Tuesday, September 14, 2010

why don't the united states of America gets its oil from Alaska instead of the middle east?

why don't the united states of America gets its oil from Alaska instead of the middle east?
it just makes more sense since Alaska is a state in the usa and the do have the Alaska oil pipe line pumping oil into the states why not just use it's own oil instead of giving it to the middle east some body told me America has enough of it's own oil for the next 500 years. Why not use our oil until we can think of a better way to fuel our homes? not giving money to the middle will stop the war would it not?
Politics - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Because it is far too expensive.
2 :
we are getting oil from Alaska but it's expensive to get it to the US mainland
3 :
We get a lot of our oil from Alaska. That's what the pipeline is for. We also get a lot from Texas, but they charge just as much as the Arabs. I guess Texaco is trying to destroy our economy too. Also, there are other ways to stop the war. For instance, we could put the troops on planes and fly them home, or send them to Afghanistan to get bin Laden.
4 :
Because it would cost the United States Way too much, with the upkeep of the pipelines and security. Also, America is trying to expand to all parts of the world for natural resources and oil, which is very abundant in the Middle East, Africa, and parts of Asia. So after they seize all the oil in the middle East(which is said to be sitting on about $5 trillion worth) then their next targets are going to be certain African nations, then eventually Asia.
5 :
Same with all the oil in LA that they now want to tap into. Because we would rather pollute other countries than our own. And we are too lazy to go without luxuries and deal with the altertative options that may ask us to give a little. We have become a lazy, spoiled country that has forgotten what it means to go without. In short, we have forgotten what all those who sacrificed and gaves their lives for so we could raise a generation of lazy, spoiled, overweight brats.
6 :
This question is best directed at all of the tree huggers in the Congress.
7 :
We get a lot of oil from Alaska. Alaska is the third largest oil producing state in the US but because of the conditions and the depth of the fields in Alaska it is extremely expensive to drill there. Currently the US has about a 10 year oil reserve in place. The US imports 60% of all oil consumption (Canada, Mexico, and Saudi Arabia being the 3 largest sources).
8 :
Alaska is for a reserve use ONLY. When everything gone bad in the Middle East, and the oil access there is short, than Alaska will be used. Why use your reserves when you have others fields to use?
9 :
Because it is not environmentally safe and against the law to drill in national reservoirs. This is exactly what the oil companies want... they are going to keep making record profits and not lower the price of gas until the public outcry demands we drill in Alaska... for them to get richer then when that oil runs out, we are in the same exact place.