Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why are products that used to be manufactured by America now imported from other countries?

Why are products that used to be manufactured by America now imported from other countries?
One reason. please help me. thanks you are GREATLY appreciated!! =) xoxoxo In the past the United States manufactured most of the products used by Americans. Now many of these products are imported from other countries. A. The United States government encourages Americans to buy foreign goods. B. Foreign workers manufacture products that Americans can no longer make. C. The United States economy has grown smaller in recent decades D. Foreign producers can make goods for less money than American producers.
Economics - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
American workers priced themselves out of the job market by forcing companies that manufacture in the U.S. to charge more for the same goods than companies which pay their workers less in other countries.
2 :
D. People demand cheap goods, and you can only go so low in America.
3 :
If we did it all ourselves, we would be very rich, but everyone would hate our country. You know, we would be super-powerful if we did it all ourselves, but both selling and buying from other countries evens things out a little to make our relations with them more friendly.