Sunday, October 28, 2012

Welcome to America! How do you feel?

Welcome to America! How do you feel?
-America! -A place where people walk into you and continue walking without saying sorry or excuse me. New York is a good example. -A place where women want nothing to do with you unless you have finances or lots of sexual experience. Because if your still a virgin at 28, women look at you and think threes something wrong with you. Don't you know that EVERYONE looses theirs at 15? -A place where people don't acknowledge one another, instead, they text on their cell phones as if they are some self important celebrity. -A place where the government tells you that you cannot smoke marijuana. A plant which comes from the earth. Created by god all mighty. -A place where the justice system in more in the business of making money instead of actually restitution. It also practiced cruel and unusual punishment. See he 3 strikes law for that one.:) -A place where the norm is not to look good and take care of yourself, but instead, lets all go to McDonald's. -A place where we haven't built a car worth of crap, but we can sure bomb the hell out of you're country though. Welcome to the United States of America:)
Singles & Dating - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
:) Why thank you!!! ahaha.
2 :
someones a little angry :) It seems like you hate America, maybe you should move, or stop complaining.
3 :
4 :
Sweety, sounds like you are having a bad time...What's going on? You have to get away from the negativity, this is a good place to vent, I suppose...