Monday, April 28, 2014

Based on voting working people support Hillary as well as Honest Businesses?

Based on voting working people support Hillary as well as Honest Businesses?
No Oil Companies, etc. After tomorrow's WINs on many key states, Hillary Needs Money. I think we are regular people should donate to Hillary and make sure the People voices are heard. Hillary the candidate for the PEOPLE OF the United States of America not the Special Interest w/big pockets. That is why Obama is getting money to try to defeat the people's candidate. That is why the old establishment people like Loser Kerry and Drunk Kenndy suppot Obama (even though he claims he's the one for change) Do you think people's donation can make a difference? Only serious answers please.
Elections - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Statistically, 50 % of all people in the US don't like Hilary and don't trust Bill. Obama is an unknown, but for some, he's a better bet, has more new ideas and is someone they would like to see leading the country. I personally think that he and Hilary will work out some kind of deal so they both can enjoy the money, fame and power. Obama is a now a real political player and the Clinton machine will have to listen.
2 :
Yes, I hope that my donation will make a difference in keeping any Clinton out of the White House
3 :
I donated for Obama, sorry, and i'm one of those ''working people''.
4 :
Thats a biased topic name -_- I'm a working person and I support Obama, its just that the older generations are considered "the working group" and most of them are too stubborn to accept that we might have a black president. Its to the point where they dont want either candidate in but they'd rather have a woman then a black guy. Sad huh?
5 :
Only if it's spent wisely. Unfortunately, they're all scrambling and not making the best decisions right now. I'm a conservative republican and we're not doing any better.
6 :
And why are you spamming and trying to hide it as a question.If you wont to raise money for her do it some place else.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Since Obaama is an Enemy of the State, what does that make Pelosi?

Since Obaama is an Enemy of the State, what does that make Pelosi?
First, let's review some of the "accomplishments of this imported Kenyan/indonesian, U.N. pandering Kenyan surrogate president: (1) Some unknown Kenyan comes to the United States with no natural U.S. citizenship status and manages to be elected surrogate President. (2) A bunch of MTV CSNBC type of lib media trash manage to get a "tingly feeling" running up and down the collective legs of the democrats. (3) He manges to get elected inspite of his cohorts at Freddie and Fanny managing corrupt the banking system. (3) One of his main puppetmistresses, N. Pelosi, is a known anti-American traitor. (4) His aunt is an illegal alien who has the alien gall, like her nephew, to fight her deportation in Boston. (5) He calls the United States an arrogant country in plain view of out enemies across the globe. (6) He has undermined the security of the Unted States by printing money in order to devaluate U.S. currency. (7) He is guilty of extorsion by forcing individual states to accept devalued "stimulus" money and forcing them to relinquish their individual rights, which is a flagrant violation of the U.S. Constitution. (8) He is guilty of the government attempt to take over private business in the United States. (9) He is guilty of jeopardizing the security and the coallition between the United States and Israel. (10) Obaama, and his corhort concubine Nancy Pelosi, are guilty of aiding and abetting the enemies of America in the mid-east. Lol. F.y.i... the United States is far past having evidence for impeachment.
Elections - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
His sidekick.
2 :
In your dreams. Go write a novel
3 :
If Satan could ever take the form of a female....its her.
4 :
Republicans' desperation is obvious: Republican Congressman Spencer Bachus from Alabama claims 17 socialists are serving in Congress. Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann (Minn.) said she wants residents of her state "armed and dangerous." Republican Gov. Rick Perry hinted that Texas might secede. Republican Boozella C says Nancy Pelosi loves rapists.
5 :
A pathetic middle aged desperate ignorant transvestite who is power hungry and trying to control every penny WORKING Americans make. She is a terrorist a Nazi and a traitor. I hope she gets what she deserves here on earth AND in Hell with Frank, Obama, and the rest of the monsters and rapists she loves.
6 :
Normal people do not believe this crap. What does that tell you?
7 :
One seriously deranged fugly bitch.
8 :
Do you use a name brand or just a generic aluminum foil to line the inside of your pointy hat?
9 :
someone needs to start site that's a spin off of AMW (America's most wanted) called AMC America's most corrupt Nancy Polesi Barney Frank Chris Dodd Harry Reid AL Franken Barack Obama **********etc.
10 :
except according to the government he's not, It's the people that are against him that are the enemy
11 :
Obama isn't an "enemy of the state", he's the President of the United States of America
12 :
They are BOTH enemys of the USA!
13 :
Are they paying you to spread these lies or do you do it for free? Is it worth selling out your credibility, your integrity, and your honor for their measly little bit of cash? Does it feel good? Why didn't your parents teach you to be honest?
14 :
answering questions 1) - 10): correct.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Its the end of the world as we know it, and I'm feeling fine.?

Its the end of the world as we know it, and I'm feeling fine.?
I strongly believe that the United States of America, my home, is going to go through another depression. We heavily rely on oil to fuel our cars, make our tables, run the machines that make everything you see around you, and much much more. Without oil, we have a million new problems to fix. Although fixing those problems now and before are/were good ideas, the government has chose to go into a war to get more oil, rather then to find many MANY alternatives or find ways to use it less. That is facts, yes there is hybrid cars that run on electricity, but it also takes oil to make the electricity, as well as all the car parts. Believe me we haven't done nearly enough. My point is, the US has spent nearly a trillion dollars on the war, yes a trillion.... 1000 billions, and is.. get ready for it.. ---> Approximately 13 TRILLION Dollars in debt (Sourced), to other countries, and much much more in promised benefits such as social security and others. Maybe you remember all of America's money being backed up in gold at places such as Fort Knox, well that ended a long time ago if you haven't heard. It's now backed up in "The promise of the American Government". But, as always with a promise, sometimes you just, simply, cannot complete it. Like if you promised a relative you would see them, but you missed your flight, there is nothing you can do. Same with the government. So now, the countries that we borrowed from "China, Russia, and a few others", are probably going to want that money back. If the do ask for it back, and we can't pay them. America is not going to just say "Oh, yeah invade our country and take all our stuff". No, America will do whatever it can to survive, even if it means getting the nation mad at the other countries by making them look bad, when all they want to do is collect their money back. I'm not saying I'm on either side, all I am saying is things should be fair. BUT ONTO THE SURVIVAL If the world does go crazy, we need to preserve the good things (much like the doomsday vault), so I will try my best to survive, like evolution suggests, and make a time capsule and bury it so future generations can better understand our history. What are you going to do to survive the (possible) economic collapse? Personally, I am going to live on a farm, grow my own food, away from big cities, because if the food supply runs out, people will raid farms. Supplies I am going to buy before this all happens, and their estimated prices- Stockpiled amounts of seeds- $200 A book about Biology (To study, and put in the time capsule), I prefer the Campell and Reese one, it is very detailed and is the book used in my AP class- $150 Books on how to grow crops, make soap, make toothpaste (if possible, otherwise stockpile toothpaste), treat wounds, survive in the wilderness, hunt, fish, and survive on a limited income, I know this is quite a list but it will be worth it- $500? maybe around there. A good rope, for rope bridges, and many other things, so very very useful- $150-$200 Bullet-proof vest, I hope it NEVER have to use it, but it could happen- $800 or (approx $2400 with specialized plates). Probably pick the $800 one if I can't get enough money. A complete ACU, BDU, black camo, and hunting outfits- $900, I could use these for hunting, surviving hard times, and other things, NOTE- I would never impersonate someone in the military, they are used by the military and can be purchased, they are VERY reliable. Hunting materials (traps, nets, etc...)- $400 maybe? Hunting Rifles- 2 rifles at about $1,200 each for all accessories. ($2,400) I won't name brands tho. A Pellet gun is quiet and useful for small game- $80 Rosetta Stone- A language software program, for one language its approx $700, I might get 2 but am planning on one at the moment, French or Spanish, just incase I have to go to Canada or Mexico. Clothes, jeans, shirts, sweaters (A good sweater can save lives), and a good jacket- $600? This next item is more of a luxury, but, a really good rifle- Check out the second link in the source section. It is approx $6,500 for the gun and bunch of accessories, it is low maintenance as well. I do play COD and if you do you might notice it is VERY similar to the CheyTac Intervention system. I would never shoot anyone with this gun, I don't think it would get that bad, but I would have a shotgun and/or pistol for self defense, don't go trollin on me :). Target practice and hunting are what I would use it for. And just the fact that its a sexy gun :) Other stuff I might need- $800 (Notebooks, house supplies, little stuff) It adds up to about (Based on math from notebook earlier)- $12 or like $5-6 without the rifle. That's, at minimum wage, and 40 hours a week, 48 weeks of work (1 year about). I am 17 at the moment and jobless What are your thoughts and recommendations? To curious, I tried to state that I know life isnt COD, I mean if anyone plays COD then tries to buy a gun, its like EVERYONE thinks there immature and going to try and shoot people. Its exactly opposite, my addiction to guns has led me to COD, not the opposite way. I love bows, arrows, guns, knives, hunting, and killing (not humans of course). Its just my personality. Its a fine gun tho. Thanks man
Psychology - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We're already in a depression. I do think it is the beginning of WW3, and global warming is taking it's toll. I give it another 50-100 years. As for planning, that's smart, but I just take it as it comes, Id rather die anyway than live like some weird hermit like that book The Road, I think it's called. Where they eat babies and everyone's dying of cancer. Who wants that?
2 :
first off, I think it's great that you're thinking of this because it may be necessary some day. Don't know about soon, but maybe. Another thing is, I don't know how accurate your numbers are concerning prices. I mean if you think you need rope to build rope bridges that's fine but you will need a LOT for it. You know? Though it seems like you've done your research. Also, I hate to tell you this but life will never be COD. I wouldn't recommend looking at guns and such based on a video game. I think at 17 you can get a job. So if you are so sure this is going to happen, then maybe you should get on getting that money soon, because prices only go up. Don't be offended of my critical way of saying my opinion. Hope I helped.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How to survive the possible Economic Collapse?

How to survive the possible Economic Collapse?
I strongly believe that the United States of America, my home, is going to go through another depression. We heavily rely on oil to fuel our cars, make our tables, run the machines that make everything you see around you, and much much more. Without oil, we have a million new problems to fix. Although fixing those problems now and before are/were good ideas, the government has chose to go into a war to get more oil, rather then to find many MANY alternatives or find ways to use it less. That is facts, yes there is hybrid cars that run on electricity, but it also takes oil to make the electricity, as well as all the car parts. Believe me we haven't done nearly enough. My point is, the US has spent nearly a trillion dollars on the war, yes a trillion.... 1000 billions, and is.. get ready for it.. ---> Approximately 13 TRILLION Dollars in debt (Sourced), to other countries, and much much more in promised benefits such as social security and others. Maybe you remember all of America's money being backed up in gold at places such as Fort Knox, well that ended a long time ago if you haven't heard. It's now backed up in "The promise of the American Government". But, as always with a promise, sometimes you just, simply, cannot complete it. Like if you promised a relative you would see them, but you missed your flight, there is nothing you can do. Same with the government. So now, the countries that we borrowed from "China, Russia, and a few others", are probably going to want that money back. If the do ask for it back, and we can't pay them. America is not going to just say "Oh, yeah invade our country and take all our stuff". No, America will do whatever it can to survive, even if it means getting the nation mad at the other countries by making them look bad, when all they want to do is collect their money back. I'm not saying I'm on either side, all I am saying is things should be fair. BUT ONTO THE SURVIVAL If the world does go crazy, we need to preserve the good things (much like the doomsday vault), so I will try my best to survive, like evolution suggests, and make a time capsule and bury it so future generations can better understand our history. What are you going to do to survive the (possible) economic collapse? Personally, I am going to live on a farm, grow my own food, away from big cities, because if the food supply runs out, people will raid farms. Supplies I am going to buy before this all happens, and their estimated prices- Stockpiled amounts of seeds- $200 A book about Biology (To study, and put in the time capsule), I prefer the Campell and Reese one, it is very detailed and is the book used in my AP class- $150 Books on how to grow crops, make soap, make toothpaste (if possible, otherwise stockpile toothpaste), treat wounds, survive in the wilderness, hunt, fish, and survive on a limited income, I know this is quite a list but it will be worth it- $500? maybe around there. A good rope, for rope bridges, and many other things, so very very useful- $150-$200 Bullet-proof vest, I hope it NEVER have to use it, but it could happen- $800 or (approx $2400 with specialized plates). Probably pick the $800 one if I can't get enough money. A complete ACU, BDU, black camo, and hunting outfits- $900, I could use these for hunting, surviving hard times, and other things, NOTE- I would never impersonate someone in the military, they are used by the military and can be purchased, they are VERY reliable. Hunting materials (traps, nets, etc...)- $400 maybe? Hunting Rifles- 2 rifles at about $1,200 each for all accessories. ($2,400) I won't name brands tho. A Pellet gun is quiet and useful for small game- $80 Rosetta Stone- A language software program, for one language its approx $700, I might get 2 but am planning on one at the moment, French or Spanish, just incase I have to go to Canada or Mexico. Clothes, jeans, shirts, sweaters (A good sweater can save lives), and a good jacket- $600? This next item is more of a luxury, but, a really good rifle- Check out the second link in the source section. It is approx $6,500 for the gun and bunch of accessories, it is low maintenance as well. I do play COD and if you do you might notice it is VERY similar to the CheyTac Intervention system. I would never shoot anyone with this gun, I don't think it would get that bad, but I would have a shotgun and/or pistol for self defense, don't go trollin on me :). Target practice and hunting are what I would use it for. And just the fact that its a sexy gun :) Other stuff I might need- $800 (Notebooks, house supplies, little stuff) It adds up to about (Based on math from notebook earlier)- $12 or like $5-6 without the rifle. That's, at minimum wage, and 40 hours a week, 48 weeks of work (1 year about). I am 17 at the moment and jobless What are your thoughts and recommendations?
Conservation - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
-Don't stockpile too many seeds- they won't grow after a couple years in storage. Find out how to gather your own seeds from plants you already grew. Got to be a book on it somewhere. -AK 47's are really durable and only 4-500. They will take down anything you're hunting or needing to protect yourself against unless you live in grizzly country. Don't forget to get plenty of ammo- by the case is cheapest. 50 Cal. are fun but overpriced and would do much more damage to anything than really needs to be done. -Dry, clean, cold wood ash is good for brushing your teeth with. Make sure to rinse well or lye will form and burn you. You do need lye to make soap though, so can get it from soaking wood ash overnight. -A $4 coat from the Salvation Army saved my life as I spent 2 days along the road in N. Dakota in a blizzard once. Forget about fashion statements if the world is ending, just get what you need to keep warm. Get something that looks too nice and someone will want to kill you for it.
2 :
Well, it looks like you have put a lot of thought into your plan. I would, however, suggest that you make some modifications. It makes sense to take reasonable precautions, but your thinking is a bit extreme. If the US debt collectors come calling, they are not going to carve up the country looking for their share. I think it is much more likely that they would ask for a more aggressive repayment schedule. This would involve dramatic reductions in a lot of sectors: military, social security, basic services, etc ... This would be a lot smarter and would give them a much better return than liquidating US assets and getting a "pennies on the dollar" re-numeration. Such a scenario will play out over the next decades, not years. Even if the US economy does completely collapse, it is not going to be complete anarchy. You will still have some producers making food, clothing, etc ... It might involve some pretty lean years. But to address your purchases, here are my suggestions: Farming: Good choice, but where are you going to get the farm? Are you just going to put a stake in the ground and start plowing? Last time I looked, most of the land in the US was already spoken for. That is unless you were planning to take it forcefully, which dramatically increases your risk. I think a better idea would be to go into agricultural studies and try to become a farming assistant. That way, in an agricultural or basic economy, your skills become much more valuable. Stockpile of seeds: are we talking about nuclear winter here? Unless you are talking about a global cataclysm, there are probably going to be plenty of seeds lying on the ground. Skip this. Books on biology, hunting, farming: a little knowledge never hurts ... make sure you read them though. Rope: can't see anything wrong here. Make sure one of your books tells you how to use it. Bullet-proof vest, $6500 gun: ok, this is getting into crazy land now. If people start going crazy and killing each other, then this looks like a good investment. I think it is highly doubtful. Skip this unless you really think the economic apocalypse is going to turn into a zombie apocalypse. Or if you are crazy enough to think that deers are packing heat ... Hunting stuff: go ahead, but start learning how to use it. Find yourself a hunting buddy and start learning how to hunt before the economic meltdown hits. There is only so much about hunting that you can learn from a book. Even if the world doesn't end, you have found yourself a hobby. Rosetta Stone stuff: a little knowledge never hurts. This is fine. But don't count on using it for an economic apocalype scenario. The mexicans aren't going to be coming up to take your land. Clothing: never hurts to be prepared. Some stuff that I think you missed ... Water purification tablets. These are good on an emergency basis. Clean water can sometimes be hard to find. A knife. Maybe this is assumed if you are going hunting, but it is not on your list. This is necessary for cleaning your kills. Emergency gear. This includes a first aid kit. Good to have in any scenario. Multi-tool like a swiss army knife. At least get a screw driver. All-in-all, I would say go ahead and increase your knowledge. Getting some survival skills and having some emergency supplies on hand might save your or somebody else's life someday. I would suggest, however, not to go overboard. The world isn't going to end, so don't live your life in fear. It doesn't make any sense to plan your economic future on a worst case scenario.