.
6 :
The american flasg scares the shit outta me i dont know why.