Thursday, November 28, 2013

Is There a Job That "Requires" You to Travel? Enough Money to Travel the World?

Is There a Job That "Requires" You to Travel? Enough Money to Travel the World?
I'm still really young (lets just say under 18 ha), let me say that first, but ever since I discovered all the continents in the 3rd grade, I've wanted to travel the world. I am extremely interested in art, and that's pretty much any branch of art there is. I really am not sure what I want to be when I get older, but I do know I love art, cooking, traveling, and discovering new things/places. I love geography too. Is there any jobs that fit one of these areas that you sorta have to travel a lot to get? Does it take a lot to travel the world? I really want to see the landmarks of the world, mostly Europe, the all the states in America, some parts of Asia and Africa, and Australia. Its a lot of places. I'm really interested with ancient ruins and stuff like that. I love the outdoors, like camping and mountain climbing, etc. I love to go sightseeing. As of right now, my family hardly travels. I live in the United States, in Michigan, and I have seriously only been to Illinois and Ohio. I don't expect to make all this money so fast, and I understand it will be many many years or more that I could actually travel a lot, even after I get a job. Like I said I'm really young to decide all this, but it's really what I want to do when older. It it really possible to get a job to suit traveling and save enough money to do it? (BTW, there are currently 62 countries I'd like to see, even though I know about 10 of them I probably couldn't) What do you think?
Other - Destinations - 2 Answers
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1 :
Join the Navy, travel, meet cool people, then watch the Marines kill them.....
2 :
Yes.... 1) Air-staff (pilot/stewardess) 2) Merchant Navy 3) Workin with some 'Travel Channel' 4) Players like fifa/cricket/tennis/golf etc etc

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I now know why people around the world hate or pity the United States...?

I now know why people around the world hate or pity the United States...?
After quite a log time out of the US and in Japan, I come to realize why our nation is always criticized by other countries and I agree with them now. I used to think that the US was always criticized because we where a better nation of the world and that others "envied" or way of life, but that turned out to be really ignorant of me. I'll get to the point, after spending 2 years I japan I realized how inferior the US has gotten over the years, I see how we are manipulated by the media and its effect on our lives, the media seems perverted to me now and unwatchable. I see how education system in our country is so bad and disgusting in terms of standards compared to the rest of civilization. I now see how our government is so corrupt and driven by money and power instead of trying to rally make an effort in making a better society which has great potential. I would not expect you guys to understand me cuase if you did we would not be in this mess we are in now. America needs to wake-up A lot of people here are driven fear, ignorance or just plain stupidity. It makes me sick to see some of you discuss the topic of immigration for example. Some of you refer to these "illegal immigrants" as some sort of sub-human creatures who are stupid and disease ridden parasites. And who are here to take away our culture...what culture are they taking away? People seem to care more if Britney Spears has no panties over our education system and our nations problems. You lable these people as monsters, wetbacks, monkey and whole other load of crap. How many times do we have to go thru this we did the same to the black people the irish, chinese, japanese, german and so called "communist" people. not to mention the native americans sure some of us were not involved in these things but history is repeating itself again with "illegal immigrants". Some of you call yourself patriots or "real" citizens but in reality you are nothing but puppets of your ignorance and lack of knowledge... why are some of you so angry? I was born here and i want to do my part in making my home a better place. Its not how you react to problems which is what most of us do ie. ranting, bashing, complain, and just play victims here. We need to take resposibility for our own lives and make this place a better place for us and our future children. Its not about reacting to a problem its about responding to it, let us not make the same mistakes again. Am I wrong I only state the obvious I know the truth hurts, but no one ever said life has to be effortless it takes work. America seems to want things the easy way at the expense of others. How hard is it to treat other as you would like to be treated? Im only 19 years old and I still have much to learn but this is common sense to those who really care... Im only one person but that does not mean that I dont anything for our nation. I try to be a good citizen by voluntering at schools or just buying and donating some cans of food for our fire victims. It just comes down to caring for others. so i play my part as being a good human and a good "citizen". I dont want to judge anyone I just want to atleast educate them a litle here on this forum. I think I earned that right, cause im not sitting here just "moaning" or "ranting" like some of you said. Like I said I dont play the vicitim, I am what I am and I learn from my mistakes. How does caring make me a "liberal" or "hippie". This just proves my point about some of your lack of understanding and ignorance. But I still wish you the best and maybe you will understand one day... The only thing that I will admit to not doing and something that I wont do, is voting for president. Why? because I dont think this system works, because it seems that the one that "looks best" or the one with the most funds wins. For something so important i cant belive that people arent really researching the candidates. But I guess we prefer to just play victims and just rant nonsense instead. I actually know what to expect from each of candidates in terms of their credentials their past decisions and the origins of some of their funding. Do you know this stuff for your candidate? I mention funding twice because like I said the one the most money seems to win just check how much money these candidates have obtained compared to previous campaigns. Do you know where the money comes from? They get it from certain companies or organizations that want the support of that particular candidate... do you really think that the president will "bite the hand that fed them to where they are?" To clint, your excuse is so childish, first of all I never said that I prefer one country over another. second, the fact that some other countries treat illegal immigrants badly does not mean that we are entitled to do the same its really pathetic. I wouldnt be surprised if the population of "illegals" was over 25 million by now... it does not make sense logically and economically to "kick" them all out. we need to fix the issue like intelligent people and learn to make compromises. Most of these people pay taxes there is proof of that research it and just as many cant get their tax back for obvious reasons. WAKE-UP CLINT, Im not comparing countries I never did, Also my country is the United States I dont care right now what other countries have as policies, stick it inyour head already. I have every right to criticise this country and its problems as this is my country and my home. Getting a visa is not as easy at it seems otherwise these poeple would be trying to use them. Some of these dont meet the requirement cause theiy a really poor and most dont have a proper residence. You need to learn to stop labeling these people, to say that illegal hispanics have a lot less respect for the average american is just plain igonorant and retarded. I know who LA RAZA is, there are etremists in all societies to bring them up, just proves what you are all about. Not all of these people are "saints" most of us arent. Most of these people have good intetntions to state otherwise is foolish. Because now were are digging into human nature, if it was like you said this world would long over.. Clint, Im not insulting you, just as you refer to my comments as stupid I refer to some of yours a silly or retarded. Your lastest comment seemed choppy and a little hard to understand, but firgured out some of them. Again, I never compared any nations I dont care if its mexico or India and their respective policies. Its not relevant in any way, its about the people. Some of these people have no future back at their native countries no real chances to excel for whatever reasons. Meaning that a visa is out of the question for them anyway, they are here to build new lives. thats why there are more than 12-19 million of them. Your comments on LA RAZA did not make much sense the fact that they almost never appear in the news or the fact that they dont even register as 1/100 of a percent of the illegal population really makes them irrelevant. To label a whole people because group is to really label white people as the KKK or black people as Black Panthers, which is "stupid" itself... To compare "illegal immigration" to burglars does not really make sense. Because it involves 12-19 million people in a special circumstance tied to a single issue. Im going to state my idea on the overall topic... It just isn't logical or economically sane to essentially kick all of them out. Yeah the laws that we have are good ones but they dont really work anymore. I recommend a barrier with advanced reconassance technology in the southern border both to keep integrity of the border and to avoid uwanted deaths I belive that the people already here be given a special chance and to allow them to get on their feet. If they are capable of being a good citizen then allow them to stay. They can pay a fine for the transition... its ok. If some are bad individuals then we need to analyze them and deicide to send them back. Its about making a humane decision in how we are going to carry this out. Big difference from a gang banger, or just coming over because of necessity. Whats wrong with the above proposition? most of the people who declined something similar to this never really had a good responce and there isnt, because most of them were fueled by hate. When I asked how exactly they were personally were affected by the problem the just began to repeat the same rants again... which lead me to belive and it is widely accepted now, with history as proof that they just were ignorant and had "fear of the unknown" which feeds this type of activity. Sure I may not have all the knowledge in the world but i have an open enough mind to see whats going on. I dont dwell on on the topic of illegal immigration day and night do you think about and be honest to yourself. do you really know whats going on? Or is it all feelings or just biased junk from the radio. You see I research things to find out the "truth" not to justify my emotions on the matter. Read the las sentence again try to understand it. Im sorry if I insulted you in any way but its frustrating...
Politics - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
Amen. (from a fellow frustrated American)
3 :
We'll make a note of that. Don't bother returning.
4 :
you nailed it wow you nailed it again
5 :
Enjoy your Rice and raw fish, recent history shows how "Kind" and "Gentle" the Japanese empire can be, thats why we littered over 1/4 of the Globe with wrecked Japanese "Zero's" ! do us a favor and STAY THERE !
6 :
exactly. America is the one that is on wars all the time and then has to fight back. They always boast about how GREAT they are. Having olympics (i think twice), statue of liberty, the persident, havin everything from there, and how they hate australians. Why? We are all suppose to work in a TEAM!
7 :
i agree with you. i have never been out of this country, but i have realised how america lacks morals. we sadly dwell on the lifes of celebrities who are only human and make mistakes as we do, and talk more about these people then stuff that is actually important. it is rediculous. we use sex to sell everything or just to make a shows get better ratings and it works. i see what you are saying.
8 :
And just what are you doing to improve the situation? Whining doesn't do it. Exaggerating doesn't help. Are you contributing anything toward your country, other than the usual liberal moaning and groaning? While you're complaining, conservatives at home are working to make things better. Meanwhile, it's business as usual with the doom and gloom crowd.
9 :
I so agree with you. This country is in the midst of an ancient Rome revival. Our morals are in the gutter and the Clinton years only compounded our demon image before the world. I don't understand why so many among us don't get that. Though I haven't studied it firsthand, I have always heard that the 'Roaring Twenties' were similarly effected by moral ineptitude. With that in mind, my only hope for this nation is that we will again see a correction - soon - though I know that will not happen if Hillary takes office and continues pushing her anti-family values upon our youth. I understand why so many follow her because she makes their own broken lives seem 'normal,' but it is past time that we stopped trying to condone our own failures and returned to ensuring our children don't make the same mistakes.
10 :
It seems to me that the real problem with America is that no matter what the issue, instead of searching for solutions, people consistently push their own agendas.
11 :
I agreed with you until you came to you point about illegal immigrants. How can you say America is treating Illegal immigrants worse than other countries? The Australian Navy turns boats away or even sinks them, as soon as any are found they are locked up. The European citizens have lots of problems with asylum seekers and illegal immigrants, they don't welcome people with open arms but are complaining to the same extent as Americans do. It's wrong to criticise one country for doing what the majority is of the world is doing. Most Countries welcome people who have emigrated legally but also you can't expect countries to welcome people who have broken laws, when laws were made easier for these people, by either sheer laziness or a complete disrespect for the country. Japan's ethnic Korean community, who are required to register as aliens even if their ancestors have lived in Japan for generations. Have you read the Japanese government report on immigration, Immigration Battle Diary? It concludes that the Japanese do not like foreigners and that increasing immigration would be a bad thing. The number of actual immigrants is around 1.55 million or just over 1% of the total population, compare that to the USA with 20 million illegal Mexicans alone. The total number of known illegal immigrants is closer to the 30 million mark or 10% of the population if you added around 2% for legal immigrants a year then the immigration problem in the USA is a lot different to Japan. Edit ---- I wasn't making excuses but to say living in Japan you see problem in America, well everywhere has the same problems so to criticise one country above all other when they all do it is stupid. You state that living in Japan you see these problems and yet Japan is one of the most xenophobic countries around. Why should people give to criminals? I don't here you saying that people should forgive burglars since they just want a better life. Illegal immigrants jump to the front of the queue over people who filling in the forms and wait. A H2B (temporary unskilled worker visa) only has a processing time of 15 days. Most Mexicans pay more than the $500 processing fee to just gat to the border and cross illegally. Illegal immigrants pay very little taxes, they are illegal and work cash in hand so how many report these earnings. For there little taxes they pay they receive free schooling, food vouchers, free hospital care (most are not insured and simply don't pay any medical bills) so how do they benefit America? Picking fruit, only 20% of fruit picker are illegal immigrants. To say that the people treat them as sub human not correct for most people. The illegal Hispanics have a lot less respect for the average American. Have you ever looked into what La Raza stands for? It wants an ethnic cleansing of the south west USA. Oh and you criticise other people for name calling yet you're happy to call me childish and pathetic. Edit ----- You have every right to criticise your country or any country, but expect people to have different opinions. What you don't have the right is to put down a country and say it's citizens treat people evilly without comparing it to others and pointing out just how common this is. How does Mexico treat its illegal immigrants? I do know the process, a lot better than you do it seems, as I've been through it. It's not complicated. You fill in three forms, send off money and wait for an interview. As for people not qualifying for visa, that's complete BS and you know it. There are around 20 different types of visa at the moment to cover anything from a doctor to a fruit picker. If someone isn't qualified to pick fruit do you really expect him to get work in the USA? As for being really poor the average Illegal pays around $2500 for a guide to help them cross the boarder compared to $500 processing fee to do it legal. Bring up La Raza is a valid point as they are the spokes group currently that most people see regarding illegal immigrants. The fact most people see illegal immigrants as Hispanics is that over 20 million are from Mexico with around 4 million from everywhere else. Now since La Raza, as the spokes people for illegal immigrants, do not respect the average American, or do you call banners with decapitated heads being very respectful, they have to be counted as the majority of illegal immigrants are not respectful to Americans. Plus anyone who openly breaks the law cannot be respectful to that country. You argument that they are respectful doesn't make sense, would you also say a burglar is respectful of the homeowner he robbed if he wiped his feet on the doormat? If the world was like I wanted it there would be no crime. If the world was like you wanted it the streets would be full of looters. Again I haven't called you any names, but you still continue to insult me. That proves that you have no valid arguments or cannot prove mine to be wrong and are trying to undermined my opinion by calling me names. Edit --- I probably agree with you on most points and believe that you are an intelligent person, but I will refer to my main objection again. It is wrong to state that Americans treat illegal aliens as sub-human creatures who are stupid and disease ridden parasites. Americans tend to treat their illegal aliens better then most countries do. Just because someone in one country doesn't have a lot of opportunities doesn't mean they can't get a Visa. Like I pointed out, and seems to be ignored by pro illegal’s, the American government increased the number of visa and the requirement to get them. The H2A and the H2B do not require any skills since they are the unskilled visas for seasonal work, which my understanding is what most illegal’s seem to state they do. Since the American government has bent over backwards to enable these people to be able to get Visas for America why don't they at least try to become legal? Since you state that you've research this topic you will be aware that the average cost of an illegal to enter the USA is around $2500, that’s a lot more than the $500 processing fee. If they can spend $2000 more to become illegal how can they state that they can't afford the processing fee? Most people’s argument for illegal immigrants is that they are simply in American to improve there lives. I see a lot of similarity between illegal’s and burglars. - Both are criminals, whether you like it or not that is a fact. - Both have illegally enter the place where they commit there crime. - Both use the excuse that they only do it to financially aid there families. - Both pay the same rate of tax. - High rate of either of them and people start to move away. Whether this is right or wrong it does happen, changing the local communities for ever. I do agree that La Raza don't represent all illegal aliens and even put that myself but they are the most vocal group. When ever the news has a report on illegal immigration the two sides are usually minute men, who are even smaller percentage of the population, against a person from either La Raza or an associated group. I'll put my response to your opinions on the topic. The laws don't work because they are not enforced, if they were enforced, as has been shown in areas on the AZ boarders they have reduced the number of illegal’s crossing by 1000's. Agreed a barrier has been proven to reduce migration if built correctly and well guarded. The Berlin wall had 5000 people successfully illegally cross it in 20 years, this proved that it can work. If someone is capable of landing on there feet they are also capable of obtaining a visa to do so. You want a fine, how about $500 and a piece of paper that has the words Visa written on it. This still isn't fair on the people who wait and do things legally, you are rewarding people for breaking the law, it's a bit like giving a burglar a playstation to stop him stealing, I don't believe that criminals should be rewarded. However if someone is illegal how would the government keep an eye on them, they are already failing to do so and have no idea where most of the illegal’s are. How is this about making a humane decision in how we are going to carry this out? Are you worried about splitting a family up? If one partner is an American citizen then why haven't they applied for a K3 visa? If they are both illegal’s then the whole family should be ship out. The law needs changing to stop these loop holes that could separate families. Mexico Unemployment rate is low so it's not lack of jobs or opportunity, it's purely financial gain. If some was coming over due to necessity then they could do so legally and would be welcomed, why do they have to do so illegally? I agree that most illegals aren't gangsters but statistics do show that areas of high illegal aliens also have high crime rates. I too have research the topic and also looked at the problem within several countries. My opinions do not come from the radio but looking at patterns within these countries and how they deal with immigration. The simple facts are that throughout history there as been illegal immigration and it usually has bad effect on the country. Legal immigration usually has a positive effect. A simply question that I would like your opinion on. Should America prioritize looking after its current citizens above dealing with the illegal immigrant’s situation? Things like employee rights (like paid maternity, can't be fired for being sick, minimum required holidays, etc), Free health care for children under 18, etc.
12 :
You have a good perspective from having lived outside the US, however, because you're young, you lack historical perspective. The US has changed greatly over the last 10 years. The country is being run by people who mainly care about winning the next election, and who constantly manipulate people's emotions through inflammatory rhetoric and disinformation. "Illegal immigration" was not the major issue it is now until mid 2006 when the Republican party decided to appeal to its base with draconian proposals. They ramped up the natural backlash against foreigners into a frenzy of hate and then they couldn't put the genie back into the bottle in time to pass a somewhat reasonable immigration reform bill. You seem to be on a good track of thinking for yourself, but I hope you decide to vote in the presidential election. If there's one thing for certain, it really matters who the US president is. As for the people on this board, many are paid partisans or campaign volunteers, several are astro turfers. So the opinions many posters "express" are not for real and are far more extreme than the real opinions of real people.
13 :
Israeli police impersonate TV news crew to arrested Palestinian............ now TV news crew will be shot in sight

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Why did the British cause the birth of the United States?

Why did the British cause the birth of the United States?
If the British didn't have to invade the French in the New World, then present-day USA would be a peaceful blend of French and Indian tribes. Also if the British didn't have to put tea taxes on the colonists, they wouldn't have thought to make this whole Constitution and Revolutionary War. Then the USA would not be a country! The fate of the GLOBE would be altered significantly! The Western Hemisphere's economy would not put a globe into recession. More precisely put, what gene pool of British made this whole USA? What kind of British genes would be responsible for the DNA of George W. Bush? These are descendants of Brits, are they not? If not for British colonialism that gave birth to America, I wouldn't have to be stuck in this capitalistic crazy USA with power greedy corporations and Government backing them with stimulus money. Am I correct? I know the USA is not all British (George W. Bush I think has English/Irish descent). Most Texans and Connecticut residents were English if not Irish origin. BUT the USA's first colonists were British sailors. The formation of the USA was people of primarily British origin against the British themselves. And some americans did go for Britain, one fine man was named Benedict Arnold
Other - United Kingdom - 3 Answers
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1 :
you're crazy.. is george bush english? i dunno most people in america that i know are mainly german and irish decent.. alot of similar things would have happened, reguardless. we would have revolted over some other tax.
2 :
Don't blame us. We take no responsibility for the USA.
3 :
you say a "peaceful blend of French and Indian tribes" ... what makes you think that would guarantee peace? you make it sound like the gene pool of the USA is totally British ... what about the Germans, Polish, Czechs, Jews, Irish, Swedes, Chinese, black Africans, Italians, Spanish, Mexicans ... etc etc ad infinitum if you'd paid your taxes like good little children, none of this would have happened

Friday, November 1, 2013

Why does the United States continue to throw billions and billions of dollars at third world countries?

Why does the United States continue to throw billions and billions of dollars at third world countries?
Despite that little to no progress has been made in these countries? We thrown have money at dozens of poor countries in Latin America,Asia,and the Middle East,and they're still poor. The Clinton administration admitted that "Despite decades of foreign aid,most of Latin AMerica,Africa,and Asia are economically worse off than they were 20 years ago." Take for example,Zambia.When Zambia became independent in 1964,its people's income per capita was $540(in 2001 dollars).By 2000,they were making only $300,despite SIX BILLION in foreign aid from 1980 to 1996. Africa is still poor,despite that Africa has received the financial equivalent of FIVE Marshall Plans since the 1950s. It doesn't matter how much money we give the Third World...The only people who can help Africa and Asia,are the Africans and Asians themselves.
Politics - 11 Answers
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1 :
because we are the USA! we give moneys to countries that hate us!
2 :
cose cant go to church...pull "god bless you"...all the time...if people dieing out of hunger despite..the r helping them self or not..
3 :
Africa has been stagnant but is now actually booming. Nigeria is growing at 10% a year and tanzania at 6% for a start... There have been many issues holding back development in the last few decades. Corruption, poor governance, aid being used to the wrong ends. happily though, some of the longest running wars have come to an end, the continent is increasingly democratic, many countries are making use of their natural resources and the innovation of microcredit is fuelling growth. While still poor, Africa is no longer a basket case... As for Latin America, it has only just overcome the twin disasters of huge government debt and appalingly implemented free market economics in the 1980s and is mostly doing fine now. Asia has been booming, not just china and India, but also Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, even Bangladesh is growing
4 :
maybe because when US give money , the third world countries feel that they need to return some favors and become like US's friend for future trade or war . Like investing something....
5 :
Foreign aid isn't given to the people of the foreign country. It is given to the government and corporations. Corruptions flourishes. People are people. Many of them being quite corrupt. Would you turn down the opportunity to make millions for yourself, your friends and your family. Greed lives.
6 :
The question you need to ask yourself is do you really believe that the money gets to those countries or just to the criminal politicians and their supporters here and there.
7 :
I believe that the original idea was to help stop the spread of Soviet communism, that if we were to give them aid, then the Soviets couldn't gain a foothold in those regions in the world. The Soviet Union has been dead for nearly 20 years, but we still do it, all that aid should have produced something by now. All it did was enrich the political elite in those nations. The Philippines is a good example of that. We spent a lot of money on aid to his country and, Ferdinand Marcos just pocketed the money and became the dictator.
8 :
I dunno. Buying off two bit diktaters just seems stupid to me.
9 :
your point of view is very interesting, the poor countries have things in common, bad admonistration, bad legal systems and a lack of prioritization in the development programs But the problem why international aid, including american is the focus on those programs, by an example in Central America the US Aid program help a lot in anti demographic explosion programs, such as giving away condoms, and making free surgeries to those women that have a lot of children Therefore the real problem in these countries is not fighted I read recently in a brief, that if you make that girls in Latinamerica countries get to 6th grade, the non planned pregnancy decreases by 900%, that menas that the investment of those billions that you say "we throw" is bad focused the reason why the USA expend all this money is because specially Latinamerica Countries are the second market in importance to the american exports, and stremghtening the middle class in this countries mean less illegal alliens and more US exports The way to become from low class to middle class in Latinamerica is as easy as getting a formal job and that mean education, specially private because the public is fairly poor and the abandon rate is something like 70% so when this money start to become smart distributed it would fight the real causes of poverty i hope you find good my answer and if you like it, please choose it a the best answer, thanks in advance :-)
10 :
stupid Progressive elite bastards that love to spend your $$$$.
11 :
It's the same in the UK. We're massively in debt and there's people here who need support money (ie jobless, homeless, low income families, etc...). The government is saying we're all in this together and cuts have to be made because we can't afford anything. All the while giving £billions to foreign countries and the EU. Yes the foreign aid is for a good cause but the government should look after our own people and sort out our country before giving our money to other countries. And here's the kicker. Earlier this year I read that foreign countries have said Britain don't give enough. So not only are they taking our money they are ungrateful.