Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Is George Bush a President with no Honor or Integrity ?

Is George Bush a President with no Honor or Integrity ?
Is this Man only trying to line his and his friend's pockets with lot's of "War Money" ? We have to ask people.....Does President George Bush really care about preserving our precious Constitution as well as the Planet Earth ? Has this man ever once addressed the threat of "Global Warming" seriously ?? I only here this man talk about terrorism and his precious little war in Iraq. It looks like to me that President George Bush could really care less about the Planet Earth, America and it's People. I think it is embarrassingly obvious that this man is too greedy to make money in the war business. I feel embarrassed because of Bush and feel this man has brought great shame to the United States of America. What about you?
Government - 19 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Blah, blah, blah.....more liberal psychobabble.....
2 :
He has none. He never did.
3 :
Yes, but he's forever making an idiot of himself on live TV... you gotta love him for that - he's entertaining.
4 :
I think he has integrity. He ran many businesses under the ground before becoming president. That shows that he wasn't your ordinary crook.
5 :
What would you have had him do. Let our country continue to be under attack and/or invaded. The only shame brought to this country is people like you who do not feel the need to defend it.
6 :
He has lots of honor and integrity. But only half a brain, and idiot sycophants for counselors.
7 :
Yes he is, in my opinion.
8 :
Well since you are so embarrassed let it go a little further for you lack of knowledge and your parroting. He could care less or he could not care less? Get it right. Global warming? Is that why the Antarctic ice cap is growing again? As reported today in Scientific American. How has he not preserved the constitution? He asked congress for authority to go to war, they granted it, every last one of them, except for Dennis Kuchinich. Terrorismis the all consuming thing now, or did you not know that either. Get some learning before you shot off your mouth.
9 :
This man is not only quite possibly the worst president in history and an embarrassment to us throughout the world, he has so wreaked havoc on the United States constitution that you have to wonder if you even have the freedom to ask the question you've asked without fear of repercussion. The entire civilized world is laughing at us - and with good reason. Did you see the UK papers the day after the "election?" “HOW COULD 54000000+ AMERICANS BE SO STUPID?" Oh, but wait - Diebold promised the election to Bush (manufacturers of the voting machines in OH). Imagine for a moment if W. had been born to YOUR mom and dad ... instead of reciting the oath of office, it'd be "would you like to Supersize that?" It will take years - if ever - to undo the damage that his presidency has wrought. You may want to read Chris Hedges piece here: http://www.theocracywatch.org/chris_hedges_nov24_04.htm
10 :
Friend, George W. can't even SPELL "honesty" or "integrity". For that matter, I'm not sure he can spell "George"...
11 :
George Bush is our president?
12 :
It's a question I have seen hashed and re-hashed over an over again - over the past 6 years. I agree with you 100%
13 :
George Bush is a freakin idiot, too bad the pretzel didn't get lodged better
14 :
"The Bush administration is systematically turning back 30 years of environmental progress,".... "You really have to go back to the McKinley administration in the late 19th century to find so many gratuitous giveaways to special interests looking to exploit our air, water, and natural areas. Americans want a 21st century administration that can deliver forward-thinking environmental solutions." The full list of 2006 Bush administration actions. 1. MERCURY RISING - Issued public health warnings to pregnant women and children about mercury after announcing policy changes to triple amount of mercury pollution allowed from power plants. 2. SUPER DUPED - Became first administration to support shifting burden of Superfund toxic waste cleanups from polluters to taxpayers. 3. SOOTY SANTA - Dismantled provision of Clean Air Act that requires oldest, dirtiest power plants and refineries to curb soot and smog pollution. 4. BACK IN BLACKOUT - Proposed a national Energy Bill that did nothing to reduce dependence on foreign oil, repair or address antiquated electricity grid, or protect special places from oil and gas drilling. 5. DRILLING WILDERNESS - Opened nearly 9 million pristine acres in Northwest Alaska to the oil and gas industry for exploration and drilling. 6. STONEWALLING, BIG TIME (tied)- Continued to withhold documents from secret meetings between Bush/Cheney Energy Task Force and energy industry lobbyists. 6. DON'T AX, DON'T TELL (tied) - Promoted a wildfire policy that expanded commercial logging in the backcountry but did little to protect people where they live. 7. NEXT STOP, SHINOLA - Allowed untreated sewage to be blended with treated sewage, cut funding for local sewage treatment, and didn't require health officials to warn public about sewage in water. 8. CRITICAL CONDITION - Obliterated the process of critical habitat designation for imperiled wildlife under the Endangered Species Act. 9. COP OFF - Continued pattern of willful negligence for enforcement of even basic clean water and clean air laws. 10. POST 9/11 LIES - Discovered by EPA Inspector General to have lied about post 9/11 environmental health hazards near Ground Zero. 11. ROAD WARRIOR - Expanded the legal loophole that allows obnoxious road claims through federally protected wilderness, national parks, and public lands. 12. HOG WASH - Secretly negotiated backroom deal to exempt giant animal factories from laws governing air and toxic pollution. 13. POLLUTED LOGIC - Refused to classify industrial carbon emissions, linked to global warming, as an official pollutant under the Clean Air Act. 14. HOT AIR - Proposed fantasy hydrogen power initiative to improve auto fuel efficiency rather than promoting more proven technologies like gas-electric hybrids. 15. ESTATE TOX - Ended a 25-year ban on the sale of PCB-laden real estate.
15 :
I always thought that Bush was just a puppet in the hands of the powerfull lobbies : Jews, weapons, oil. A special gift for you http://img12.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=78944_Bush_Monkey_122_438lo.jpg
16 :
First of all, you have been watching "An inconvenient truth" too much. Al Gore said he invented the internet, and you want to believe him about global warming? As for the President, I believe he is a good man, although he is not a conservative president. He has spent more than Clinton on pretty much all social programs, so I suspect if he was a Democrat you would love the guy. You only hate him because you have been told to hate him, and you have yet to reason rather than react. Your evolution will hopefully continue.
17 :
well, considering he got us into a war that we can't win and has made the middle east hate us MORE as a result, i believe he has no honor. lets face it guys, he only went into iraq because he wanted revenge on saddam for his daddy. all i can say is, im looking very much forward to the day that his term is up.
18 :
How can you take this man seriously or even respect him when he says things like: "We will stand up for terror. We will stand up for freedom." —Bush, speaking on the campaign trail, Oct. 18, 2004, in Marlton, N.J. "The truth of that matter is, if you listen carefully, Saddam would still be in power if he were president of the United States, and we’d be a lot better off." —Bush at the second presidential debate in St. Louis, Oct. 8, 2004. Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we. —Bush addressing a group of witnesses at the signing of the Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2005 in Washington, DC on Aug. 4. "See, free nations do not develop weapons of mass destruction." —So W., does this mean the U.S. is not a free nation?... Source: The Chicago Sun-Times, Oct. 13, 2003 "We need to thin our forests in America." —Bush, on the evil of forests, Aug. 11, 2003 Source: The Arizona Republic, "In Arizona, Bush Touts His Idea to Thin Forests," Aug. 12, 2003. Anyone who can't see the man doesn't have a clue, doesn't have one either.
19 :
All I can say to your question is yes, yes, and yes some more. Bush is every negative thing you characterized him as being. He is a war profiteer, and as blatant as they come. He has an obvious disregard for the Constitution. The Patriot Act, and his condoning of unscrupulous surveillance methods, are all a testament to his will to marginalize the Constitution all under the pretext of national security. Funny, almost every aspiring dictator in history asked or demanded for the suspension of individual rights in exchange for greater security. Yet most right wing Americans are too dense to see this fact. Environmental concerns are too broad and complicated for a man of Bush’s puny intellect to concern himself over. The science behind global warming is highly involved and requires extensive thinking; something George Bush is absolutely unaccustomed to doing. Besides, even if he had the mental acumen to fully grasp the gravity of global warming, he and his cohorts are way too greedy to lose money on instituting changes that will benefit our environment. So am I embarrassed by the fact that Bush is our Commander and Chief, given that he is in dereliction of duty in almost every aspect of his job? Absolutely! You know what I am even more embarrassed about? The fact that the American people are so credulous that they actually had the gall to reelect this man is the most embarrassing aspect. Bush maybe an idiot and unethical, but the fact that he is going to be in office for eight years, when as a democracy we could have prevented it from happening, is even a bigger indication of the overall idiocy and lack of ethics of the American people.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

quality of life in the united states?

quality of life in the united states?
I'm struggling in just paying off all the debt i have, and i have a crappy job. The job opportunities, no matter where i go, seem the same. Only making less than $16 thousand a year. I'm having an extremely hard time keeping up with just the cost of living in a ratty studio apparetment, paying for only electricity, water, and the internet. I really want to go to college, learn a new language, and eventually move to where i can apply those acquired skills. Like many others i haven't attended school past the 10th grade and i don't want to end up like them. I can't afford a pot to piss in, let alone tuition for finishing school. Even with financial aid most institutions for finishing a high school degree i get rejected. I hardly have any money. Why on earth do people in other developed countries, like in european countries, i've never encountered ppl with this amount of trouble. Everyone there seems to be able to live life at a far greater extend than in america, including getting all the education they could possibly ever want. The standard of living in america is way lower. Why? What could I possibly do to change this life for me, here in america, and now so i dont have to eventually die at the age of 30?
Other - Society & Culture - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
if you are a good citizen, and work hard for a living, then life in the states can be very good. but if you are a slacker, who dosne't work much, then it would be quite un pleasent. it all depends on YOU. if you are a hard worker with a good attatude, then you have nothing to worry about.
2 :
3 :
Move to Thailand. Or the Phillipines. Or the Dominican Republic. Or anywhere in Eastern Europe. I mean it. You won't regret it. You can't imagine just how "bottom of the shi*bowl barrel" the people in the U.S. are until you live elsewhere. You won't ever go back.
4 :
it,s great if you are making at least 58,000 a year in a big city . even then24,000 or more goes toward rent. if you are disabled ,you,re spit on. black ,put in a rat trap. poor.on the streets. yes,great.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Are there any U.S.A people out there who are NOT on some type of government assistance?

Are there any U.S.A people out there who are NOT on some type of government assistance?
It seems to me that just about every resident of the United States of America is on some type of government hand-out, assistance, medical program, military, government job, etc. Are there any that just work and make money without Uncle Sam's help? No wonder the country is in so much debt!
Other - Politics & Government - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'm not on any government assistance, except for some student loans which I still owe around $500 on.
2 :
You are wrong my family and I are self sustained. Didn't even touch one of those "cash for clunkers" or any other "free-govt. give away" knowing full well that in the end nothing is free.
3 :
There are a FEW of us out here.
4 :
I have my own business, my wife works for a private company, our son is in private school, we have purchased health insurance for a private firm, I do not have any loans or assistance for the federal government. Guess what. None of the people on my block gobble up the government entitlements. We all work for a living, yet are taxed to pay for the lazy people wanting handouts on the street corner.
5 :
6 :
I do not use welfare or receive government assistance. Right now I have a student loan for this fall but I will pay the money back. As for the military and government jobs such as schooling, cops, FBI, etc I would not view them as leeches. Though I would call the IRS hypocrisy. I use to work at a state job and they would give you a cost of living raise when necessary but like other jobs did not give raises out that much. I now work in a non-state funded job.
7 :
The Tax Code, by definition, is "government assistance" since it gives tax breaks to businesses to ENCOURAGE them to engage in activities that are good for the overall economy....it is LAUGHABLE that some have answered your question "no" yet then gone on to explain they run businesses....fully 3/5ths of businesses in the USA pay no income taxes (legally), so someone else* is picking up "their share" of the expenses involved in running a country. The only way to "just work and make money without Uncle Sam's help" is to do so illegally, silly goose!
8 :
Just so you know, the internet which you are using to complain about government assistance is heavily funded by tax dollars. So it's a bit amusing when someone complains about government assistance by doing so through a technology that could only exist by government assistance.
9 :
I work for a living so no, I am not on assistance.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Do you think a woman president will clean up the mess Bush made?

Do you think a woman president will clean up the mess Bush made?
Hillary Clinton is the first female president and more than likely will win and be the first female president ever. It took Bill Clinton to clean up Bush Senior's mess. Do you think Hillary can clean up Bush Jr.'s mess? How will the world see the United States of America if a female president is running the country? Does a woman president show week government? Will Bill Clinton be telling Hillary what to do and essentially be running the show? Will the Democrats clean up the Republic mess? Will we ever get out of the enormous economic debit we have put our country in? How do countries not have as much money as us yet are avail to afford wars? Why have we spent so many Billions on war when the world is starving? Will there be a recount if Hillary does win like in past years? If Hillary wins will that make Bill Clinton the first man or the first woman? LOL . Will Hillary Clinton make the white house pink? If a woman president gets ellected does that mean she will ellect mostly women?
Other - Politics & Government - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Bush is used to having women clean up after him. It would be an excellent campaign slogan for Hillary.
2 :
no way
3 :
Anyone other then Bush, Cheney can clean up this mess we're in.
4 :
No. But she won't be having to deal with the 1000 centrifuges and tons of yellow cake that Bush pulled out of there, either. It will still be a mess. That's the nature of the Middle East.
5 :
The biggest problem with Hillary Clinton is that, to earn the male vote, she has to act like a man... ...effectively becoming a "man in drag" to win. You won't see any real change from what the Democrats have always done recently... ...let the foreign issues slide or be run immaturely until such time as it comes back to bite us in the ass like Somalia, 9/11, the Iran Hostage Crisis, the Gulf of Tonkin, and many of the other wonderful international situations that try and distract the Democrats from funding governmental welfare for their constituency. That's assuming that Obama doesn't split the constituency enough to make sure she looses her party base...
6 :
She might tidy up the white house but certainly not our country.
7 :
I believe she would need Rice with her to make the country on Balance .. Rice is an iron woman .. Hilary seems too easy .. they would make things balance ..
8 :
Seeing pictures of Hillary lately confirmed my suspicion Hillary is a devil woman. I am physically scared of her. And Bill getting blown by Monica Lewinsky didn't help anything either.
9 :
Hillary is unelectable but anyone rich enough to become President has "maids" to do the cleaning up provided they reallty want to.
10 :
It will take 2 or 3 presidents to close Pandora's box.
11 :
Ron Paul can clean up our country by restoring government to it's rightful place under the constitution! http://www.ronpaul2008.com
12 :
no way would i ever vote for Hilary c. this is based on her and her husbands fiasco in Arkansas. after people reach middle age they have a difficult time of changing so experience should govern your vote.
13 :
Damn! which question do you want me to answer? just pick one. But of course the Democrat talking points come off better in long unhinged diatribes of mindless unrelated and unfactual accusations. What exactly is the Republican mess? How does starvation and $billions for war make it into the smae breath? How do you spell elect?