Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Could legalizing marijuana lower gun violence in the United States?

Could legalizing marijuana lower gun violence in the United States?
I am a huge supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and i am also very much for legalization of marijuana. America has about 10000 gun crimes each year, is it because of my AK 47, of course not, that is absurd. It is because of the huge amount of drugs on the street, which leads to the animosity between gangs. Most of the money used to buy these hardcore expensive drugs, comes from the most used illicit drug in this country, marijuana. By taking this away from drug dealers they will not be able to spend money on expensive drugs, and that it there only way of making money to buy illegal drugs. Am i saying that this will stop hardcore drug use and gun violence, of course not, but it will however make the drugs and guns much harder to get. But my question to you is, do you think legalizing weed could have a large impact on gun violence, and har drugs? If so, why would any sensible person be against the legalization of weed? Remember the drug business is just like an ecosystem. Say you take grass out of nature, many species would go extinct. Marijuana enables dealers to buy other drugsand guns. Also, if you know anything about drug dealing and drugs, you know you don't just start selling crack and cocaine.
Politics - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no gun violence will exist as long as illegal guns are sold legalizing pot makes no difference their are so many drugs it will still be bad as always..
2 :
Not likely.
3 :
No, But it would create jobs and help bring the economy back to life.
4 :
why in the hell would you think that
5 :
remember guns don't kill people people kill people, this means that there are more murderers in america than europe don't change the law, change countries
6 :
I doubt it as the illicit drug trade for harder drugs will continue with or without the profits from marijuana... (and there is a lot more money to be made with the more expensive, easier to transport and distribute "hard drugs").... But I think there are plenty of other great reasons to legalize pot, like the taxes that could be collected, less dangerous drug than alcohol, etc.. funny how the wrestler hood guy assumes that "drugs" are a "black" problem when statistics show that the average pot smoker is white...
7 :
Yes. <sarcasm alert> Think of all of the shootings that occur over purchasing legal substances like milk, bread, cigarettes, and beer. The papers are FULL of milk violence. Chocolate milk gangs are among the most violent. Almost every day we hear of a couple of people being gunned down, when a back-alley bread buy goes wrong. People getting shot in the head over a dozen bagels. It is sickening. Well, we DO have to scratch our heads and wonder why only ILLEGAL substances generate so much crime, don't we? Actually, I suppose the intelligent people don't have to wonder that. Sadly, the idiots will never question the United States' failed, illegal, unconstitutional scam called the "War on Drugs". When Prohibition ended, alcohol violence stopped over night. When Marijuana is legalized, the violence surrounding it will stop just as quickly.