Monday, August 1, 2011

can you Name One Good Thing America has Done that has benefit you personally?

can you Name One Good Thing America has Done that has benefit you personally?
It's No Suprise that the president is the secret dictator and the crowed of villagers are surrounded in a well placed oppresion where it's considered unpatriotic to disagree with whatever a soldier says and what the president says. many of you people are hell bent on defending america right out of your own backyard because you love your country.I'd respect you for that but the thing is america you're full of crap and you don't even realize it. I say this with brute honesty. You love to live the lie because it's been force fed to you. See it from my point of view. George W. Bush, your president, is a Dictator. you people are communist and anyone who speaks against any form of soldiers from america is considered a traitor. well, America the United states of america itself has long betrayed you MANY MANY times. American Soldiers Kill other SOldiers on purpose because the General Commanded the Team to do so. Back on the Home land of the U.S the wife recieves word that her husband was either killed by enemy fire or friendly Fire. You people see me as the traitor to your own war torn country. America you don't realize how stubborn you are with your own belief. See, Since 99.9% or should I say 99.8% of everyone insanely believes in god to the death bush Happen to preach out a new hope and a new start for everyone. I used to be in school, now I'm graduated at the poorest level that required special Education, So I basically passed high school out of pity. Which Is nothing New Considering I was around when Bush launched the 'No Child Left Behind act". Speaking From Self Experience it didn't help me at all. Infact because of the tests I had to cheat my way through the thing and I still barely passed with a 70-something percent. It's common sense that everyone has their troubles in school but not even the special ED teachers new how to do the work. America You have been betrayed by your own country it's Just that the Government does it so well it's like your most loved pet who attacked a infant baby Just got shot by the child's mother and you having arrived to the area late only saw the mother shoot at your Dog and now you shoot at the mother because you thought about saving your Dogs Life. Did you ever notice that you can't Gamble in america, america? Do you know why...? Because the money is unaccounted for and can't be touched by uncle Sam and his Brother 'Big Brother' A.K.A the Government. Bush, I'm not sure if he's aware of it or not, has a secret militia Known as the Men In Black that very few eyes have seen. They Live in a World beyond our world and can defy space and time. Every Fantasy you've ever Dreamed as a child can be real to the touch. THey Drive a 1960-70s Black Cadillac that looks and is vintage to the touch like it just came off of the assembly line. They Dress in perfection weith suits that look like they just made them. They Have Knowledge of everyone from all over the world from all of our personal lives. The Phone lines as well as our computers are all tapped. Not for the Sake of terrorism prevention but to learn anything and everything about your every being. They Move in silence and work in form of a Business with Each File Catergorized in Alphabetical Order and nothing in Life is Private. The M.I.B are everywhere yet they are nowhere. Supposibly the M.I.B started a little after Roswell Hit. Silence is the Agenda and they work together to make sure you stay quiet or face the consiquences of Death. If the police are lucky enough to find your body they'll never be able to trace it to them. Sound like a Good Science Fiction movie? They made a movie based on them that spawned two sequels and over time saw them as hilarious people. In real life they are good humoured people but fall under strict Guide lines. to get any peice of evidence that a UFO may have left and to take the person(s) into a Debrief area to be forced to give information or they Elegantly ask the person right off the bat at their residence of what exprerience they had with their own experience mainly when the person(s) are caught off guard. THere's no such thing as coincidence.
Other - Society & Culture - 2 Answers
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1 :
I got a job that I love and a home in nice neighbourhood.
2 :
I have to agree with you. I feel as if tho I am being watched right now by you know who. I feel uneasy with the way this country is going.