Sunday, October 28, 2012

Welcome to America! How do you feel?

Welcome to America! How do you feel?
-America! -A place where people walk into you and continue walking without saying sorry or excuse me. New York is a good example. -A place where women want nothing to do with you unless you have finances or lots of sexual experience. Because if your still a virgin at 28, women look at you and think threes something wrong with you. Don't you know that EVERYONE looses theirs at 15? -A place where people don't acknowledge one another, instead, they text on their cell phones as if they are some self important celebrity. -A place where the government tells you that you cannot smoke marijuana. A plant which comes from the earth. Created by god all mighty. -A place where the justice system in more in the business of making money instead of actually restitution. It also practiced cruel and unusual punishment. See he 3 strikes law for that one.:) -A place where the norm is not to look good and take care of yourself, but instead, lets all go to McDonald's. -A place where we haven't built a car worth of crap, but we can sure bomb the hell out of you're country though. Welcome to the United States of America:)
Singles & Dating - 4 Answers
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1 :
:) Why thank you!!! ahaha.
2 :
someones a little angry :) It seems like you hate America, maybe you should move, or stop complaining.
3 :
4 :
Sweety, sounds like you are having a bad time...What's going on? You have to get away from the negativity, this is a good place to vent, I suppose...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Should the other developed countries provide financial aid for the United States to metricate?

Should the other developed countries provide financial aid for the United States to metricate?
One of the biggest arguments against metrication in the U.S.A. is the one-time cost. You see, America is an extremely fiscally conservative nation, and with the inroads the tea party is making, will remain that way in the future. So, naturally, the United States will not increase taxes or the deficit by 1 cent to metricate, even if there are economic benefits to metrication. But, as many Americans assure me, the cost is the only thing holding them back from metricating. They agree with the benefits, but they disagree that any taxpayer money should be spent on the process. Unfortunately for other developed countries, this is also harmful to them, because America's failure to metricate makes it more difficult to trade with the large market that is the United States. To resolve this impasse, it seems there is one solution: A group of developed countries to come together and provide a financial aid package for the United States to metricate. That should overcome all opposition in the United States and finally lead to a restoration of trade and economic benefits for all. If the financial aid is not provided, I fear the United States may never metricate, and the economic benefits never realized.
Other - Politics & Government - 1 Answers
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1 :
Nice try! Embarrass the country into conversion! You understand that stands as much of a chance as a snowball in a hot place. It's beneficial to them, not harmful to them. If we want to buy products with English-standard dimensions, they are more than happy to manufacture them and sell them to us. The transition is happening, but gradually.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

How can i make this essay better.?

How can i make this essay better.?
I wanna get a high grade on it.Please help me fix any errors and tell me if there is some that should be taken out and replace.Thanks in advance. The American Identity For many year people have immigrated to the United States of America. As Americans they have the right to choose your own religion. America has been involve in many wars and we are proud of our part of history in it.. As Americans we have a strong sense of pride for this country. Today America is one of the best nations to live on and as Americans we are proud. People have immigrated for many years in search of religious tolerance. Many countries prohibit people from choosing a religion and worship it. People have paid the ultimate prize for their believes. In the United States people are protected under the first amendment and are allow to follow their own religion. With this privilege Americans can enjoy the freedom of worshiping as they please. For the past 6 years America has been in a war against terrorist. Many Americans have pleaded the government to bring out troops back home. Americans are worried about the nations economy and we believed that instead of spending the countries money we should find a way to open new jobs because there are people who are struggling with the economic problems that we are experiencing. We are very proud of our history and our involvement both World Wars. During most wars we have been involve we weren’t prepare for them but our patriotism motivated us and we have emerged victorious. Many Americans believe that our country is the best in the world. America is one of the few countries that give people unique rights available nowhere else. We are proud of our advance in technology and what we have accomplished. One of the reasons we are most proud of if because of our veterans. Our veterans have fought and sacrificed their live for what we believe in.
Homework Help - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
1st paragraph,combine setences and dont say america soo much
2 :
check your punctuations..
3 :
how old are u or what grade are u in?
4 :
I couldn't get past the first few lines, you kept repeating Americans over and over, no offense though.
5 :
You could check your grammar and punctuation. Use interesting words that will grab the reader. The first paragraph should be very interesting. Good luck on your essay.
6 :
It's decent, but you use the word "proud" five times and "pride" two times. That's a pretty good sign that you're repeating the same point over and over.
7 :
Use the pronoun "She" for America
8 :
-*years* -they have the rights to choose *their own* religion. -you say *as americans* a lot -you have a lot of repetitions. -a war against *terrorism*. -you switch too often between the facts, and feelings. -do not use *we* -good luck on your paper
9 :
I'd like to point out that your entire premise is wrong. There's no such thing as the "American Identity." You assume that all United States citizens are the same and feel the same way. This is a false assumption. And America can refer to both the U.S. and Canada and even, I think, Mexico. It's the U.S., not America. United States citizens may appear to have freedom of religion, but the nitty gritty truth is some citizens are abused, oppressed, and denied the basic rights supposedly allotted to all. There are unique rights granted here, but the U.S. has terrible evils underlying everything. Remember, questioning the government is the only true form of patriotism.
10 :
"for many years" not year, " given the honor of being american, people have the right to decide their own religion"..."america has been involved in many wars and we are proud that our country is well known through out history" you already stated that we are prod to be americans so it gets old and loses interest. "many countries have prohibited people from choosing their individual religion and worshiping it. you cant pay a prize but you can pay a "price" and it should be beliefs instead of believes. it should be to bring our in stead of to bring out troops back home.
11 :
The American Identity For many yearS people have immigrated to The United States of America. As Americans, they have the right to choose THEIR own religion. America has been involveD in many wars and we are proud of our part of history in it.(SOUNDS LIKE YOU ARE SAYING WE ARE PROUD TO BE IN WARS???. MAYBE SAY WE ARE FIERCELY PATRIOTIC AND WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO DEFEND OUR FREEDOM AND THE FREEDOM OF OTHERS) As Americans we have a strong sense of pride for this country. Today America is one of the best nations to live In and as Americans we are proud.(REDUNDANT) People have immigrated for many years in search of religious tolerance. Many countries prohibit people from choosing a religion and PRACTICING IT worship it. People have paid the ultimate priCe for their belieFS. In The United States people are protected under the First Amendment and are allowED to follow their own religion (FREEDOM OF SPEECH) . With this RIGHT privilege, Americans can enjoy the freedom of worshiping as they please. For the past 6 years America has been in a war against terrorisM. Many Americans have pleaded WITH THE government to bring ouR troops back home. Americans are worried about the economy and we believe that instead of spending OUR countrY'S money (QUALIFY THIS) we should find a way to CREATE new jobs because there are people who are struggling with the economic problems that we are experiencing. (NEEDS TO GO IN EARLIER PART) We are very proud of our history and our involvement both World Wars. During most wars we have been involveD IN, we were NOT prepareD for them but our patriotism motivated us and we have emerged victorious.(VERY SUBJECTIVE, MOST AMERICANS DO NOT FEEL WE "WON" IN VIETNAM) Many Americans believe that our country is the best in the world. America is one of the few countries that give people unique rights available nowhere else. We are proud of our advanceS in technology and what we have accomplished. One of the THINGS we are most proud OF iS our veterans. Our veterans have fought and sacrificed their liveS for what we believe in. GOOD IDEAS, JUST TIGHTEN IT UP A BIT AND YOU WILL DO GREAT!
12 :
In order from beginning: "For many YEARS..." Then second sentence, comma after Americans, also consider changing YOUR (own religion) to Their. (You dont want to switch around from saying You to Them to Us, know what I mean?) "People have payed the ultimate PRICE.." "During most wars we have been involve we weren’t prepare for them but our patriotism motivated us and we have emerged victorious." I like that sentence, but change Prepare to prepared. "Our veterans....sacrificed their LIVES...." Its wonderful; I am sure you will get a good grade. Just make sure to check your grammar and use some commas so your sentences dont run on and on. Or us commas to combine two short sentences, this way they dont look like baby sentences.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Can anyone revise this and make it better? if you want to elaborate on it thats cool too...?

Can anyone revise this and make it better? if you want to elaborate on it thats cool too...?
The Healthcare Reform Bill that we are faced with right now, in spite of what some individuals mistakably believe, is exactly what the US has hungered for throughout these antecedent years. We are offered the chance to redeem ourselves and create better overall coverage for individuals who seek their health. I would like to put the proposed bill into action and have the changes started right away. The United States of America is in desperate need of reliable health care. America as a whole needs the type of health care that will help a person despite pre-existing conditions, or petty attempts to deny a person their health. The People of the United States have long forgotten the dream of how the nation’s people could thrive if they were provided with the proper health care. Health care in this nation of ours has been on a steady decline since the 1930’s and has been viewed as a crisis situation since the 1970’s. The blame, despite the constant finger pointed at insurance companies, falls on us, the Americans. In the past, president administrations such as Harry S. Truman’s, Richard M. Nixon’s, and George Bush’s have all proposed plans similar to the one being proposed in the present day. The plan that Truman compiled was fervently rejected by the American Medical Association (AMA), and was, in addition called a “Communist Plot” by a House subcommittee. Likewise, the plan for national health insurance that President Richard M. Nixon proposed was rejected by liberals and labor unions. All in all it is our fault for the faulty healthcare we are presently presented with. Before taking any action Americans need to take a step back and view the situation we have thrust ourselves in, thus will begin the inevitable changes we have deprived ourselves of. Clearly the U.S. needs some sort of Healthcare Reform. If America would simply submit to the currently proposed Health Care Reform bill then all Americans despite their income would be able to get help for their sickness and it will not cost them everything they have worked so hard to achieve and accomplish. Countries that have embraced healthcare as ours are the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Taiwan, and Switzerland. Here is a closer look at three of the capitalist democracies in the world. The United Kingdom’s plan is perhaps the most appealing. The percentage of Gross Domestic Product or GDP that is spent on healthcare is 8.3. The average family premium is none; it is wholly funded by taxation. The co-payments virtually do not exist, although there is some required pay for dental care five percent of prescriptions, and eyeglasses. The Government pays and provides healthcare putting them under a “socialized medicine” system The way it functions is that the citizens pay taxes for the healthcare and the government-run National Health Service (NHS) separates the money and distributes is accordingly to the providers of healthcare. The Doctors for Hospitals are paid a salary and General practitioners otherwise known as GP, who operate their own business; their income is still based upon the number of patients they tend to. While the United Kingdom’s citizens hardly have to pay out of pocket for the work they need done, the other countries that are listed above have some out of pocket money they are forced to pay. Such as Japan, their average family premium is $280 every month, with the employers paying more than half. The Co-payments are 30 percent of the cost of a procedure. Now for the last, Germany has a whopping $750 per month average family premium; premiums are attached to patients' income. Co-payments, however are only 10 euros ($15) every three months; although some patients however, like pregnant women for example, are exempt from the co-payments. Americans need to view other countries healthcare and view which one provides the most sufficient coverage for the people. We can pick and choose, mold and form, our own system. We shall open our eyes and learn from the mistakes others have done before us; we will do as the Americans have done all along, we will copy everyone else. Only we will do it better. some info.... oh and uhhhh sorry its too long. its a research paper so its meant to be long. =] uhm, im a senior in highschool. but good job on trying to insult me uhmmm dippy doodle.... seriously, your insulting me with that name??? imbecile. anyways, thanks guys and i did change the antecedent years and hungered for. =]
Politics - 8 Answers
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1 :
WAY too long to read. Bye now.
2 :
Cliffnotes are needed here.
3 :
sorry, too much like work.
4 :
I'd say your right on. I wish more people would research this subject like you have done instead of immediately disagreeing with reform just because it is a dem program.
5 :
If its a research's too short.
6 :
If this is a research paper, then you need to cite sources and also, present the other side. Your first sentence is way to long and you're using words that really don't fit.. We've "hungered" and "antecedent years". You need to break each new idea into separate paragraphs. Also look at some of the cons to this health care plan.
7 :
Besides all of the false assertions about what Americans need, want and how our health is denied us by evil insurance companies, it is a rambling attempt at an argument by a young, inexperienced girl child who is just out of the home and enjoying her first year in college. Just my opinion of course.
8 :
Grammar needs some major help. "All in all it is our fault for the faulty healthcare we are presently presented with."...yea no(I think my English teacher would have died after reading that one). Was there a requirement to awkwardly alliterate :) I completely disagree with your assessment of the current state of our system and that the bill will address the problems of coverage when it will not insure everyone. I guess that's beside the point. I think you should include more about what is in the current bill that you like. You have nothing in there of substance about the bill that you want "put into action". >We've "hungered" and "antecedent years". I would second this, its an awkward use of words, it looks like they are thrown in there to try to impress the teacher. It doesn't flow and looks out of place and wont win you points.