Sunday, July 7, 2013

Do Christians follow any of the 10 Commandments?

Do Christians follow any of the 10 Commandments?
It seems that many Christians want to put up monuments to the 10 Commandments just about everywhere. However, I wonder if many of these Christians should start practicing what they preach before they try putting up monuments to 10 of their God's Commandments that they often seem to ignore. Today, numerous Christians living within the territory claimed by the government that calls itself the United States of America sat in church as most of the Commandments were violated by their own clergy. Obviously, sermons glorifying the government called the United States of America (regardless of the merits of such government) are a violation of the 1st and 2nd Commandments. The 1st Commandment says that Christians are supposed to worship their God and only their God, not the United States government. The 2nd Commandment says that they are not to make idols and especially not to make idols of "false" Gods, such as the United States government (surely, the flag of the United States government counts as an idol). Undoubtedly, many of these sermons glorifying the United States government celebrated the "liberation" of Iraq and Afghanistan by said government. These are acts of mass murder (which is what "war" is a euphemism for) and therefore glorifying these acts flagrantly violates the 6th Commandment. Since the United States government is funded by "taxes" (a euphemism for property stolen by extortion), glorifying its actions also violates the 8th Commandment. Likewise, any church that accepts money from the United States government's Office of Faith-Based Initiatives or advocates the so-called "Social Gospel" is violating the 8th and 10th Commandments. Associating the Christian God with the actions of an organization that violates his Commandments almost certainly violates the 3rd Commandment. The very fact that Christians attend church on Sunday rather than Saturday is a violation of the 4th Commandment, as the Bible clearly states that the Sabbath is on a Saturday and this was never changed anywhere in the Bible. Regularly, we hear news stories about Christian religious leaders violating the 7th Commandment. I also have no doubt that Christians routinely violate the 5th and 9th Commandments. Does the typical American Christian follow any of their God's 10 Commandments?
Religion & Spirituality - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, because Christians are all evil doofuses.
2 :
They don't follow the 613 commandments of The Law, so it doesn't surprise me that they don't follow the other 10. Your average christian can't even name all 10. The 613 laws still exist and must be followed forever.
3 : preacher just talked about not committing sin.....
4 :
Different Christians do to different degrees.
5 :
Do you follow them?
6 :
I think you're stretching things. Christians are no longer under the Mosaic Law or the Old Covenant. They are under the New Covenant. Christians do not keep the Ten Commandments in order to be justified. Of course, nine of the Ten Commandments are still included in the New Covenant. However, keeping the sabbath is not. Christians should only obey what Jesus taught out of love for him. It's called obedience. It's what every Christian should strive to do: live in accordance with the good Word of God.
7 :
*Sigh*, wow, that famous atheist logic skipped you didn't it ?? How do we *worship* the government ?? And just how would the flag be considered and idol ?? And just how do you know what each and every preacher preaches in the pulpit on any given day of worship ?? ROFL, again I ask, where is the logic in anything you just said ?? And by the way, I as a Child of God follow the 10 commandments..... If you are NOT a Christian your vote does not count.... Sorry.... go in peace.... God bless
8 :
Well I don't care about what a "typical" American Christian does or doesn't do. It is sad that Christianity has grown into a stereotypical thing. But I do know that REAL Christians (aka Christians who give more than a once-over to their religion) try their hardest to obey what Jesus commanded, which was to "Love your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind" and to "Love your neighbor as yourself." He said that by doing this, you fulfill all of God's law. If a person where to pattern his or her life after these sayings, then he or she would naturally not commit adultery, be arrogant, and self - centered. But sadly, I suppose the "typical" American Christian does not. The real ones do.
9 :
Apparently you are neither Christian nor American. Faithful Christians strive to live all the commandments of God. True American patriots do not worship the flag nor do we set our government officials as anything above the status of fellow citizens. In fact, many of our politicians have fallen well below what is expected of Americans. Sure, Christians violate the laws of God. We are all human, striving to be the best we can.
10 :
Most christians worship idols. Usually in the form of the bible. Many of them put it over god or Jesus. In fact, southern baptists have officially placed the bible over Jesus.
11 :
I am Christian and I admit that I don't follow them all. But I don't lie about it either.
12 :
What most supposed "christians" DO and SHOULD DO is pretty much up for individual interpretation and debate I'd say. Clearly if one is TRYING to be Christlike - then living the 10 commandments should be an obvious goal too.... many get caught up in the symantics and other such things of the whole thing and FORGET the spirit of the "law".....