Monday, October 28, 2013

Children of Illegal Aliens in the United States?

Children of Illegal Aliens in the United States?
I go to a school that has a particularly large amount of immigrants from latin America, more specifically, the majority are of Mexican descent. Most of said immigrants live in poverty, and receive much assistance from the school (reduced price lunches, etc.). My question is, because schools are required to serve students, legal or not, how much money is spent annually on aid for them? Is it a large burden on the school, as, those who are not citizens, do not necessarily pay the same taxes as those who are legal? Also, there is a fair number of students whose parents are illegal, but they themselves are legal. Does this make the student eligible to receive anything more than if they were, as their parents, illegal? I would appreciate sources Thanks, -Jonathan I have been informed by ("illegal") classmates, that they receive payment in cash and only cash. So even with a social security number, are they exempt from taxes?
Immigration - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The Federal Government refuses to tally those expenses. I would agree it is a lot, and some of the kids are from families with multiple I.D.s, and they don't really need those lunches. In any case, none of the figures I have seen include that expense.
2 :
whether they are legal or illegal like their parents they would still get state welfare.some people will claim this is not true but it is because the state government can not discriminate based on legal status.i'm not sure that the true amount of money they cost the US can ever fully be known but i know it costs every legal citizen a lot.
3 :
illegal or not kids always get treated the same.But mexico is a great country if they would just get up and clean it up.My sister visited there and that is what she told me.
4 :
In California I believe they said the cost to the State was about NINE BILLION dollars. (This also include the cost of incarceration, as many illegals are jailed for violent crime in California) This is one of the primary reasons California is going bankrupt.(there are other reasons too) You can only imagine how huge the cost is in total to the entire United States. (I don't have any information on the rest of your question)
5 :
Tough question, a matter of whats fair and human decency On one hand is it fair to tax me to support all these people and there children, when i myself cant afford to have children and raise them in a good surroundings. Is it also fair that these people came here of there own will illegally, perhaps work and receive a less than fair wage because they are illegal, and raise there children in poverty here instead of there own country. Its difficult, i certainly would never enjoy a child to go hungry or not go with out medical attention if really needed, just because they are illegal, But is it fair to place there burden upon us?
6 :
Illegal immigration is bad by definition. I say it that way because there is one thing that many people do not understand about it. Have you ever asked yourself why the federal government allows it to continue? Why do they make half-hearted attempts to stop it? By the way, have you ever noticed that all you need to do is drive for about 45 min to an hour and the theory that we are overpopulated kind of just dies (this is true no matter what city you live in in the world). Resources are only scarace becasue of poor administration of them by those who get rich from them. Because the USA wants the children of illegals...its called tacit approval of illegal immigration. The USA clothes, feeds, and educates these children and basically makes them AMERICAN. Why? well, Americans are not having enough children to keep the population of the USA growing at a fast enough rate and legal immigration has too many hurdles to make it practical for this purpose. So...lets all share the cost and pay to make new Americans (who cares that they don't come from US citizens). edit: ok ok, its just a conspiricy theory...but come on, the most powerful country in the world cant protect is borders from some of the most unsophisticated people in the world? Something just don't smell right here.
7 :
School districts get some funding from property tax. If the child's family lives within the school distict's limits their property tax is funding the school district. Also many illegal's still have social security and federal and state tax removed from their paychecks. They also can never collect the social security. With a TIP(tax identifacation Pinumber) the illegal can still file their tax returns.