Monday, November 7, 2011

Where is the United States Headed?

Where is the United States Headed?
Past: The United States was a country the whole world looked up to and thought of as the land of freedom. Millions of people moved to this country for the equal rights and have a better life for their families. Their were plenty of jobs and a person could get ahead by working hard. Present: The industrialists shipped most of our manufacturing overseas so they could make more money. Our country could be one of the most hated countries in the world. The investment bankers on Wall Street put us so far into debt that the United States may never recover. We are spending more and more money on wars that most Americans don't even want. The poor and middle-class are going farther and farther into debt. Very few jobs and Americans are losing more rights everyday. The U.S. government just keeps making poorer and poorer decisions etc... Future: The rich don't want to pay anymore tax than they do now and the government seems happy with this. They want to cut all the programs that millions of famillies rely on to survive. If the country didn't have so many greedy idiots running the country and brought jobs back so every American could have a future, then I doubt many of these programs to help the poor would be needed. What these greedy investment bankers, politicians and industrialists don't understand that everything needs to be in balance or their world will fall apart also. To many Americans have had a taste of being middle-class,owning their own home and having the basic rights that many Americans deserve to have as a citizen. Our country is so far in debt that it will be very hard to get out of if it isn't to late now. If the people who are struggling didn't pay taxes, buy products and own homes, then things would get really bad for the rich. When a majority of America doesn't have jobs or homes to live in, then the rich will have no consumers to make money from. The dollar will not be worth to much. The American people whose families are starving will be looking for the people that put them into this boat and it will not be pretty. Why do the top 1% have to be so greedy when they have more than enough? Why do they still want more at the expense of their fellow citizens and at there own demise? Does anybody think this will pass and the U.S. will become prosperous for all again?
Current Events - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
cheese cake
2 :
I always wonder why people in Taiwan work like a month with one day off. Taiwanese 10 to 12 per day. And, I come to North America people at 4 pm and they drive off work. Always don't make sense to me, how they get pay more? I guess math and reality does work.
3 :
Sorry but I think you know the answers to your questions. The future doesn't bright for the land of the Free after we took God out the country!
4 :
Nowhere. You have perfectly described the situation in this joke of a country. Here I am, a Puerto Rican ready to go back to his island if a job he applied and interviewed today is not offered to him, after about 15 attempts and about hundreds of applications sent nationwide. This nation is going down the toilet, and the worst part is that many Americans don't realize and are on denial that this nation is no longer the land of the free or the land of opportunities.
5 :
Bet whatever you have that the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. And plan on G.E. still getting away with paying very little in taxes.
6 :
Well it sounds to me like the haves are about to find out what it feels like to be a have not...we've lived the impossible dream way beyond our used by date & taken personal greed to the next dimension ! Our western lifestyle is now under stress & unless we re evaluate our priorities darn quickly we are all headed for a melt down...
7 :
The US is doing great, and the future looks fantastic. Your blue-collar patois is laughably ignorant.
8 :
No where sadly ... this country is slowly going down the toilet!