Thursday, November 7, 2013

Why did the British cause the birth of the United States?

Why did the British cause the birth of the United States?
If the British didn't have to invade the French in the New World, then present-day USA would be a peaceful blend of French and Indian tribes. Also if the British didn't have to put tea taxes on the colonists, they wouldn't have thought to make this whole Constitution and Revolutionary War. Then the USA would not be a country! The fate of the GLOBE would be altered significantly! The Western Hemisphere's economy would not put a globe into recession. More precisely put, what gene pool of British made this whole USA? What kind of British genes would be responsible for the DNA of George W. Bush? These are descendants of Brits, are they not? If not for British colonialism that gave birth to America, I wouldn't have to be stuck in this capitalistic crazy USA with power greedy corporations and Government backing them with stimulus money. Am I correct? I know the USA is not all British (George W. Bush I think has English/Irish descent). Most Texans and Connecticut residents were English if not Irish origin. BUT the USA's first colonists were British sailors. The formation of the USA was people of primarily British origin against the British themselves. And some americans did go for Britain, one fine man was named Benedict Arnold
Other - United Kingdom - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you're crazy.. is george bush english? i dunno most people in america that i know are mainly german and irish decent.. alot of similar things would have happened, reguardless. we would have revolted over some other tax.
2 :
Don't blame us. We take no responsibility for the USA.
3 :
you say a "peaceful blend of French and Indian tribes" ... what makes you think that would guarantee peace? you make it sound like the gene pool of the USA is totally British ... what about the Germans, Polish, Czechs, Jews, Irish, Swedes, Chinese, black Africans, Italians, Spanish, Mexicans ... etc etc ad infinitum if you'd paid your taxes like good little children, none of this would have happened