Friday, December 28, 2012

OK-a disgruntled atheist asked about our money-Would "In US weTrust" be a fair consideration?

OK-a disgruntled atheist asked about our money-Would "In US weTrust" be a fair consideration?
Many people are represented by the United States of America-As a matter of fact I know of no other country that is as diversified-when it comes down to Our Constitution-we have seperated church and state-and yet the Christian Majority has the mass of power in our system because of their majority vote-their elected officials are not all wearing Priests collars though and so we are not subjected to the religious right-So we Realists don't care to trust a God we find in a substitute for remedies and an excuse for ignorance-I have that right to believe this-never-the-less In God We Trust could align a considerable amount support with those that believe-Christian Muslim jew-what have you-which are definitely the majority-BUT DOES THAT MAKE IT RIGHT? and U know the answer is a firm no. And yet i have fought for freedoms and rights in my great country the good ol USA for a considerably long time and have had much support from my fellow American-US-In We The People we Trust-too long-nice ring
Religion & Spirituality - 21 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I say we should put "In Justice We Trust" or "In the People We Trust".
2 :
I asked about this a few weeks ago. One answer sounder really good to me; the girl said we should let people (like Pepsi, and Coke ext.) buy advertising space one the money, as a way to help pay off the countries debt.
3 :
America is founded on personal freedom -- so why not make it "In US we trust." Makes sense to me.
4 :
The bigger question to that is should the majority be held hostage by the minority/ When if ever is that right?
5 :
Our money should say "Trust No One"
6 :
If you are offended by all means don't use the money.I would imagine you are not offended enough to refuse to take cash if it was offered to you,so you can't be taken seriously.
7 :
In The Toadstool We Trust
8 :
You really want to put your trust in a country?? Countries fall (just look at Rome) God doesn't that's why we should put our trust in him.
9 :
Atheists are a trifling minority in America and your political opinions barely register on the scope of opinion polls. Nevertheless I saw the phrase "In reason we trust" scribbled across the defaced surface of a paper bill one day. I don't see how anyone would "trust" in the U.S. Reason seems like a decent compromise except that it is sacrilegious to us Christians but then again we have removed God from the public square in every other way. It seems like money will eventually be purged too.
10 :
Well, the whole 'Under God' and 'In God We Trust' crap came about in the 50's to differentiate us from the Communists.Since the situation leading to that change is history( no pun intended), there's no reason to keep up with it, and this country,which guarantees religious freedom needs to leave religion and beliefs out of politics (and please,will someone tell George W that?!!).How about In The People We Trust? It was still a democracy. last I heard.I wonder how many people would get their knickers in a twist if it were to become 'In The Goddess We trust'?
11 :
Matthew 22:21
12 :
I have 2 points to make: One: Well, I am Christian. And I will admit, you do make a good argument. However, you have to remember that not just Christians believe in God. You sound like a very intelligant person so I am sure you know that. I dont think this decision will go over well. I do believe in the separtion of church and state because I realize that we all are not made to have the same religion, but many religions out there worship the same God that we do, they just have different names. My second point: I highly doubt that even people who dont believe in God will go with this idea. While they may like the idea, I see athiests and religious people not liking "In US we trust" because many people today dont trust the US government. I think that would be the second strongest argument. It will be interesting to see how other people feel about this. Good question!
13 :
In The Flying Spaghetti Monster We Trust!
14 :
To be accurate, it should be: In Greed We Trust
15 :
I think it is important to remember though, that the men who originally fought for our freedom were religious, God-fearing men. It is their hand in our Constitution and Justice system that placed God as an important figure in American Governance. And yes, state and church are separate, but simply keep aware of the others existance, and certainly not deny it. It is our privilege and duty to honor our founding fathers' role in the way we are able to live our lives, and one way that is done is by preserving their courage and lifestyle. I'm not trying to tell you that you're wrong or anything. I'm not even trying to persuade anyone. I'm just letting you know why I think "In God We Trust" is still around, and still important. A side note....."In People We Trust" is a hard thing to force out of my cynical mouth! ;-)
16 :
it could have a picture of Sean Hannity on it for all I care, as long as I can still buy a cheeseburger with it.
17 :
This country was founded on freedom to worship GOD in your own way. People forget that all the time. And why should the 92% of us who believe in some form of God bend over backwards for the 5% that don't (I know math, 3% are not sure). We seem to bend backwards too often for the minority and not often enough for the majority.
18 :
i cant remember the last time i read the words on a dollar bill. it is just a piece of paper that you buy stuff with. why do we need it? if everyone lived the way the bible teaches, we wouldnt need money because we are supposed to help our fellow man. there are big time problems out there, much greater than what is printed on money, but i understand why you feel the way you do. this country needs an enima.
19 :
Maybe we shouldnt have money as money is the root of all evil anyways. I do however understand what you are stating here. I am all for "in US we trust" as well even though I am christian. I was stating however to one disgruntled racist atheist that he must not be a true atheist if he is using money for it does say "IN GOD WE TRUST" on it. I was and am not happy with the hatred of the disgruntled atheist I came across and I jsut wanted to bring that to his/her attention. I am just disgusted however at the ones who portray so much ignorance and hatred and should not even be on yahoo with some things. I do want to thank y ou for your question and input and opening our eyes to a few things. Thanks for sharing.
20 :
I am ver religious and I agree with you. It should be removed. Our countries only motto should be it's original motto, not this religious motto. The original motto was in Latin and you can still see it on money however it is disapearing more and more each year. I don't remember what it was, but it meant something like out of one many or something like that.
21 :
I agree.The terms you put your question in are more coherent. That other assclown was just offensive. You will put a lot of funny questions on answers but yours are well though out.