Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Do you think a woman president will clean up the mess Bush made?

Do you think a woman president will clean up the mess Bush made?
Hillary Clinton is the first female president and more than likely will win and be the first female president ever. It took Bill Clinton to clean up Bush Senior's mess. Do you think Hillary can clean up Bush Jr.'s mess? How will the world see the United States of America if a female president is running the country? Does a woman president show week government? Will Bill Clinton be telling Hillary what to do and essentially be running the show? Will the Democrats clean up the Republic mess? Will we ever get out of the enormous economic debit we have put our country in? How do countries not have as much money as us yet are avail to afford wars? Why have we spent so many Billions on war when the world is starving? Will there be a recount if Hillary does win like in past years? If Hillary wins will that make Bill Clinton the first man or the first woman? LOL . Will Hillary Clinton make the white house pink? If a woman president gets ellected does that mean she will ellect mostly women?
Other - Politics & Government - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Bush is used to having women clean up after him. It would be an excellent campaign slogan for Hillary.
2 :
no way
3 :
Anyone other then Bush, Cheney can clean up this mess we're in.
4 :
No. But she won't be having to deal with the 1000 centrifuges and tons of yellow cake that Bush pulled out of there, either. It will still be a mess. That's the nature of the Middle East.
5 :
The biggest problem with Hillary Clinton is that, to earn the male vote, she has to act like a man... ...effectively becoming a "man in drag" to win. You won't see any real change from what the Democrats have always done recently... ...let the foreign issues slide or be run immaturely until such time as it comes back to bite us in the ass like Somalia, 9/11, the Iran Hostage Crisis, the Gulf of Tonkin, and many of the other wonderful international situations that try and distract the Democrats from funding governmental welfare for their constituency. That's assuming that Obama doesn't split the constituency enough to make sure she looses her party base...
6 :
She might tidy up the white house but certainly not our country.
7 :
I believe she would need Rice with her to make the country on Balance .. Rice is an iron woman .. Hilary seems too easy .. they would make things balance ..
8 :
Seeing pictures of Hillary lately confirmed my suspicion Hillary is a devil woman. I am physically scared of her. And Bill getting blown by Monica Lewinsky didn't help anything either.
9 :
Hillary is unelectable but anyone rich enough to become President has "maids" to do the cleaning up provided they reallty want to.
10 :
It will take 2 or 3 presidents to close Pandora's box.
11 :
Ron Paul can clean up our country by restoring government to it's rightful place under the constitution!
12 :
no way would i ever vote for Hilary c. this is based on her and her husbands fiasco in Arkansas. after people reach middle age they have a difficult time of changing so experience should govern your vote.
13 :
Damn! which question do you want me to answer? just pick one. But of course the Democrat talking points come off better in long unhinged diatribes of mindless unrelated and unfactual accusations. What exactly is the Republican mess? How does starvation and $billions for war make it into the smae breath? How do you spell elect?