Sunday, December 1, 2013

Why is it that flying an American flag is less accepted than claiming ethnicity in the United States?

Why is it that flying an American flag is less accepted than claiming ethnicity in the United States?
(true story) So I get out of my truck, into the gas station, to see a man from India behind the counter. That's a common sight these days, not a big deal. I grab a Mountain Dew 1 liter and head to the counter. "How are you doing today?" He asked. "Just fine, thanks." "So what is that flag on your...antenna? Antenna, right?" "Yeah. It's the American flag." "Oh, so... you are a redneck, right? I think that what they called them. I got a funny E-mail from my cousin.." "Nope, just an American, proud of his country. What's that on your head?" I decided to ask. "It's my dastar." "You mean turban, right?" "Yeah, I-I guess.." "Well, why do you wear it?" "I like to, and it's a symbol of where I come from. It reminds me of home" "Well, The flag on my truck symbolizes where we are right now, America. By the way, if where you came from is home, why did you leave?" "I came here to make money." "Well, there's something I want you to remember. That flag, while you're here, is more important- than where you came from, and I was born in Germany!" He whispered under his breath "Americans....pfff..." Yeah my flag is pretty small, ^^
Other - Society & Culture - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Flags don't make very good airborne transportation. What does ethnicity have to do with airborne transportation methods? Although...Arabs have been known to fly carpets. I guess this just isn't my area of expertise, sorry.
2 :
Because we let just anyone and everyone in this country now a days. And let them tell us how we should live. In the USA when we call a company or bank or wherever should we have to choose whether we want English or Spanish or any other language? Should letters from companies be printed on both sides of the paper in different languages, should different copies of the same magazine at the store in different languages. We are in America where English is the official language (supposedly). If you were not born here you are here by CHOICE you need to adapt to the ways of the USA not the USA adapt to your ways.
3 :
Your right. They all hate us. Yet here they are. Go figure.
4 :
Immigrants are fheads
5 :
People migrate for many different reasons.. many people migrated to the US in particular, because their own countries where devastated by the direct outcomes of the actions that the USA instilled upon them. It's easy for Americans to expect migrants to be thankful, but if you put yourselves in their shoes, they figure they have made major moral sacrifices to be where they are and somehow the American people owe them, at least a little. So from where I'm standing, that American flag means very little. Then again I'm in Australia where the sun shines and whilst no one gives a S hit about our own flag we love the ground we walk on.
6 :
The american flasg scares the shit outta me i dont know why.