Monday, November 28, 2011

can anyone think of a good reason why cannabis should remain illegal or are we missing out on tax money?

can anyone think of a good reason why cannabis should remain illegal or are we missing out on tax money?
should we let the government control our lives and put pot smokers in jail or should we tax the he!! out of it and make a fortune and create job that many countries don't have and start turning are finances around and quit wasting money on a war against the people of the united states of america in which all drug laws violate your inalienable right life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness so who is with me or against me for legalization of cannabis taxing it would be easy simply tax seed sales and gardening supples and pre package that can be sold just like tobbaco and achol you can make your own beer and wine thats legal as long as you dont sell it why not do the same with weed
Law & Ethics - 5 Answers
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1 :
Yes,,,,,If made legal how will they tax what can be grown in any house?
2 :
yes,but when will it happen
3 :
taxing the hell out of it may price it out of the market and we will be right back where we started. i say- regulate it like tobacco and booze...minimum age to buy...yada yada. we are missing out on the biggest cash crop for many states. but this has been asked and answered here thousands of times.
4 :
I personally think intentionally inhaling smoke of any kind is fairly idiotic, but I do believe that others should have the right to do so if they so desire. I don't think it should be done in an area where it forces others to do the same (which is why I like the no-smoking in restaurants laws). However, I think the U.S. could save and make a good chunk of money by legalizing pot. So long as it is regulated in the same way that other intoxicating substances are, I don't really see much harm. Get caught driving high? Same punishment as if you get caught driving drunk. Sell to minors? Lose your license to sell. Buy for or give to a minor? Same thing. Make/sell it without a license? More trouble. Marijuana is a drug, just like nicotine and alcohol. It does have an effect on how you function and react. That cannot be ignored. However, keeping it illegal keeps it more unsafe, wastes money, and eliminates a potential source of income.
5 :
You really should re-evaluate your priorities. The Globalists are close to imposing communism world-wide and all you can worry about is your precious weed? No wonder communism is winning. So many of the public, including you, are zapped out on narcotics.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Canada and Mexico have better health care than the United States, isn't it embarrassing for this country?

Canada and Mexico have better health care than the United States, isn't it embarrassing for this country?
Greedy doctors is the problem, and a lax government that doesn't care about the health of its citizens. Nevermind that healthy citizens make better workers and boost the economy. Nevermind that healthy soldiers make better soldiers and boost the well-being of our armed forces. Nevermind that obesity rates are skyrocketing and we don't even teach physical education in schools anymore. Nevermind that college and university drop-out rates are 40% higher amongst students with health problems. Do you know anyone who couldn't work because they couldn't afford the proper healthcare treatment? Do you know anyone who tried out for the army but couldn't pass the physical (they recently lowered their standards again)? Do you know anyone who is obese and lacks the willpower to go exercise? Do you know anyone who dropped out of college or university because of a health problem? Let's compare. In Canada healthcare is free. Got an injury or ailment? Walk into your local hospital and get all the treatment you need... provided you are Canadian and have hospital card to prove it. Why can't we create a Canadian-style healthcare system in America? Canada's economic GDP was only $1.165 trillion USD in 2006. The GDP for the United States in 2006 was $12.98 trillion USD. We are over ten times more wealthy than Canadians. Canada's population is 34 million. Ours is 298 million. We could easily create a free healthcare system in the United States that is even better than that in Canada. But with one problem. Canada's healthcare system is regulated by the government. Doctors have fixed wages and can only earn so much. In America our doctors are greedy and they can charge whatever they want. In other words, our doctors have a GOD complex. They have the power to save people, but can choose not to do it simply for the sake of money. And thats what is wrong with America today HEALTH SYSTEM IS BROKEN HERE AND THERE ARE A BUNCH OF AMERICANS WHO STILL WANT TO LEAVE IT THE SAME WAY EVEN THOUGH THEY CAN'T FUCKING AFFORD IT. Mexicans and Canadians have a better care, affordable and simple, not like the one here. What do u think? I WORK AND LIVE IN USA, BUT I WILL STOP SUPPORTING AMERICAN DOCTORS SINCE I CAN GO TO MEXICO AND GET ANY TREATMENT WITH MY INSURANCE FROM THERE PROVIDED BY THE GOVERNMENT. THAT INSURANCE GIVES ACCES TO ALL TYPES OF CARE.
Other - Politics & Government - 7 Answers
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1 :
Didn't read your whole diatribe but if their health care is so good, why do they come here to get treated?
2 :
Mexico??? Really. My Canadian relatives don't think so. They are actually mad at Obama for destroying our healthcare. I am currently trying to undo the damage that my cousins doctor is doing.
3 :
Why "embarrassingg?" Did somebody say you were working together to supply all Americans with things they need? Did you work real hard and somehow get cheated? I think you opposed decency, comfort, welfare, and personal security and value productivity. Not getting it is no surprise. So your hospitals produce money.
4 :
It's hard to be embarrassed when you're dead, which is what a lot of Americans will be, once their insurance companies get tired of paying for them, that is, if they even have any insurance to start with.
5 :
LOKO6... I think you are absolutely correct.
6 :
Try again. Every single day people from around the world travel to the US for quality healthcare.
7 :
I think the primary issue preventing actual, effective health care reform lies with the power of both health insurance and pharmaceutical companies and their lobbyists. I think greed on the part of physicians has little or no effect whatsoever. If anything, doctors represent some of the least supportive groups of current US health care policy. The reason being the process of filing a claim for compensation has become so muddled and convoluted, physicians and staff spend most of their time dealing with health insurance legalese rather than focusing on the actual health of the patient. Treatment takes a back seat to bureaucracy, unfortunately. You can't have successful health care reform until you remove the ability to profit from it. It's unfortunate, but true. If you look at governments with universal health care policy, physicians are far more effective treating patients because they don't have to deal with insurance companies, whose sole purpose is trying to find ways to avoid paying for a procedure. Until that element is removed it's impossible to have true universal health care.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Where is the United States Headed?

Where is the United States Headed?
Past: The United States was a country the whole world looked up to and thought of as the land of freedom. Millions of people moved to this country for the equal rights and have a better life for their families. Their were plenty of jobs and a person could get ahead by working hard. Present: The industrialists shipped most of our manufacturing overseas so they could make more money. Our country could be one of the most hated countries in the world. The investment bankers on Wall Street put us so far into debt that the United States may never recover. We are spending more and more money on wars that most Americans don't even want. The poor and middle-class are going farther and farther into debt. Very few jobs and Americans are losing more rights everyday. The U.S. government just keeps making poorer and poorer decisions etc... Future: The rich don't want to pay anymore tax than they do now and the government seems happy with this. They want to cut all the programs that millions of famillies rely on to survive. If the country didn't have so many greedy idiots running the country and brought jobs back so every American could have a future, then I doubt many of these programs to help the poor would be needed. What these greedy investment bankers, politicians and industrialists don't understand that everything needs to be in balance or their world will fall apart also. To many Americans have had a taste of being middle-class,owning their own home and having the basic rights that many Americans deserve to have as a citizen. Our country is so far in debt that it will be very hard to get out of if it isn't to late now. If the people who are struggling didn't pay taxes, buy products and own homes, then things would get really bad for the rich. When a majority of America doesn't have jobs or homes to live in, then the rich will have no consumers to make money from. The dollar will not be worth to much. The American people whose families are starving will be looking for the people that put them into this boat and it will not be pretty. Why do the top 1% have to be so greedy when they have more than enough? Why do they still want more at the expense of their fellow citizens and at there own demise? Does anybody think this will pass and the U.S. will become prosperous for all again?
Current Events - 8 Answers
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1 :
cheese cake
2 :
I always wonder why people in Taiwan work like a month with one day off. Taiwanese 10 to 12 per day. And, I come to North America people at 4 pm and they drive off work. Always don't make sense to me, how they get pay more? I guess math and reality does work.
3 :
Sorry but I think you know the answers to your questions. The future doesn't bright for the land of the Free after we took God out the country!
4 :
Nowhere. You have perfectly described the situation in this joke of a country. Here I am, a Puerto Rican ready to go back to his island if a job he applied and interviewed today is not offered to him, after about 15 attempts and about hundreds of applications sent nationwide. This nation is going down the toilet, and the worst part is that many Americans don't realize and are on denial that this nation is no longer the land of the free or the land of opportunities.
5 :
Bet whatever you have that the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. And plan on G.E. still getting away with paying very little in taxes.
6 :
Well it sounds to me like the haves are about to find out what it feels like to be a have not...we've lived the impossible dream way beyond our used by date & taken personal greed to the next dimension ! Our western lifestyle is now under stress & unless we re evaluate our priorities darn quickly we are all headed for a melt down...
7 :
The US is doing great, and the future looks fantastic. Your blue-collar patois is laughably ignorant.
8 :
No where sadly ... this country is slowly going down the toilet!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The United States has over 10,000 nuclear warheads. Why do we need to buy any more?

The United States has over 10,000 nuclear warheads. Why do we need to buy any more?
I suppose I was in favor of the purchase of the first few dozen, but after we had the capability to defend ourselves through deterent, is it practical to keep wasteing money on these weapons? Could America make better use of the funds it currently is spending on these weapons? Are there better weapons we could be purchaseing?
Politics - 8 Answers
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1 :
If there are, we are not cleared for that information.
2 :
The U.S. has an accelerated program to reduce the number of nuclear weapons.
3 :
not really,we wast it on everything else too,so why not on our salvation ,NUC FIRE..we are masters of that..chow
4 :
ehhhh? So nobody else buys them?
5 :
We don't buy them...We make them
6 :
Just in case al Qaida colonize Earth like planets through out the universe. So we can blow them up. Just another act of preemption.
7 :
Technology is always improving, and nuclear weapons which are made today are safer and more effective than those made in the 50s, 70s or 90s. I don't know if they are "buying" or building MORE weapons. More likely, they are replacing older weapons with newer technology.
8 :
We have so many nuclear weapons so we can keep all the nations under our thumb. like north korea,libya,iran,iraq, U know the usual axis of evil.Any nation whom dears to step out of line with the Neo-Con- ZOG,that's all.