Monday, July 1, 2013

Why is the United States so damn hypocritical?

Why is the United States so damn hypocritical?
They try to act like they are the good guys when they go and deal with other corrupt governments.. and take advantage of them. Like what's happening now in Egypt, now they are stuck because the Egyptian government is their strongest ally in the Arab world, so they are actually sticking up for President Mubarak, while at the same time, trying to distance themselves from him because his disapproval is very public right now. What assholes. I know countries do things that mainly benefit themselves.. but then when they go taking advantage of african nations with lots of oil, and then wonder why people are still poor there, its f***ed up. And its not just America who does it. And then these countries consider themselves "civilized" when they are just as screwy as the others, but in different ways. Why do humans have to f*** up everything. I am not proud to be an American, or anything else. This doesn't mean I'm some lunatic who wants America and etc to be bombed, I'm just frustrated because how can I support people who claim to be good when they do a lot of bad things as well? America deserved 9/11 because they spent too much time messing with Middle Eastern affairs that were none of their business. America should spend more time focusing on America, and not trying to fix the world because it just makes things WORSE. and i live in america and there's lots of things to be fixed here. the american government has now f***ed up Iraq even more than it was before.. YES that is totally gonna make more people pro-american! bombing innocent victims and what not. smart move, american government. its almost like they want more attacks on america as they just continue to provoke them. people should have their own democracies.. with what THEY think is right, not necessarily what americans want or the people will blame america! hmm i wonder when in history this has happened before. ummm Iran?? and if i know this as a 17 year old then wouldn't the people making those big decisions know all about it and more? what has america gained from the war on terror? can this war even end? people generally turn to the extremist groups when their basic needs aren't met.. when they need money to support their families and etc. when they cant get education, too why does history keep f***ing repeating itself, dammit @Brianna Mcintosh: America isn't interfering with Egypt as they did with Iraq because America doesn't want to lose their best ally in the Arab world. I find it funny how you clearly have poor reading comprehension as I have said in my OP that I was American. And its funny how you're saying that other countries should fix their own messes, when America CHOOSES to go and interfere with other nations. The US is not the Arab world's nanny, though they try to give the impression of that, when they really are just trying to take advantage of them. @ Entropy: What you said makes a lot of sense, but why does America keep funding Israel, then? The Jews left, so the Palestinians went to those lands. And then the Jews came back after the Holocaust, but the Palestinians were still there and didn't want to give up the land. And then now Israel has been given so much power, and is now trying to take land away from the Palestinians. Both countries generally don't want each other to exist. When I see it this way, the Jews seem to be more of the bad guys since the Palestinians are just trying to keep the land they got once the Jews left. If anything, Germany should be funding Israel for what they did to the jews, and America should fund black people for the hundreds of years of slavery. What does America owe to European Jews? They already fought WW2 for them.It's like the Jews are better than everyone else or something.
Government - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Look, we were founded with the principal of freedom for all while owning slaves... We were founded on hypocrisy, and its only gotten worse over the centuries.
2 :
You don't seem to have a clear or thought out thesis. Try again with less dumb please.
3 :
...sitting around and thinking about stuff is the same as "critical thinking" to you....isn't it...?
4 :
International affairs is a complex subject in politics. your frustration is well grounded, but it is also naive. It is naive because IA is complicated. In the history of mankind no nation has put its blood and treasure on the line in defense of OTHER NATIONS liberty like the US has. Every other superpower in human history has used its power to oppress neighboring or colonial nations. The US comes in, topples dictators and attempts to set up governments that are accountable to the local people. This is virtually unique in human history. To your complaint that the US supports dictators, I regrettably have to concede that YES, this does happen. But this is why IA is complicated. The US diplomatic corps advocates human rights and democracy behind the scenes, but in order to maintain stability and international order (an environment upon which developing nations like India, China, South Korea, and various ASEAN, and latin american democracies are dependent), the US DOES have to work with tyrannical governments. Would you anger Egypt? Egypt recognized Israel before anyone else and holds crucial power to impact our allies in Europe and global trade because it holds the Suez Canal. You have to weigh the costs and benefits. Supporting a dictator is annoying, but making sure Egypt is friendly means having an arab voice of moderation in relations with Israel and access to Suez. Those benefits outweigh the unseemly close relationship with a dictator. Would we prefer a friendly democracy there? Sure we would, but that seemed very unlikely until these protests broke out. In the meantime we have to live in the real world, and sometimes that means working with unseemly characters.
5 :
I have to totally agree with Entropy. I once thought the same way you do, in fact I was the same age as you when I believed this way. Now I'm a little older and a little more well read.
6 :
You should take some medication for that, mate. The truth of the matter is that the United States IS the good guy. It's actually too much of a good guy, if you ask me, because they splash so much money on Egypt every year, money that can be spent on American people, creating jobs and covering the massive debt its in with China. If anyone is hypocritical, that'd be the people who kept on banging on about how evil America was when it DID bring a dictator down (Saddam Hussein) in an Arab country, and how the Americans shouldn't interfere with the Arab world's business. Well, so now you got your wish and America wants nothing to do with the riots in Egypt and their potential consequences. Stop being such a little whiny ***** and deal with it. Clean your own bloody mess.
7 :
My answer to your problem is simple stop electing the same people into office time after time. If they are not doing what you think is right now they aren't going to do amy better the 2ed and 3ed time around .
8 :
? ? ?
9 :
I think most Americans really like their fairytale world. It's nice there. And pink, and fluffy. The reason why America invaded Afghanistan is to get in on the poppy seed/opium/heroin trade. Lots of money to be had there. Remember when the U.S invaded Iraq and the first thing the Iraqi's did was started burning the oil fields? The media said it was because Saddam was "cruel" and didn't want his people to have it. Well, guess who has the oil now? There is always more to the story than what it seems on the surface. I'm not saying that everything "conspiracy theorists" say or think is accurate but let's pull our heads out of the sand and get educated. You should be angry. But let that anger drive you to educate yourself and take action, by petitioning your local leaders. Get involved in your local govt. -VOTE-well when you turn 18. Our govt. is absolutely corrupt but who's to blame? If we the people have been lazy about our job to be our country's "quality control" then we can only blame ourselves. The following is a good place to start. Very informative.