Friday, December 14, 2012

Is This The Most Dangerous Man in the United States, and The World?

Is This The Most Dangerous Man in the United States, and The World?
Donald Trump knows nothing about politics or foreign policy. For example, this is what he said about Libya: • He said he would charge the Libyan rebels 5Billion to defend them. He said that was "chump change to them" These are peasants who go into battle in 92 Toyota pickups. They have no money. Besides, when have we ever charged a nation for protecting them? Did we do it in WW1 or WW2, Bosnia, etc. • • But more ignorantly, he has said that if it were up to him he would just "go to Libya and take all the oil"( "I'd do one thing. Either I'd go in and take the oil or I don't go in at all," Is he suggesting we invade Libya by land, or does he think we already did? (apparently he doesn't understand this is just an air campaign) After that we fight Gadaffi And the rebels for control of the oil fields, and take all the Libyan oil? Where would that leave Libya? Without revenue it would become a failed nation like Somalia, and be a breeding ground for Al Queda and other terrorists. • •"In the old days, when you have a war and you win, that nation is yours." (Does he want to start World War 3?) -Donald Trump on foreign policy Only Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany had the policy of "you win, that nation is yours" This Ringmaster act he is performing is drawing him a lot of attention but when will Americans wake up and realize this is all just an act to get publicity? Trump has announced on at least 4 other occasions in the past that he "might" run for President. Everything he says and does is for showmanship and to showcase his masterful knowledge of everything on earth and heaven. Is this the most manipulative and deceitful character in America today? His "birther" act is just a ploy to get attention, which is apparently what keeps him alive. It's been disproven over and over, and the Supreme Court has refused to hear it 3 times. Are they also part of the conspiracy? Are Michelle Bachmann, Bill O'Reilly, the State of Hawaii and the entire government of the United States also complicit in this "cover up". This is just childish irresponsibility, all done to draw attention to himself, which he does very well. He says that "birth announcements in general do not exist" and says this about Obama's parents: "Two poor people, a man and a woman with no money, they have a baby. There's announcements in the newspaper? Nelson Rockefeller doesn't put announcements in. I've never seen one." -Nelson Rockefeller? These are only 3 of the policies/issues Trump has brought up since his bid to run. How many more insane ideas do you think he will bring up before the nomination. This man is no politician. Can't you see Trump is deceiving you for attention, which apparently is the only thing that keeps him alive. This is the most dangerous and inexperienced man you could possibly put in the White house. He is a master at deception, and he is deceiving you. He has announced on at least 4 other occasions in the past that he "might" run for President. What makes you think this will be any different?
Politics - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
next to the "village idiot" and palin I would have to agree.
2 :
Republicans are going to elect Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Peter Schiff, or Paul Ryan in 2012. Anyone should be able to beat obama in 2012, unless everyone just enjoys hyperinflating