Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why don't Americans come together to make a better America?

Why don't Americans come together to make a better America?
If I were president here is what I would do.... I would use Government funds to pay every American employer to give all their employees time off for 2 weeks in order to gather together and all meet together, all 300 Million Americans! Then with EVERY American together we will openly share HOW WE ALL can make America better! We will have voluntary family collective farms to grow America's food production, we will share in non-work related ways to make America stronger by composing songs and poetry, we will all sweep floors, build windmills, all the American people.... During this joint coordinated effort, we will use Govt money to pay for the loss of income for everyone not at work.... Then we will have a civilian army recruiting, a BIG Expo for the WHOLE AMERICA! That we the people of the United States working for the greater good of our country as one people and learn to be this way from now on.
Politics - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
(fart noise)
2 :
so young, so naive..
3 :
good luck with that. for a start not everyone is gonna believe in the same things
4 :
Thinking about others instead of following a party's doctine is "un-american" (according to politicians).