Monday, January 28, 2013

Why are people making negative remarks about adpotion: buying babies?

Why are people making negative remarks about adpotion: buying babies?
Maybe I dont understand, or maybe others. When adpoting a kid you have to pass all these restrictions ie: make so much money, religion, health, etc, but adpoting in the United States you also have to pay 10k or more. (other countries are smaller amounts) so if it is policy per the United States of America,, to have to pay 10k or more before adpoting, why are people bagging on the clebraties that do have the money to help these children into a home by cutting them down as buying a baby, everyone has to pay to adpot, not many people have that money that's why there are so many kids stuck with out homes. I looked this all up because i may not be able to have kids but want to adopt....they make you pay outrages fees, and it's law but the USA. delorvius and dolav..your comments have nothing to do with my question?? #1 abortion is not right for some people #2 yes your own kids are better but not everyone like me can have one for medical reasons says right there...the cost....of adopting.
Other - Society & Culture - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There is a reason why we have abortion.
2 :
kids that are made are the best kids
3 :
It depends on if you go through a private agency or not. There are other options: Odd that there is a waiting list of parents wanting to adopt and not enough kids available. But some still claim that Abortion is "needed" Peace!
4 :
I'm with you. My husband and I plan to adopt regardless of infertility. If we can have biological children we will but also adopt because we want a big family. The way we see it is, as long as we have our children it does not matter how they came to us. A child is yours because you raised him/her, it does not matter who's uterus held it.