Friday, December 7, 2012

How can our money say in God we Trust, but yet our President grew up learning otherwise?

How can our money say in God we Trust, but yet our President grew up learning otherwise?
This makes no sense. Check out this link, it is only a few seconds, so please take the time to listen to it. How can Obama grow up with this type of mentoring about God, but yet be the President of the United States and say God Bless America when he is taught God damn America - which is the quote from the link.
Government - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Now, when Rush Limbaugh says "I want him to fail", isn't he also pretty much saying GOD DAMN AMERICA?!
2 :
In the words of John McEnroe: "You can not be serious".
3 :
They added it in the 1950s to make us different from the evil communists. It is stupid. I think it should be taken off the money and back out of the Pledge.
4 :
Yawn... the elections are over
5 :
Allah Akbar!
6 :
DUH WUT??? You lost.. We won ..get over it
7 :
You have a lot to learn especially if you think a grown man and a graduate of Harvard wan't grown up by the time he went to Chicago seems like YOU are the one that needs to grow up and get informed by the way The ONLY thing that makes YOU, me or anyone else a Christian, is professing Jesus Christ as your Saviour, which Obama has done. For any Christian to judge him after his profession, means they don't even understand their own religion, much less the Muslim faith, which calls for DEATH to any Muslim that would profess anyone other than Allah to be Saviour
8 :
Which is what amazes me that Americans voted for him anyway. They deserve what they are getting for electing him. I voted for McCain.
9 :
Because religion has always been very ad-hoc in america: Doctrines are adopted based on the attitude of the times. Go look at older Canadian money for a better phrase: Del Gratia Regina-reigns by the grace of God.
10 :
What he was taught as child and what he now believes as as adult are 2 very different things. Our country does not subscribe to one religion, so who cares. Also, Islam does not teach "God damn America". Do some research somewhere other than crap on Youtube.
11 :
Obama didn't "grow up" in Chicago. He was an adult when he moved there. BTW, the US is a secular nation..not a Christian one.
12 :
In God we trust; all others pay cash. Your Q: easy. You grew up in America and still can't think. Obama may have sat in a church that was dissimilar from Palin's church, but that does not mean he is influenced by it. I attended a Baptist church that preached Catholics were devil worshipers and going to hell. I was taught that Catholics worshiped the Pope and statues and that what went on in Catholic churches was blasphemy. But I married a Catholic woman. We do not become our surroundings unless we want to.
13 :
Give it up, He is your President. You better believe God will Judge America for creating a false God, the one Palin said, the War in Iraq was a task sent from God to kill hundreds of thousand men, women and children for no cause because your President lied!! America will Reap what she has Sowed.