Monday, January 7, 2013

When the American public understands that Osama Bin Laden has been dead for years?

When the American public understands that Osama Bin Laden has been dead for years?
Will we get a new enemy to wage taxpayers money for war on? Maybe the Easter bunny, Tooth fairy,When will we realise that these endless wars will only line the pockets of war ---mongers and make THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA the worlds enemy. It seems to me that WE are the terrorists
Politics - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We really are the terrorists. We invade countries that have nothing to do with one stupid attack that killed less people on our turf than theirs.
2 :
We've had him bottled up since 2002. That's good enough for me until some moron crying out for attention democrat president brings our troops home and frees him. (When complete idiots like you try to make the claim that America is a nation of terrorists, you defile American standards and way of life, and you make people hate all liberals. Maybe you should go live in Beirut or Kandahar or Islamabad and find out what real terrorism is.)
3 :
First off don't you dare put me in that "WE" pal. Second, I guess you just ignored the latest video of UBL about a month ago, where he talked about current events. Blind ideology will not serve you well at all.
4 :
he is Not dead The CIA thinks he is alive The FBI thinks he is alive The Pentagon thinks he is alive The past bush administration thinks he is alive The current Obama administration thinks he is alive The Security Agencies of... Pakistan Afghanistan Saudi Arabia France and the United Kingdom ALL think he is alive and of course Osama still makes and releases audio tapes on a Regular basis !!!!!
5 :
You do realize that the countries in which we are in were killing their own people and threatening or fighting war, and exporting terrorism on their neighbors before we got there. Hm? Violence that had nothing to do with grievances with us or Israel?
6 :
If he were dead his people would have martyred him. I understand what you're saying about enemy conjuring to bring fear to the people. This has been a practice for a very long time. It was the Nazis and The Red Scare,etc. It doesn't seem to end.