Wednesday, November 7, 2012

America, philosophy, politics, freedom. A survey?

America, philosophy, politics, freedom. A survey?
Please post an answer if you agree to at least 3 of the following 5 statements: 1. The economy right now is, for lack of a better word, crap and this is due to the influence of the powerful banking elite such as the Rockefeller family. 2. Human nature, beyond evolutionary instinct, is very much a pliable doctrine that can be and has been manipulated by the ruling members of governments since a monetary system was created. 3. The most profitable venture a bank can take part in is the instigation of a war nvolving at least one powerful nation. 4. The major agents of business and media, the elected officials, and hence the general populace in the United States of America have been under the control of the aforementioned powerful agents at least since the founding of the Federal Reserve System. 5. Someone should do something to stop the egregious infringements upon human freedom and intellectual progress that result from the undeniable truth of the first 4 statements. "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." -Mayer Amschel Rothschild Godfather of the Rothschild Banking Cartel of Europe W Kumar: I was just trying to get an initial feel for the size of the population that feels the same way about this topic, but thank you for your advice. To the poster below W Kumar: Does it not strike you as egotistic and unenlightened that simply because your standard of living is high (meaning you have a nice house with 2 cars and a shopping mall down the street) that you feel no obligation to try to stop the atrocities happening around the world for the sake of money disguised as religion and national security?
Other - Politics & Government - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You wanted those to agree with your points to respond. However, I have to disagree with all of them except 2. Governments of course play with economics all the time. Economics is politics by another name. However, don't believe that conspiracy theories are the reason we are facing problems.
2 :
Such silly concerns. If the 'bankers' ran everything, why are they in so much trouble now? Also, why, exactly, should anybody care even if that is true? My quality of life is pretty good. Obviously, whomever is running things can't be doing too bad a job.
3 :
I think few feel this way... I agree, in parts... I don't think it's as organized or intentional... but I think that some of these issues are real... and nothing will be done as long as people are fed and their freedoms are not directly infringed upon... to their knowledge...