Monday, November 28, 2011

can anyone think of a good reason why cannabis should remain illegal or are we missing out on tax money?

can anyone think of a good reason why cannabis should remain illegal or are we missing out on tax money?
should we let the government control our lives and put pot smokers in jail or should we tax the he!! out of it and make a fortune and create job that many countries don't have and start turning are finances around and quit wasting money on a war against the people of the united states of america in which all drug laws violate your inalienable right life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness so who is with me or against me for legalization of cannabis taxing it would be easy simply tax seed sales and gardening supples and pre package that can be sold just like tobbaco and achol you can make your own beer and wine thats legal as long as you dont sell it why not do the same with weed
Law & Ethics - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes,,,,,If made legal how will they tax what can be grown in any house?
2 :
yes,but when will it happen
3 :
taxing the hell out of it may price it out of the market and we will be right back where we started. i say- regulate it like tobacco and booze...minimum age to buy...yada yada. we are missing out on the biggest cash crop for many states. but this has been asked and answered here thousands of times.
4 :
I personally think intentionally inhaling smoke of any kind is fairly idiotic, but I do believe that others should have the right to do so if they so desire. I don't think it should be done in an area where it forces others to do the same (which is why I like the no-smoking in restaurants laws). However, I think the U.S. could save and make a good chunk of money by legalizing pot. So long as it is regulated in the same way that other intoxicating substances are, I don't really see much harm. Get caught driving high? Same punishment as if you get caught driving drunk. Sell to minors? Lose your license to sell. Buy for or give to a minor? Same thing. Make/sell it without a license? More trouble. Marijuana is a drug, just like nicotine and alcohol. It does have an effect on how you function and react. That cannot be ignored. However, keeping it illegal keeps it more unsafe, wastes money, and eliminates a potential source of income.
5 :
You really should re-evaluate your priorities. The Globalists are close to imposing communism world-wide and all you can worry about is your precious weed? No wonder communism is winning. So many of the public, including you, are zapped out on narcotics.