Friday, March 7, 2014

When will America revolt against capitalism?

When will America revolt against capitalism?
Throughout history, Americans have been looking to the government to make our decisions for us, to save us from poverty, to make our jobs more secure, to make sure we are happy. But sadly, we have never been happy. We have never been helped. Sure, Democrats have worked somewhat to appease the working people and calm them down throughout history by sending tiny little treats to us in the form of welfare, school funding, government jobs, higher minimum wage, etc. But have we ever been happy with the outcome? that answer is easy since we are not currently happy. so what will the United States do? we will toss Obama out for his policy of "change" that didn't really change anything for the people. It just reshuffled the same old deck of cards. So, we will elect a republican president that meets the same fate of not being able to solve the working people's problems. We'll toss him out for his failed policies and be right back at ground zero with our new democratic president. When will people see that our dominating two-party system inst providing for its people? Democrats think they can help by putting bandages on the massive heart attack that is capitalism while Republicans try to remove them in the hope that it will recover naturally. In either case, it would have worked by now. Capitalism would have provided for its people, not just the wealthy. food wouldn't be locked away in storage because it isn't profitable to sell while 20% of children in the US alone are living in poverty. If the united states produces enough food to feed the world, why are 40% of humans starving to death worldwide? I guess it isn't profitable to sell food to starving people. We can see subtle signs of revolt already. the Tea Party, for example, is a form of revolt. they have it half right in that government is not here to solve our problems. they have it wrong in thinking that the huge corporations will save us and give us good jobs. but the corporations are too busy "downsizing": meaning that they lay-off and outsource the workers to earn additional profits. It was reported that as a result of the financial crisis of 2008 , there was a 17% increase in millionaires while millions of people lost their jobs. Corporations are not saving us. Other forms of revolt are an increase in racism. our system has done an amazing job of pitting us against each other to keep us separated; to keep us from collaborating. We have started to blame minorities for our insecurities, our unemployment, and our unhappiness. when will we realize that we are all fighting the same fight? we are all being exploited by the people we make the money for, and they are telling us to be grateful for it. Of the two ways our revolution could go, i fear we are close to the wrong path. the path of racism, of looking to corporations and government to save us, of immense national pride, of fascism. Big Government is not the answer to our problems. Big Business is not the answer to our problems. WE THE PEOPLE are the answer to our problems! when will we revolt?
Politics - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
This is the longest rant of the evening/morning. Thank you for the time you spent writing this.
2 :
later, maybe if there's nothing good on TV
3 :
I'll keep capitalism, but thanks for asking.......
4 :
Never, you moron. Limiting government through self-government is why America is great. We just have to CRUSH the big-government socialist/Marxist libtards and libtyrants once and for all.
5 :
Obama's election was an accidental revolt against Capitalism. We've seen how that has turned out.
6 :
The day that you revolt against capitalism is the day that I will take up arms to defend our nation. You bring valid points of poverty, crime, and the worldwide food shortage, that I grant you. But, Communism and Socialism has been proven again and again to not work. It will self-destruct. It is no less corrupt than Capitalism, and maybe more so. Your heart is in the right place, but study your history books -- Communism/Socialism will not solve the problems you are concerned about.
7 :
Stick with liberals. Or even the anarchist ravings posted here. The current administration is doing everything it can to make your dream come true. You should feel right at home.
8 :
The piece of shit President we have now is so anti-capitalist it isn't even funny. Our Constitution does not support socialism. Our government is not here to provide for the people. We have the right to the PURSUIT of happiness. Not the guarantee.
9 :
Without capitalism there would be no America. The increase in the number of millionaires came from middle class or poor people becoming successful, due to capitalism.
10 :
This will prove to be the real solution to our problems to ZOG domination over America
11 :
Gee... and I always thought that it was not that the people were begging for handouts but that the politicians were begging for votes and bribing the people with handouts. That way when they keep the people poor, they will need the party that says they are going to hand things out.... Oh, but I guess eventually the phony money scheme will catch up with them. So the idea is now to tax the middle class to buy the poor votes. That is surely working well, when it is the private sector that actually pays into the system and is without jobs and work. So you want to revolt??? I think you will see a revolt in Nov and that you see one with every town hall meeting in the past year. Problem is those who are revolting disagree with you completely.
12 :
Interesting article. But "we the people" must accept responsibility for the nations problems too. A good example is health care. Americans are the most overweight country on the planet which leads to diabetes, heart disease, etcetera etcetera.
13 :
How old are you? This rant sounds like a college aged, idealistic rant form someone with no life experience, and who has read all the wrong books. "Democrats have worked somewhat to appease the working people" Is that what we want? Appeasement? "But sadly, we have never been happy" I disagree whole heartedly. On what do you base this odd factiod? "20% of children in the US alone are living in poverty." And probably 70% of those are obese. Poverty in the USA qualifies (often) as wealth in most of the rest of the world. "Capitalism would have provided for its people, not just the wealthy. food wouldn't be locked away in storage" Capitalism creates & sells to the government, who stores food. Why blame capitalism for the poor resource management of the government? WE THE PEOPLE are certainly the answer, but change will not happen by flushing everything that works down the drain. And capitalism works; there is no other system that had created as much prosperity for the masses. I defy you to give a single example that comes close to what America has experienced with regards to poor and underprivileged people becoming successful and/or wealthy.
14 :
Capitalism has worked, we aren't in a true (free market) capitalist nation (google State Capitalism). Capitalism built civilization for the masses and brought the common standard of living much closer to the 'elite' class living standard. Everything around you is a product of capitalism, not government (which is the only alternative to capitalism). Governments had their chance and were around for thousands of years, yet it wasn't until the enlightenment and capitalism's major boost in the last few hundred years that life improved for the common person. Capitalism isn't about big business, it's about private property and contract freedom (the two things government utterly interferes with)--it IS the people's answer to our own problems. The *people* invented capitalism, and greatly expanded upon it after the dark ages. The elite at the time hated capitalism, it took away their ability to control people once the they started trade, manufacture, and consumption of goods themselves on a large scale. The tendency towards the creation of large corporations is a product of state capitalism, not free market capitalism. You can't blame "capitalism" (free market capitalism) for today's situation when it isn't today's system. State capitalism is when government and corporations conspire and work together via special interest bribes, this is what we have today.