Saturday, December 28, 2013

Are we doing the right thing by sending all our money and technology to China?

Are we doing the right thing by sending all our money and technology to China?
Another crucial factor in the Latin American leftist resurgence is the assistance of former Soviet officials and other international connections, according to Toby Westerman, editor of International News Analysis and author of Lies, Terror and the Rise of the Neo-Communist Empire — Origins and Direction. Westerman told The New American that a worldwide alliance including Communist China, Islamic fundamentalism, Iran, leftist Latin American rulers and guerrillas, and other forces were all collaborating in a war against the United States, united by their “anti-human, anti-God” ideology. “[The Russians] are running the same game, just slightly different — it’s more of a franchise operation than a central corporate operation, if you will. But if you take Russia out of it, the whole thing collapses.” Indeed, the Russians have been supplying advanced weaponry to regimes like Chavez’. Russian National Security Council Chief Nikolai Patrushev actually attended the most recent ALBA summit last year. And China and Iran have both jumped on the bandwagon as well, cooperating with a variety of unsavory Latin American governments in myriad sectors and projects. “We are creating a new world, a balanced world. A new world order, a multipolar world,” Chavez told reporters during a visit to Communist China, one of many. His “new world order” includes China, Iran, Japan, and a significantly weakened United States, he explained. The United States is being milked while its citizens suffer. For what! So that some corrupt Monopolies can make a fortune. @armchair- I was complaining when Bush was in office. I was one of those who couldn't stand Bush. I'm an Independent not a Republican.
Politics - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
What a stupid question. Of course it is bad!!! Duh, if we didn't do that this country would be better.
3 :
All my money is safe right in my bank.
4 :
We are funding are own future adversary and we will have only ourselves to blame when China gets enough power that it becomes embolden to forcibly retake Taiwan and tries to dominate Asia, it will happen. Make no mistake, we are the sole reason for China's rapid growth in economic power.
5 :
Of course not. We spent the last half of the 20th Century propping up communist countries.
6 :
We are the competitors of other countries. That is why world opinion is a stupid thing to care about. Their opinion is that we do what is best for them, not us.
7 :
Foreign aid is only 1% of our total budget. If we were actually doing what you suggest right now on the technology end (we did it under Bush/Reagan in terms of our patents and technology, and again under Bush/Cheney), we would not currently be in a race with China to be the world's LEADER in alternative energy products (see website). There are more than 40 states in the U.S. with new or refurbished factories busy making alternative-energy products for use at home and for shipment as exports around the world. President Obama and his team of experts have been very busy getting foreign markets more open to receiving our exports, and they have convinced China's government to stop manipulating the yuan (their currency) to put our marketable goods at a disadvantage. Where were you with this complaint when the eight-year reign of terror called Bush/Cheney allowed the trade deficits to SOAR while outsourcing all of our manufacturing jobs? President Obama has been dealing with these problems almost since day one of taking office (see
8 :
This is nothing new. American Business men and women have been sending America to China for years. It is because of our American old timers in Business that we are in this position. Back in the early 30'' and 40's the American Business People were so greedy they hired China workers to make them rich. They moved lumber, metal works, and all types of monopolies to China. Then the product was made in China and sent back to America. Our own Greedy American Business People did this to us. Took jobs from America and gave them the jobs so they could get cheap labor. Un-believable what they did to get cheap labor. Now Karma is bitting them in the azz. But many of them who sold America out, still come to the American soil, so when they die, they have their disloyal azz buried on America dirt.