Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Do you support the 2010 commitment to america?

Do you support the 2010 commitment to america?
2010 Commitment to America We the People of the United States of America, reclaiming our inalienable rights, demand that Congress bring an end to the out-of-control spending of our tax dollars and the intrusive growth of the Federal Government. To this end, we demand that Members of Congress do the following: 1. Stop the massive spending that is bankrupting America. Start with no new bailouts. Roll back federal spending to 2007 levels and cap annual spending growth at the rate of inflation plus population growth. 2. Vote for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that also requires a 2/3 supermajority to raise taxes. 3. Repeal or defund the government takeover of our health care. Start over with health care reform that is patient centered and reduces - not raises - our health care costs. 4. Repeal the automatic tax increases scheduled for 2011. Vote against increased taxation, including energy taxes and value added taxes. 5. Require "sunset" provisions for every spending program passed and every agency created by Congress. 6. Legislate limits on excessive agency rule making by requiring that Congress vote to approve all major new rules. 7. Demonstrate legislative transparency. Five days in advance of a vote, post online all bills, resolutions and conference reports. Require roll call votes on all measures that spend money. 8. Hold no votes in a "lame duck" session that would increase spending, taxes or regulation. This would include, for example, cap and trade, card check and immigration. 9. Abide by the principle that any law that does not apply to Congress or its staff does not apply to the American people. 10. Provide specific citations from the Constitution for any legislation introduced.
Politics - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I do .
2 :
Yes i do
3 :
Yes. There is not much in there that most people would disagree with.
4 :
1. Stop the massive spending that is bankrupting America. Start with no new bailouts. Roll back federal spending to 2007 levels and cap annual spending growth at the rate of inflation plus population growth. [No. We're coming out of a recession -- cutting spending will prolong it. ] 2. Vote for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that also requires a 2/3 supermajority to raise taxes. [Modern Republicans have NO record of balancing the budget, and in fact repealed PayGo in 2002.] 3. Repeal or defund the government takeover of our health care. Start over with health care reform that is patient centered and reduces - not raises - our health care costs. [Easier said than done. You have NO plan for how to reduce healthcare costs] 4. Repeal the automatic tax increases scheduled for 2011. Vote against increased taxation, including energy taxes and value added taxes. [Obviously you don't care about reducing the debt. "Tax cuts pay for themselves" is a LIE.] 5. Require "sunset" provisions for every spending program passed and every agency created by Congress. [Like tax cuts for the rich?] 6. Legislate limits on excessive agency rule making by requiring that Congress vote to approve all major new rules. [Define "major". BTW, the Supreme Court ORDERED the EPA to regulate CO2 emissions.] 7. Demonstrate legislative transparency. Five days in advance of a vote, post online all bills, resolutions and conference reports. Require roll call votes on all measures that spend money. [This will slow down government, which I guess you want. Three days is plenty.] 8. Hold no votes in a "lame duck" session that would increase spending, taxes or regulation. This would include, for example, cap and trade, card check and immigration. [Funny, these are all Democratic policies...] 9. Abide by the principle that any law that does not apply to Congress or its staff does not apply to the American people. [Fine with me, as long as it makes sense.See, I can be reasonable.] 10. Provide specific citations from the Constitution for any legislation introduced. [Be careful what you wish for...Bush got killed by the Supreme Court several times for unConstitutional policies.]
5 :
Sounds good to me.
6 :
1.) No. Educated people recognize that without massive stimulus the economy would be in even worse shape. 2.) Yes and no.By the time it would filter through the state legislatures the economy will have recovered. At the point, it will serve as useful tool for preventing other recessions. The second portion is outright idiotic and whoever wrote should kill themselves. I am NOT kidding. Are you arguing we should be able to declare war or vote for Use of Force Resolutions with a simple majority but not raise taxes on the richest Americans without a 2/3 super-super majority? Hahaha, you're cute, con. You really are. 3.) Government hasn't taken over healthcare. Irrelevant question. 4.) No. We can't complain about the deficit on hand without addressing revenue on the other. Christ, this is so stupid. 5.) Too vague and elementary. 6.) Again, way, way, way, too vague and childish. Just waht is a "major new rule?" Did you write this up yourself? I hope not. 7.) Sure, but that won't make anyone care. People support or oppose legislation based on the party of the person in the White House, not its merits. 8.) Why not? In an emergency that may well be necessary. 9.) Like what? 10.) That hasn't been done, ever. The Constitutionality or lack thereof of legislation is decided in the Courts, exactly as our founders intended. Read the Federalist Papers, chump, especially the ones that pertain to the structure of the judiciary. How old are you, man? I hope you're in high school.
7 :
i like all of it, but history shows that populist promises are soon forgotten when special interests covertly exert their influence over the process. it is THE PROCESS that needs to be transformed and THE DYNAMIC that needs to be reformed. the constitution is a covenant between the states to form a union. the covenant has been broken. the fed cannot function without full cooperation from the states. if even a dozen or so states told the congress and supreme court to go to hell and stopped all cooperation all together (not civil war, just complete obfuscation) the federal government would COLLAPSE. the supreme court, once and for all, needs to understand the severity of legislating from the bench and not respecting the constitutional limitations on government power. "general welfare" does not mean anything you want it to mean, and "interstate commerce" is not me sitting on the couch not buying what you want me to buy or planting tomatos in my garden. these promises in the "committment" are all fine, but they are temporal politics, just like the "contract with america". they are promises to treat the symptoms of the disease while letting the cancer grow.