Friday, February 7, 2014

How can we fix the welfare system?

How can we fix the welfare system?
Not many politicians want to address this, but it's easily the biggest problem in America. The abuse of this system is gross. More kids, more money. No father, more money. Claim the kid is "special," more money. Free formula. Food stamps. Folks, this system was designed to help people get off there feet. I think most people (originally) paid it back. All this system does is recycle poverty, drugs and crime. There is NO REASON you can't make a great living in the United States Of America.....NO REASON. How do we fix this? Why won't politicians address this? One way.....start requiring a drug test before you get the check. Hey Bettercockster! That was a horrible, horrible response. I have every right to whine because I live in a city that is being ruined by welfare. The crime it creates is ruthless. So don't tell me to mind my own business! This is my first step at getting some answers. I plan to be heard.
Other - Politics & Government - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The Welfare System should be set up like Unemployment
2 :
do away with it completely.
3 :
I agree on the drug test also a social worker should check the recipients background to make sure they don't own a Hummer ,MErcedes or a other very expensive new vehicle
4 :
by stating tommorow that in 18 years there will be no more welfare. that gives families time to ween themselves off of it. and every child now born wont be eligible for it so they will have to learn to live without it. working pride is one of the most important things a person can have and when you take that away it destroys the will to survive.
5 :
They don't want to, How about anyone on Welfare , be on a Labor List, available to fill any position , needed by any Govt. Agency for short term Temp.
6 :
Great question. My proposed solution will ruffle the feathers of some people. But here it is: If you are on welfare, the government should trade job training and money for several things. They are as follows: 1) Make these people get out of bed in the morning and report to the local job office. If you have kids, the daycare will be free. They then take the person and they do a community service for 3 to 4 hours per day picking up trash, fixing broken things, painting over grafatti, etc. After lunch, they spend 3 to 4 hours is spent on either getting their GED or some other job training where they can support themselves. 2) They must go on some type of birth control like an implanted IUD or something. You are not taking away their right to have children, but you are suspending it for a while. You have to be able to support what you have and not add onto the expenses. 3) Give them financial counceling to help them budget their money. 4) Give them drug tests. If they fail, the drug laws kick in and they are prosecuted. 5) Give them a time limit to be on it. 5 or 6 years should be a sufficient time to get your life in order. But some people will call me heartless about my proposal.
7 :
I hear what you're saying but here's my take on it, until the government stops bailing out Multi trillion dollar industries like the airline industry by giving them billions of dollars to help them run their companies better, despite their executive managment are making millions in bonuses... I could care less. If you're that passionate about ending welfare then do something about the corporate welfare that we the tax payers ultimately pay for as well. And since we both know that's never going to happen, here's my advice to you. Stop whining and live your life by your standards. If you don't like the city you live in then move. If you want to stay in a dilapidated city and then come on Y/A and give ficticious scenarios on how you would clean it up... then you and that city deserve one another.
8 :
elders and disabled only!
9 :
They could (SHOULD) stop telling the mother if she leaves her husband and take the children that they could help her. (I have been here and heard this said to me) !!!!!!!!!!! They should stop giving it to illegal immigrants. They should provide the poor an affordable and easy way to get education, instead of a promise to cause them to be in debt by paying these ridiculously high monthly loans, that take forever to pay back. Start helping the poor working families. not dividing them. Provide for them ways to " obtain their American Dream " Bob I agree with some of what you say, except for # 2. This I would agree to the more children the more hours of work.
10 :
first, empty the country of illegals by jailing those who hire them. second, require everyone who gets any assistance to do SOMETHING to earn it... disabled? stuff envelopes... illiterate? get your lazy a** back in school and become useful lazy? too bad, tyrone, the gravy train just de-railed. i find it amazing that we have millions on welfare, who claim they can't get a job, and the newspaper runs ads every day BEGGING for help... and no one ever mentions it. if you do, you're a racist. wrong, wrong, wrong. to fix it: never vote for another democrat as long as you live.
11 :
Just be nice about it. Give them all 60 days to get thier lives together. At the end of that 60 days present them with a choice. Either become self supporting of yourself......Or chose a country to move to.Try then to get a free ride there.....
12 :
There is always going to be welfare in this country. If you just do the numbers of how many people versus jobs. Also, take into account that this use to be a factory working country and those jobs are leaving the country. The majority of people on welfare in this country are in Cali. and NY. ( The biggest recipients of welfare are single women of with one child and of white descent. The average stint on welfare is 18 months ( The children have no control and should not be punished. Welfare is such a small portion of our nation budget its not even worth debating. That is why you never hear it brought up by congressmen , because the cost is so low. America needs to take a good look and stop raising prices and killing our own country. Without welfare I think crime would go up.
13 :
do away with it...
14 :
I deal with this allllll the time in my job. First off, those that keep having kids- in MY WORLD- those kids would be adopted out by parents that can afford them. I'm tired of breeders that treat their kids like junk, only because it increases their monthly stipend. Then- mandatory drug testing Next- Job within 2 years and to show proof that they are job hunting weekly, even if its McDonalds. They need to actually work. Ppl get too used to laying on their butts. Next-Native Americans and their monthly stipends. That is unreal, I'm sorry but its only increasing their drug and alcohol abuse. I lived in a high population of Native Americans, and what the government is enabling them to do by supplying them with bimonthly stipends is definately not advancing them. You did not want to be out on the road when they recieved their checks, it wasn't safe. The government has created a monster with this welfare system, it torks me off daily when I see these mom's pregnant, smoking, drinking, don't give a rip about their inutero baby and I have to ultrasound it, knowing its just a money machine. Its sad.