Friday, July 1, 2011

What are you doing to make it through the 21st century's great depression?

What are you doing to make it through the 21st century's great depression?
Are the republicans trying to dig a hole straight through to China so we can ask them to borrow us some more money? Is the solution to America's problems to make life in America so horrible that people will eventually leave for residence in another land? Since out government is currently doing nothing for the people of the united states, why must we wait until the election to put someone else in the white house? why can't we do it right now? Isn't that proof that we are just a bunch of lazy Americans? Wouldn't active Americans hold the election today?
Politics - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If we ever have a great depression, I'll make sure to let you know how I make it through. But seeing as how we are not even in a recession, let alone being anywhere near a depression, this question really has no relevance.
2 :
Voting a straight Democratic ticket. This is the only real change that we need. At least they answer questions. The lies are catching up to the other party.
3 :
well when we hit depression i will let you know, which depending on who gets in office might happen. our choices are welfare reform or government controlled health care which will be similar to the welfare medical card only controlled a little more by the government than it already is.
4 :
Well, the people are really being fed too many lies to be counted on right now. So my plan at the moment is just to survive first and foremost. Survival is always the first step. If things get to the worst possible point that they possibly can get to, I don't care if I have to go out and dig up worms to get a meal, I will do it if I need to. As well, if I have to resort to making an igloo out of dirt, so be it. My family is made up of survivors and we will tuff it out in even the worst case scenarios. Once you lay the foundation for surviving and getting by, you can get back on your feet.
5 :
No it is not proof that we are just a bunch of lazy Americans. Degrade yourself I work my ass off. Support three kids on a single family income and refuse to use welfare. I have it in my feelings that there are enough smart people in America to pull this situation out of where it is . We need some recreation in this country and have come to rely to much on others even though we are the supporters. Unfortunate we still have a change of command to go threw , good things come to those who wait.We are formidable above all We are Americans. We lose faith in that and we have lost ourselves.We pulled threw the last situation like this we will pull threw this one. "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." "Abraham Lincoln"November 19, 1863
6 :
If we have a depression which won't happen if McCain gets into office, if Obama Hussein gets into office I have no clue what I am going to do.
7 :
Bush should have been impeached a long time ago, if it weren't were the lazy and traitorous Dems we elected to do that. If the economy collapses and martial law suspends our civil rights, then we won't have elections.
8 :
The Republicans have been leading us down the path toward another Great Depression for a long time -- at the very least since Richard Nixon turned our health care over to HMO's and Ronald Reagan deregulated the banks (the latter being probably the greatest cause of today's crisis besides the expensive overindulgence of our military.) What am I doing about it? With regards to politics and the election, I'm doing my part, not only by supporting Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress in the way I feel all adult citizens should (voting) but also by giving of my time and money. I have donated to the campaigns, attended gatherings and written letters to my local newspapers. (I've had about 7 letters published in recent months.) I spent time this past weekend in a phone bank, actually a volunteer "phone-house party," calling Democrats in swing states and asking them to give their time to the new-voter registration drive. I wear my "Got Hope?" tee shirt whenever I go out in public, my house has a Barack Obama sign in front (I just got another sign for Senator Lautenburg, the NJ Democratic Senator running for re-election) and my car has a bumper sticker with the same slogan. And I'm talking to people. I've even turned one person around: an old friend from high school with whom I've become re-acquainted over the last year, who is against the war, but is an evangelical Christian who WAS planned to vote for McCain because he believed the lying claims that Barack Obama is a Muslim. I had many long talks with him about the fact that Barack Obama is a Christian, comparing the lies to the 2004 lies about John Kerry, and sealed the deal when I told him what I had learned in "Dreams from my Father," and especially about the sermon that Barack spoke about fervently in that book, a heartfelt sermon from the Old Testament about the Audacity of Hope. Whenever he says that he supports Barack, he brings up the way I described Barack's passion for Christianity as proven by that very Christian sermon that Barack related in that book. My friend is now actively supporting Barack Obama, as he should, being as Barack agrees with my friend's position on the war, and being as his one reason for opposing Barack was a lie. There's another side to your question however... What am I doing personally, to protect myself? I'm employed full time, of course, and am balancing my time carefully over work, volunteerism/activism for the Obama campaign, family, and my other great effort: I am in the process of writing a book that I fully expect will be published in a few years and relieve some of the financial burdens the current administrations have left on me. It is a work of fiction, a "thriller novel," one with many political and religious underlying themes that, at the same time, is a page-turner that will interest most readers and I am confident will be a sucess. The act of writing also requires me to read, which I do avidly. My first draft (750 pages, about 200,000 words which I will cut down in my later drafts) is complete. I expect to be finished in about 2 years. I also do volunteer work for my (very liberal) Unitarian Universalist church. So let's see... I work full time, I commute, I volunteer, I read, I write, I help my daughter with her schoolwork and make time for family and chores as well. But I must be lazy... because I'm a liberal. :-) I admit, I do try to squeeze in a few hours of sleep after all that. I agree that Bush should have been removed from office long ago. Unfortunately very few members of our House of Representatives (the honorable Rep Dennis Kucinich leading them) have the guts to stand up for what's right.