Friday, October 28, 2011

Your thoughts on the Texas seceeding from the United States?

Your thoughts on the Texas seceeding from the United States?
I think it is stupid. I mean did the notion come up when Bush was fighting a trillion a year dollar war in Iraq? Where were these whinny babies? Where were these stupid tea parties? You see it takes money to fight a war and Bush sure as heck spent money. Where were the people crying for the right to seceed from the United States?? How about the reasons for going to Iraq? Didn't Bush say that Saddam Hussein was creating nuclear weapons and went in without asking permission from the U.N.! Was he building nuclear weapons? No! We still killed him though and we sure as heck stayed. Now we have both Iraq and Afghanistan to worry about which requires money to pay for the soldiers who ARE THERE. Raises taxes as a result. So why are these people crying now? I never heard them make a peep out of the eight years Bush was in power. These people are retarded! I mean they are eight years slow! They never bothered to cry out when Bush created the Patriot Act! They never cried when Bush ignored the idea of stem cell research. They never cried when bush took money out of the energy funds of America along with the education funds to run this stupid war. So why are these people crying now seeing as though Obama is trying to help us? Why weren't these babies crying when Bush entered into Iraq for no reason and killed a dictator for no reason allowing the Al-Qaeda to come in and regroup? This seceeding idea is so stupid. Anyone agree? This war in Iraq RAISED TAXES. So why are these retarded tea parties crying now? I mean the war on Iraq, what was that? Was that a war that didn't require money to buy weapons which coincidentally raised taxes?
Current Events - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
People (especially it would seem, the Conservatives) have incredibly short memories.....let a year go by and most were convinced that WMD were never an issue in Iraq, that Bush never passed a bailout bill,and that our trillion dollar deficit was created by Obama in just 2 seems to be a type of Alzheimers... Let Texas seceed.....They'd never make it......
2 :
I doubt Texas will secede. If they took a vote, the vast majority of Texans would vote against secession. But it's sure funny to watch you guys freak out just because a few people aren't in love with Obama.
3 :
Amen! Take a chill pill people. Different people have different views. I am in love with Buah and think Obama will destroy the small sliver of good left in our country. But that's another point. No Texas is not going anywhere. Believe it or not, that's illigal (which is complete BS). How can the US fight for freedom and indipendence and then deny it when their own people ask? God bless Texas for actually upholding their rights and the constitution (yeah. The job our government should be doing). Clearly these liberals don't actually believe in our country and law. If you don't like the way it's supposed to be, then skip your ass on out of the United States of America and hippy to somebody that agrees with you. There's plenty of them elsewhere in the world. Just don't screw up the life of everybody else. Keep up the freedom Texas! "The two enemies of the people are criminals, and government." -Thomas Jefferson
4 :
Sorry... some simply don't worship the ground Obama walks on.
5 :
Hey Stevey -- Your point is a very good one. The "patriot Texans" are so upset now with the Obama Administration's tax plan that they want to teabag and secede....But why were they a bunch of docile sheep about all the tax dollars that went to fund the war in Iraq? I agree with you: tax dollars wasted are tax dollars wasted. Maybe many of these "patriot Texans" believed Iraq was a justifiable war. My own belief is: most of them were too busy with their own lives and too blindly "in love" with, & loyal to GWB to actually take the time to learn about that war and think about it critically. And then, to connect the dots between the hard-earned dollars disappearing from their wallets and the wasted billions in Iraq. People like Matthias did not take the time to do their homework to really get it into their heads that: 1) Saddam Hussein and his regime had nothing to do with 9/11 2) No bid contracts--esp. Halliburton's gave billions away to corporate executives who did not get the job done over there--a clear violation of federal law. You could say about the no-bid contracts--stolen taxpayer money, more than just wasted. 3) While Bush's policy attracted many insurgents from other Arab / Islamic nations to cross the border to fight American soldiers in Iraq, the Taliban--OUR TRUE ENEMY-- was regrouping and planting the seeds for a comeback in Afghanistan, and in Pakistan. Which is the most significant thing happening over there right now. WASTED BILLIONS!! I could go on and on and on--but I would rather take a minute or two right now to make an analysis of the way Matthias thinks--and the millions of other patriot Texans who think similarly. Just look how far into a state of denial they are: "Clearly these liberals don't actually believe in our country and law. If you don't like the way it's supposed to be, then skip your *** on out of the United States of America and hippy to somebody that agrees with you." A. Which laws don't liberals believe in Mr. Matthias? Be specific. B. "If you don't like the..." Well, Mr. Matthias, aren't you forgetting something? The election in November proved beyond any doubt that the American people, its voting citizens, have a strong desire to make a break with the past. That's why Obama won by a margin that far exceeded either of Bush's victories. Don't you realize that when you make a statement such as, "If you don't like the way it's supposed to be..." that you are assuming that you are more American than the people who voted for Obama? You are assuming a Conservative Superiority that withered and died on November 8th. YOU CONSERVATIVES AND PATRIOT TEXANS DO NOT OWN AMERICA, AND HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL OTHERS THEY SHOULD LEAVE THE COUNTRY BECAUSE THEY SEE THE WORLD DIFFERENTLY. YOU LOST THE ELECTION. ADJUST AND ADAPT TO THAT REALITY. OBAMA'S APPROVAL RATING IS WELL OVER 60% RIGHT NOW. BUSH'S APPROVAL RATING WAS AROUND 20% ALL LAST SUMMER. IT IS YOU WHO OUGHT TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE WAY THINGS ARE GOING, NOT THE LIBERALS!