Sunday, July 14, 2013

why does the united states do this?

why does the united states do this?
it supports Israel which destroyed my country Lebanon. they say terrorists but they attacked us!! how could we be terrorists. i'm an arab, a christian arab but my best friends are muslim and i don't think they are scary or terrorists they are the best people i know. why does america interfere with things in lebanon and middle east in general? middle east is in the other side of the planet why does america come here. i mean if america stays in america then no harm would be done to anyone. okay people may say what about 9/11 but why did these people that i don't support by the way do this? it is because america supports Israel which is taking Arab land. just be reasonable about it and don't think like they are trying to program you to think. another question is why shouldn't iran get nuclear power and even nuclear bombs. most of europe now has nuclear powerplants. and america is the only country that has actually used nuclear weapons. that should make you terrorists right? but do you know why you aren't called a terrorist? because you won in WWII and the winner writes history. so if germany won the WWII you would be called teroorists and the nuclear bombs dropped on japan would be the holocaust. I am christian and i think that america is just causing trouble. muslims have the right to defend themselves. no matter what ideas the media plant in your heads. and you say you want to bring democracy to us. did you know that the president of Egypt husni mubarak has been president for more than 30 years!!! do you call that democracy? or just because he is an ally of US then you support him in supressing his people and because iran doesn't support US then iran is being barbaric? iran is democratic. there president is elected every four years. i don't think it is fair to manipulate the middle east as you like just so you would control the oil and you would live good. it is our oil and we are living like shit. we deserve to live good too. you consider it bad to get 700$ a month. here you are lucky if you find a job at all and get 300$ what is the mistake that hezbollah did? huh? he fired few missles on israel. well too bad but israel invaded my country 7 times you don't see that do you. and you don't see my friends and neighbors that were killed by israel. americans usually ask: why do they hate us? no we ask you why do you hate us? just because we are arabs and different you hate us and you give israel weapons and money to kill us? and you think suicide bombers are bad. suicide bombers or what i would like to call martyr bombers kill israeli soldiers so that they will not kill their families. and i'm not talking about al-qaeda bombers because i hate people who kill other innocent people. what you need to know that peace in middle east comes when you take israel out of here. and in no other way peace is going to come here. and wars are going to stay breaking untill all arabs die or all israelis die or israelis would go to some place else and give us our land back. and you will see israel break.
Other - Politics & Government - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
HA HA HA! Now that's funny, you should be on comedy central. I love jokes that play with and attempt to rewrite reality.
2 :
First off, Israel is not taking Arab land. Muslims are trying to claim land that does not rightfully belong to them as their own. Secondly, the rest of the world is constantly all over America's ass when they aren't doing something for them. When America doesn't get involved, the response is "Why isn't America doing more?"
3 :
hmm, when you put it that way, i guess you are right. thanks for changing my mind. You should get into politics you have a bright future.