Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Are there any U.S.A people out there who are NOT on some type of government assistance?

Are there any U.S.A people out there who are NOT on some type of government assistance?
It seems to me that just about every resident of the United States of America is on some type of government hand-out, assistance, medical program, military, government job, etc. Are there any that just work and make money without Uncle Sam's help? No wonder the country is in so much debt!
Other - Politics & Government - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'm not on any government assistance, except for some student loans which I still owe around $500 on.
2 :
You are wrong my family and I are self sustained. Didn't even touch one of those "cash for clunkers" or any other "free-govt. give away" knowing full well that in the end nothing is free.
3 :
There are a FEW of us out here.
4 :
I have my own business, my wife works for a private company, our son is in private school, we have purchased health insurance for a private firm, I do not have any loans or assistance for the federal government. Guess what. None of the people on my block gobble up the government entitlements. We all work for a living, yet are taxed to pay for the lazy people wanting handouts on the street corner.
5 :
6 :
I do not use welfare or receive government assistance. Right now I have a student loan for this fall but I will pay the money back. As for the military and government jobs such as schooling, cops, FBI, etc I would not view them as leeches. Though I would call the IRS hypocrisy. I use to work at a state job and they would give you a cost of living raise when necessary but like other jobs did not give raises out that much. I now work in a non-state funded job.
7 :
The Tax Code, by definition, is "government assistance" since it gives tax breaks to businesses to ENCOURAGE them to engage in activities that are good for the overall economy....it is LAUGHABLE that some have answered your question "no" yet then gone on to explain they run businesses....fully 3/5ths of businesses in the USA pay no income taxes (legally), so someone else* is picking up "their share" of the expenses involved in running a country. The only way to "just work and make money without Uncle Sam's help" is to do so illegally, silly goose!
8 :
Just so you know, the internet which you are using to complain about government assistance is heavily funded by tax dollars. So it's a bit amusing when someone complains about government assistance by doing so through a technology that could only exist by government assistance.
9 :
I work for a living so no, I am not on assistance.