Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why don't Americans come together to make a better America?

Why don't Americans come together to make a better America?
If I were president here is what I would do.... I would use Government funds to pay every American employer to give all their employees time off for 2 weeks in order to gather together and all meet together, all 300 Million Americans! Then with EVERY American together we will openly share HOW WE ALL can make America better! We will have voluntary family collective farms to grow America's food production, we will share in non-work related ways to make America stronger by composing songs and poetry, we will all sweep floors, build windmills, all the American people.... During this joint coordinated effort, we will use Govt money to pay for the loss of income for everyone not at work.... Then we will have a civilian army recruiting, a BIG Expo for the WHOLE AMERICA! That we the people of the United States working for the greater good of our country as one people and learn to be this way from now on.
Politics - 4 Answers
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1 :
(fart noise)
2 :
so young, so naive..
3 :
good luck with that. for a start not everyone is gonna believe in the same things
4 :
Thinking about others instead of following a party's doctine is "un-american" (according to politicians).

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why does President Bush want to Destroy the United States?

Why does President Bush want to Destroy the United States?
I thought this was conspiracy theory but it seems to becoming a reality...this is a Conservative website by the way... What is happening to this administration?...I know they're all money hungry SOB's that really don't care about the civil rights of Americans but to sell out our country and its sovereignty? I am shocked that at a time where the GOP speaks of national terrorism threats and how UNSAFE we all are...they would have our borders open for anybody to roll into America with any kind of terrorist objectives....What happened to making OUR borders safer and stronger? If you think illegal immigration is bad now, MY God, I can't imagine what it would be like then...We'll lose our national identity within years, not decades...I can't see how you radical cons can still support this President...and you guys call us traitors & communists???
Politics - 36 Answers
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1 :
He wants to destroy the US because it will speed up the rapture. same reason Chistians wanted to remake Isreal
2 :
I'm not sure destroying the United States is the goal, but rather promote self and his kind in spite of the danger to the rest of the Country. Selfish greedy dictator...
3 :
You ain't never lied. You said a mouth full.
4 :
The panel would not loke for us to say what we think. So I will say, ask President Bush.
5 :
Hooyah! My "Tin Foil" stocks hit a new all time high! Keep it up! Oh, and thanks for the 2 points!
6 :
Because he is selfish and doesn't care about what the American people want. He only cares about what he wants. I voted for the guy both terms and regret it terribly. However, I don't think that he ran against strong Democratic candidates. Kerry scared me.
7 :
because it's become a haven for nitwit liberals, commies and mexicans. we have to take back our country! GLOBAL WARMING NOW! HEY! GLOBAL WARMING NOW!
8 :
You're an idiot. He doesn't want to destroy the united states. Anyone who actually believes this garbage deserves to be in a movie with Robin Williams.
9 :
Maybe he's planning on retiring to Mexico.. ;-)
10 :
Because Christians are no longer a majority, and Bush wants to carry out God's plan of killing anyone who isn't Christian.
11 :
I don't think Bush wants to destroy this Country... -He just doesn't have a CLUE as to how to run it.
12 :
duh. bush used up all their money so now they goin 4 money instead of our cilvil rights and stuff. everybody HATES bush.hes a big fat b**** motha******!!!!!!!!!!hes a many terrorists r comin over and thats y everyone is dyin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 :
Why are Liberals destroying America? Good question.
14 :
Your question is ridicules.
15 :
he isn't. i have a lot of respect for the president. i believe he is doing a very good job and will go down as one of the best presidents this country has had. he is doing amazing things to keep this country running and make it better for the people. some people only see the negative things. i agree that he isn't perfect..but look at his job. i mean come on, its got to be the most stressful thing in the world to have the most powerful country in the world under your power. he has alot to do and i think he is doing good with the war. if he were to take the troops out of iraq then the war would be here and we would have even more terrorism. look at it that way.
16 :
Bush is incredibly bad news for the US. I read an article the other day that stated the Administration is going ahead with plans to scrap the US dollar in favor the the Amero, a new North American currency that has apparently already been printed up in England and boxed in huge crates ready to be shipped to the US at a moment's notice. While this seems a tad off to me, I nevertheless called my Repersentative in Congress and demanded a direct answer to this exact question: is the dollar about to be scrapped for the Amero? Stay tuned as the Bush madness continues. The odds are good that when Bush's term ends he will refuse to step down and name himself as dictator. Wait and see...
17 :
Thanks for the link. Jerome Corsi has some interesting opinions and he's an honest intellectual, not an ideologue with an agenda. I think there is some merit to this. Bush wants to make his mark in history, and now that he's failed in the Middle East, I don't doubt that he will push this open borders plan further. Here's another interesting article by the same author about Bush's secret plans: And another about how Bush has given himself dictatorial powers which he can exercise during a national catastrophe:
18 :
The United States is one of the few representative democracies is the world that is also a Republic. The people have rights guaranteed by a constitution! Other "democratic" governments are parliamentary types - without guaranteed rights. The only true democratic strong point in the world is the US Constitution and the American people. Weakening constitutional rights by way of treaties or international agreements is one avenue that politicians are going to attempt to destroy the rights of the American people and disable the framework of the Constitution. Can't address their motivation.
19 :
It makes sense... His grandfather (Prescott Bush) was convicted of doing business with the Nazis - while at war with America - and had his assets confiscated. His former closest adviser, Karl Rove, was the grandson of Karl Heinz Roverer, who designed concentration camps for Hitler. Californian Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's father was a member of the SS during WW2. Seems like there's a pattern developing! Seems like certain elements within the American moneyed elite really wanted the Nazis to win WW2, and they're doing their best to see that Hitler scores a belated victory. IMPEACH BUSH AND HIS CRIMINAL CRONIES NOW!!!
20 :
Yes. Every Terrorist, Communist, and Democrat will agree with you. (At least Terrorists hold down jobs for cover, but Commies & Democrats are either born Rich, or are on Welfare. They don't work.)
21 :
the nazi movement is alive an well. we are fools to fail to realize that the bush's are bavarian and profited during the build up to ww2. it is just another way of looking at the world. now it is all out out of control. but if it were directed by nazis the trains would run on time. it is that simple.
22 :
hey I got this bridge for sale great investment opportunity give me a call.....1(800) 424-3688 Do people just believe everything they read? Does anyone actually ask a question that's not filled with rhetoric? There are plenty of debatable issues going on cant people think of more intellegent questions then this?
23 :
Gee, Let me see here. The borders have been wide open during every president before Bush. Or did they just magically become wide open when Bush took office? Your statement and this link hold no merritt. Besides, the president isn't the only member of the government that is in on this problem. But I guess it's easier for you to point your little finger. That's the easy way out isn't it?
24 :
the war on terror is as big a scam as the war on drugs. guess who is the largest drug smuggler in the world. do your research. their initials are C. I. A.
25 :
The Democrats are in control now Bush is a lame duck president so if all these terrible things are going to happen then it will be with the Democrats blessing.
26 :
His sister-in-law said he will always be welcome in Mexico
27 :
On the contrary, but it must be difficult getting anything done with so many people trying to get their feet in your moccasins. --- doubt that any of them could walk the full mile.
28 :
1 - nothing personal, just business 2 - try to remember you're just a consumer serf 3 - also try to remember W and his small country club circle are the REAL Americans...the rest of us are just support staff.
29 :
The USA is now one big corporation with its eye on the 600 million people under 20 in China/India as the new market. They have given up on America. Wages, crime, inner city decay, education, well virtually the works. They do not want to rebuild in America. America will become a vacation destination for the "new world order" Do you want fries with that?
30 :
Don't blame Bush. He's just following orders just like the presidents before him. We're marching steadily toward a one-world government and one-world religion.
31 :
Because he wants the North American Union to come into being. He has no loyalty towards America or her Constitution...only to money. He shows this in everything that he does. Did you know that Chertoff point blank said in a Memo in Sept. 2005 that "Dept. of Homeland Security" was there to answer to Mexico and Canada and NOT the US citizens? This is also the reason why Bush is tanking the American $$$$ and spending as much as he can. He wants to FORCE the US to accept the Amero which was already defeated in Congress in, I think it was something like in 2003. Sad but true. Another point is that Bush is not spending money on the US because he wants it to collapse. Look at his comments on Sunday about the SPP and "protecting the US citizens from tainted food and the only way we can do this is via depending on our neighbors" But he NEGLECTED to say that American's FDA has continually been cut since he went into office and is on the brink of collapsing from being underfunded. You are right about your assessment.
32 :
Simple. Because it's GOOD FOR BUSINESS.
33 :
Because he wants to accomplish his daddy's plans for a New World Order. He wants the borders open so the North American Union, NAFTA Superhighway, and NWO can be quickly established before the American people wakes up and finds out what's really going on. That's why the Constitution must first be shredded: NO CONSTITUTION = NO POWER = THEY CAN DO WANT THEY WANT TO. But before this can happen, there must first be another false-flag attack on American soil. FALSE-FLAG = FRAID AMERICANS = PATRIOT ACT III = NO CONSTITUTION. They're right on schedule!!
34 :
I would suggest that everyone that doesn't want to see this NAU project of Lil' Bush's get away start getting close to your Washington Representatives to find out where they stand on it and if they have any type of plan to squash it. That SOB setting in the White House is definitely trying to bring our great nation down
35 :
I agree with Booger and Radiocitizen. Well said
36 :
He just wants to protect israel, what do ya think this war is for.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What will happen if China requests its money?

What will happen if China requests its money?
We, the United States of America, owe China a lot of money, obviously. Last time I checked, it was over 800 billion, probably over a trillion by now. So what happens if China all at once demands their money? Or do we have some kind of agreement to prevent that? If they request it all, we obviously can't pay it, so will the government try everything to come up with money, making our dollar value drop even moreeee? Also, if we go into war with China, will we ignore our debt to them and consider us debt free of an extra trillion bucks? When do you think we'll go into war with China, if we go into war with them at all? Last thing, your opinion, do you think we'd win the war with China if we ever got into a war with China? Personally I'd say no. I think we have better training, and equipment, but they have over a billion people they can use in the military if they NEED to. We have like 200,000 people who can go. (not including allies, just U.S. vs China) Ahem assuming nuclear war doesn't happen. Just regular ol' conventional war, which is already probably too much to hope for.
Government - 6 Answers
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1 :
I doubt it. My bank is not going to demand I Immediately pay off my truck loan right now.
2 :
If we were to go to war with China they would loose alot of food because we are a major food trading source or it would be a complete nuclear disaster. China will just try to eventually run our goverment so far into debt that we wont be able to afford a military.
3 :
Um, they won't 'request' money. They will simply sell all U.S. Treasuries at auction. Oh by the way, they started selling back in March. Hold on for a wild ride.
4 :
What they own are Treasury securities. As you can see, they did sell off about $30 billion, which is pocket change. If they sold all of them on the open market, it would probably devalue the Dollar, but it depends on who buys them. They won't sell them off, or do anything to devalue the Dollar, because they attach their currency to the Dollar. China does not let their own currency float on the open market like the Dollar. They attach it to the Dollar, to create a trade imbalance, favoring them. They actually invest in US securities to keep their own currency stronger. China is too interested in building it's economy and growing wealth to be interested in warring with anyone. Actually, what is happening today, happened in the reverse hundreds of years ago, when they were the world's economic superpower, and the U.S was the emerging nation.
5 :
There will not be winners in war.
6 :
if China asked for its money back, the usa would sell some fictitious story to the americans, because americans are so gullable they will believe anything. the usa would of course attack China militarily, which is precisely why China doesnt ask for its money. in fact, i am pretty sure that China bought u.s. govt bonds out of coersion, and blackmale by the u.s govt.

Monday, August 1, 2011

can you Name One Good Thing America has Done that has benefit you personally?

can you Name One Good Thing America has Done that has benefit you personally?
It's No Suprise that the president is the secret dictator and the crowed of villagers are surrounded in a well placed oppresion where it's considered unpatriotic to disagree with whatever a soldier says and what the president says. many of you people are hell bent on defending america right out of your own backyard because you love your country.I'd respect you for that but the thing is america you're full of crap and you don't even realize it. I say this with brute honesty. You love to live the lie because it's been force fed to you. See it from my point of view. George W. Bush, your president, is a Dictator. you people are communist and anyone who speaks against any form of soldiers from america is considered a traitor. well, America the United states of america itself has long betrayed you MANY MANY times. American Soldiers Kill other SOldiers on purpose because the General Commanded the Team to do so. Back on the Home land of the U.S the wife recieves word that her husband was either killed by enemy fire or friendly Fire. You people see me as the traitor to your own war torn country. America you don't realize how stubborn you are with your own belief. See, Since 99.9% or should I say 99.8% of everyone insanely believes in god to the death bush Happen to preach out a new hope and a new start for everyone. I used to be in school, now I'm graduated at the poorest level that required special Education, So I basically passed high school out of pity. Which Is nothing New Considering I was around when Bush launched the 'No Child Left Behind act". Speaking From Self Experience it didn't help me at all. Infact because of the tests I had to cheat my way through the thing and I still barely passed with a 70-something percent. It's common sense that everyone has their troubles in school but not even the special ED teachers new how to do the work. America You have been betrayed by your own country it's Just that the Government does it so well it's like your most loved pet who attacked a infant baby Just got shot by the child's mother and you having arrived to the area late only saw the mother shoot at your Dog and now you shoot at the mother because you thought about saving your Dogs Life. Did you ever notice that you can't Gamble in america, america? Do you know why...? Because the money is unaccounted for and can't be touched by uncle Sam and his Brother 'Big Brother' A.K.A the Government. Bush, I'm not sure if he's aware of it or not, has a secret militia Known as the Men In Black that very few eyes have seen. They Live in a World beyond our world and can defy space and time. Every Fantasy you've ever Dreamed as a child can be real to the touch. THey Drive a 1960-70s Black Cadillac that looks and is vintage to the touch like it just came off of the assembly line. They Dress in perfection weith suits that look like they just made them. They Have Knowledge of everyone from all over the world from all of our personal lives. The Phone lines as well as our computers are all tapped. Not for the Sake of terrorism prevention but to learn anything and everything about your every being. They Move in silence and work in form of a Business with Each File Catergorized in Alphabetical Order and nothing in Life is Private. The M.I.B are everywhere yet they are nowhere. Supposibly the M.I.B started a little after Roswell Hit. Silence is the Agenda and they work together to make sure you stay quiet or face the consiquences of Death. If the police are lucky enough to find your body they'll never be able to trace it to them. Sound like a Good Science Fiction movie? They made a movie based on them that spawned two sequels and over time saw them as hilarious people. In real life they are good humoured people but fall under strict Guide lines. to get any peice of evidence that a UFO may have left and to take the person(s) into a Debrief area to be forced to give information or they Elegantly ask the person right off the bat at their residence of what exprerience they had with their own experience mainly when the person(s) are caught off guard. THere's no such thing as coincidence.
Other - Society & Culture - 2 Answers
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1 :
I got a job that I love and a home in nice neighbourhood.
2 :
I have to agree with you. I feel as if tho I am being watched right now by you know who. I feel uneasy with the way this country is going.