Thursday, July 14, 2011

What should be the fate of illegal aliens found in the United States?

What should be the fate of illegal aliens found in the United States?
Most of the illegals from Mexico are poorly educated by American standards. Because of this, they compete for jobs with those Americans who are least able to fend for themselves. * Because they frequently work under the table and are paid in cash, few pay income taxes, and the businesses that hire them pay no employment taxes. This gives businesses that hire illegals an unfair competitive advantage over those businesses that obey the law. * Those who do get a regular job, do so with fraudulent identification. This can have dire consequences for those who have their identities stolen. It also provides a path for illegals to get government services they are not entitled to. * Much of the money earned by illegals is shipped back to their home countries, thus it is not recycled into the U.S. economy where its use would provide jobs for other Americans. * Even though these illegals send much of their money home, they consume food, shelter, and other amenities in America. Basic economic theory states that when aggregate demand rises in relation to aggregate supply, prices rise. * Because they dilute the labor pool - again, based on economic theory - they lower wages for those lower-class Americans who can find work. * Illegal aliens create a great burden on our healthcare system. With no insurance and little money, they frequently use emergency rooms in place of a primary care physician. Because they are illegal, they are untraceable, and canĂ¢€™t be forced to pay their bills. * And, worst of all, is the fact that low-level employees do not create jobs, they fill them. That means that for every illegal alien who is working in the United States, one American who desperately needs a job is not. Mexico keeps a large contingent of its military on its southern border to stop illegal immigration from other countries. Believe it or not, there are populations who see Mexico as an economic powerhouse and would love to live there. Guatemalans, for instance, can make twice as much money picking coffee in Mexico as they can in their home country. Mexican authorities routinely round them up at gunpoint, hold them overnight and - if they canĂ¢€™t prove they have a right to be in the country - ship them back home. This might seem a little harsh by American standards,
Immigration - 16 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Give them that job you don't want! and refuse to do, and will never stoop down to do.
2 :
We are a country governed by law. Deport lawbreakers. This country cannot sustain its standard of living if we keep letting everyone who wants to come here in. We are going to have an overpopulation crisis sooner than later.
3 :
The company I work for has some of the crappiest jobs know to man, Americans are glad to do them and we don't pay well at all. Economy is in the crapper, and it won't better by hiring border jumpers. I've still yet to find a job Americans won't do, it' might be out there, but I have not found it yet.
4 :
There's no excuse for being here illegally. Deport them and never allow them back.
5 :
refer back to presidents hoover, truman & eisenhower. in total they deported 20 million illegals so americans could have a job especially the war veterans. eisenhower alone deported 13 million. it took 2 years to do it but he had the guts to do it. the problem will not be solved by playing patsy, you do what is necessary
6 :
Depend on what they are doing. I had a good friend in Australia that was deported and he was a hard worker but rules were rules. My view on rules like that, its rubbish. Hard working people earn the right to live in The United States in my oppinion ones that dont work hard and feed on the system and dont give back should be kicked out. Personaly I want to become a US Marine but cant without becoming legal so in cases like that I think the government should also help people like me so we could also give back to the land of the free and the home of the brave.
7 :
I have a solution that would solve many problems at the same time. It's called the UNITED STATES FOREIGN LEGION. Round up all illegal aliens AND their families, and conscript them into the Foreign Legion. Rotate them to Iraq and Afghanistan for a period of 6 years. If they survive then they can take a citizenship exam, demonstrate proficiency in ENGLISH, and become US citizens. Those that desert, are shot. Those that disobey an order from an officer are shot. Those that display cowardice in the face of the enemy are shot. Those aliens that are SERIOUS about becoming US citizens will jump at the chance to serve this country and gain their papers. The scum that come here for a free ride will run like the vermin they are back underneath what ever rock they crawled out from. The up side is with all the Legionaries overseas, we can re-deploy our forces on the border to keep future criminals out!
8 :
They should be deported.
9 :
They need to be fined have all their posesions confiscated and give to the homeless and they need to be deported.
10 :
Give them amnesty so that they can become legal and improve their standard of living!
11 :
12 :
We should kick every last one of them out and we should have a big smile on our faces as we do it! Before doing so, smart investors would buy property in places like Santa Ana, Los Angeles, Riverside, Garden Grove, as property values would skyrocket in these areas once the illegals are gone. These places could then return to being the nice neighborhoods they once were and you could walk on the street without fear of being raped by an illegal regardless if you are a man or women. You could also walk your dog without fear of it being raped by an illegal. Once the illegals are gone we could try to do our best to weed out the illegal supporters.
13 :
Like Joel W said in one word: DEPORTATION!
14 :
Send them to Haiti to work on the reconstruction.
15 :
Kick them all out if they aren't already leaving in droves.
16 :
ET wanted to go home, The Alien just devoured people but never came to Earth, Superman played the good boy