Sunday, August 7, 2011

What will happen if China requests its money?

What will happen if China requests its money?
We, the United States of America, owe China a lot of money, obviously. Last time I checked, it was over 800 billion, probably over a trillion by now. So what happens if China all at once demands their money? Or do we have some kind of agreement to prevent that? If they request it all, we obviously can't pay it, so will the government try everything to come up with money, making our dollar value drop even moreeee? Also, if we go into war with China, will we ignore our debt to them and consider us debt free of an extra trillion bucks? When do you think we'll go into war with China, if we go into war with them at all? Last thing, your opinion, do you think we'd win the war with China if we ever got into a war with China? Personally I'd say no. I think we have better training, and equipment, but they have over a billion people they can use in the military if they NEED to. We have like 200,000 people who can go. (not including allies, just U.S. vs China) Ahem assuming nuclear war doesn't happen. Just regular ol' conventional war, which is already probably too much to hope for.
Government - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I doubt it. My bank is not going to demand I Immediately pay off my truck loan right now.
2 :
If we were to go to war with China they would loose alot of food because we are a major food trading source or it would be a complete nuclear disaster. China will just try to eventually run our goverment so far into debt that we wont be able to afford a military.
3 :
Um, they won't 'request' money. They will simply sell all U.S. Treasuries at auction. Oh by the way, they started selling back in March. Hold on for a wild ride.
4 :
What they own are Treasury securities. As you can see, they did sell off about $30 billion, which is pocket change. If they sold all of them on the open market, it would probably devalue the Dollar, but it depends on who buys them. They won't sell them off, or do anything to devalue the Dollar, because they attach their currency to the Dollar. China does not let their own currency float on the open market like the Dollar. They attach it to the Dollar, to create a trade imbalance, favoring them. They actually invest in US securities to keep their own currency stronger. China is too interested in building it's economy and growing wealth to be interested in warring with anyone. Actually, what is happening today, happened in the reverse hundreds of years ago, when they were the world's economic superpower, and the U.S was the emerging nation.
5 :
There will not be winners in war.
6 :
if China asked for its money back, the usa would sell some fictitious story to the americans, because americans are so gullable they will believe anything. the usa would of course attack China militarily, which is precisely why China doesnt ask for its money. in fact, i am pretty sure that China bought u.s. govt bonds out of coersion, and blackmale by the u.s govt.