Friday, December 28, 2012

OK-a disgruntled atheist asked about our money-Would "In US weTrust" be a fair consideration?

OK-a disgruntled atheist asked about our money-Would "In US weTrust" be a fair consideration?
Many people are represented by the United States of America-As a matter of fact I know of no other country that is as diversified-when it comes down to Our Constitution-we have seperated church and state-and yet the Christian Majority has the mass of power in our system because of their majority vote-their elected officials are not all wearing Priests collars though and so we are not subjected to the religious right-So we Realists don't care to trust a God we find in a substitute for remedies and an excuse for ignorance-I have that right to believe this-never-the-less In God We Trust could align a considerable amount support with those that believe-Christian Muslim jew-what have you-which are definitely the majority-BUT DOES THAT MAKE IT RIGHT? and U know the answer is a firm no. And yet i have fought for freedoms and rights in my great country the good ol USA for a considerably long time and have had much support from my fellow American-US-In We The People we Trust-too long-nice ring
Religion & Spirituality - 21 Answers
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1 :
I say we should put "In Justice We Trust" or "In the People We Trust".
2 :
I asked about this a few weeks ago. One answer sounder really good to me; the girl said we should let people (like Pepsi, and Coke ext.) buy advertising space one the money, as a way to help pay off the countries debt.
3 :
America is founded on personal freedom -- so why not make it "In US we trust." Makes sense to me.
4 :
The bigger question to that is should the majority be held hostage by the minority/ When if ever is that right?
5 :
Our money should say "Trust No One"
6 :
If you are offended by all means don't use the money.I would imagine you are not offended enough to refuse to take cash if it was offered to you,so you can't be taken seriously.
7 :
In The Toadstool We Trust
8 :
You really want to put your trust in a country?? Countries fall (just look at Rome) God doesn't that's why we should put our trust in him.
9 :
Atheists are a trifling minority in America and your political opinions barely register on the scope of opinion polls. Nevertheless I saw the phrase "In reason we trust" scribbled across the defaced surface of a paper bill one day. I don't see how anyone would "trust" in the U.S. Reason seems like a decent compromise except that it is sacrilegious to us Christians but then again we have removed God from the public square in every other way. It seems like money will eventually be purged too.
10 :
Well, the whole 'Under God' and 'In God We Trust' crap came about in the 50's to differentiate us from the Communists.Since the situation leading to that change is history( no pun intended), there's no reason to keep up with it, and this country,which guarantees religious freedom needs to leave religion and beliefs out of politics (and please,will someone tell George W that?!!).How about In The People We Trust? It was still a democracy. last I heard.I wonder how many people would get their knickers in a twist if it were to become 'In The Goddess We trust'?
11 :
Matthew 22:21
12 :
I have 2 points to make: One: Well, I am Christian. And I will admit, you do make a good argument. However, you have to remember that not just Christians believe in God. You sound like a very intelligant person so I am sure you know that. I dont think this decision will go over well. I do believe in the separtion of church and state because I realize that we all are not made to have the same religion, but many religions out there worship the same God that we do, they just have different names. My second point: I highly doubt that even people who dont believe in God will go with this idea. While they may like the idea, I see athiests and religious people not liking "In US we trust" because many people today dont trust the US government. I think that would be the second strongest argument. It will be interesting to see how other people feel about this. Good question!
13 :
In The Flying Spaghetti Monster We Trust!
14 :
To be accurate, it should be: In Greed We Trust
15 :
I think it is important to remember though, that the men who originally fought for our freedom were religious, God-fearing men. It is their hand in our Constitution and Justice system that placed God as an important figure in American Governance. And yes, state and church are separate, but simply keep aware of the others existance, and certainly not deny it. It is our privilege and duty to honor our founding fathers' role in the way we are able to live our lives, and one way that is done is by preserving their courage and lifestyle. I'm not trying to tell you that you're wrong or anything. I'm not even trying to persuade anyone. I'm just letting you know why I think "In God We Trust" is still around, and still important. A side note....."In People We Trust" is a hard thing to force out of my cynical mouth! ;-)
16 :
it could have a picture of Sean Hannity on it for all I care, as long as I can still buy a cheeseburger with it.
17 :
This country was founded on freedom to worship GOD in your own way. People forget that all the time. And why should the 92% of us who believe in some form of God bend over backwards for the 5% that don't (I know math, 3% are not sure). We seem to bend backwards too often for the minority and not often enough for the majority.
18 :
i cant remember the last time i read the words on a dollar bill. it is just a piece of paper that you buy stuff with. why do we need it? if everyone lived the way the bible teaches, we wouldnt need money because we are supposed to help our fellow man. there are big time problems out there, much greater than what is printed on money, but i understand why you feel the way you do. this country needs an enima.
19 :
Maybe we shouldnt have money as money is the root of all evil anyways. I do however understand what you are stating here. I am all for "in US we trust" as well even though I am christian. I was stating however to one disgruntled racist atheist that he must not be a true atheist if he is using money for it does say "IN GOD WE TRUST" on it. I was and am not happy with the hatred of the disgruntled atheist I came across and I jsut wanted to bring that to his/her attention. I am just disgusted however at the ones who portray so much ignorance and hatred and should not even be on yahoo with some things. I do want to thank y ou for your question and input and opening our eyes to a few things. Thanks for sharing.
20 :
I am ver religious and I agree with you. It should be removed. Our countries only motto should be it's original motto, not this religious motto. The original motto was in Latin and you can still see it on money however it is disapearing more and more each year. I don't remember what it was, but it meant something like out of one many or something like that.
21 :
I agree.The terms you put your question in are more coherent. That other assclown was just offensive. You will put a lot of funny questions on answers but yours are well though out.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Is This The Most Dangerous Man in the United States, and The World?

Is This The Most Dangerous Man in the United States, and The World?
Donald Trump knows nothing about politics or foreign policy. For example, this is what he said about Libya: • He said he would charge the Libyan rebels 5Billion to defend them. He said that was "chump change to them" These are peasants who go into battle in 92 Toyota pickups. They have no money. Besides, when have we ever charged a nation for protecting them? Did we do it in WW1 or WW2, Bosnia, etc. • • But more ignorantly, he has said that if it were up to him he would just "go to Libya and take all the oil"( "I'd do one thing. Either I'd go in and take the oil or I don't go in at all," Is he suggesting we invade Libya by land, or does he think we already did? (apparently he doesn't understand this is just an air campaign) After that we fight Gadaffi And the rebels for control of the oil fields, and take all the Libyan oil? Where would that leave Libya? Without revenue it would become a failed nation like Somalia, and be a breeding ground for Al Queda and other terrorists. • •"In the old days, when you have a war and you win, that nation is yours." (Does he want to start World War 3?) -Donald Trump on foreign policy Only Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany had the policy of "you win, that nation is yours" This Ringmaster act he is performing is drawing him a lot of attention but when will Americans wake up and realize this is all just an act to get publicity? Trump has announced on at least 4 other occasions in the past that he "might" run for President. Everything he says and does is for showmanship and to showcase his masterful knowledge of everything on earth and heaven. Is this the most manipulative and deceitful character in America today? His "birther" act is just a ploy to get attention, which is apparently what keeps him alive. It's been disproven over and over, and the Supreme Court has refused to hear it 3 times. Are they also part of the conspiracy? Are Michelle Bachmann, Bill O'Reilly, the State of Hawaii and the entire government of the United States also complicit in this "cover up". This is just childish irresponsibility, all done to draw attention to himself, which he does very well. He says that "birth announcements in general do not exist" and says this about Obama's parents: "Two poor people, a man and a woman with no money, they have a baby. There's announcements in the newspaper? Nelson Rockefeller doesn't put announcements in. I've never seen one." -Nelson Rockefeller? These are only 3 of the policies/issues Trump has brought up since his bid to run. How many more insane ideas do you think he will bring up before the nomination. This man is no politician. Can't you see Trump is deceiving you for attention, which apparently is the only thing that keeps him alive. This is the most dangerous and inexperienced man you could possibly put in the White house. He is a master at deception, and he is deceiving you. He has announced on at least 4 other occasions in the past that he "might" run for President. What makes you think this will be any different?
Politics - 2 Answers
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1 :
next to the "village idiot" and palin I would have to agree.
2 :
Republicans are going to elect Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Peter Schiff, or Paul Ryan in 2012. Anyone should be able to beat obama in 2012, unless everyone just enjoys hyperinflating

Friday, December 7, 2012

How can our money say in God we Trust, but yet our President grew up learning otherwise?

How can our money say in God we Trust, but yet our President grew up learning otherwise?
This makes no sense. Check out this link, it is only a few seconds, so please take the time to listen to it. How can Obama grow up with this type of mentoring about God, but yet be the President of the United States and say God Bless America when he is taught God damn America - which is the quote from the link.
Government - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Now, when Rush Limbaugh says "I want him to fail", isn't he also pretty much saying GOD DAMN AMERICA?!
2 :
In the words of John McEnroe: "You can not be serious".
3 :
They added it in the 1950s to make us different from the evil communists. It is stupid. I think it should be taken off the money and back out of the Pledge.
4 :
Yawn... the elections are over
5 :
Allah Akbar!
6 :
DUH WUT??? You lost.. We won ..get over it
7 :
You have a lot to learn especially if you think a grown man and a graduate of Harvard wan't grown up by the time he went to Chicago seems like YOU are the one that needs to grow up and get informed by the way The ONLY thing that makes YOU, me or anyone else a Christian, is professing Jesus Christ as your Saviour, which Obama has done. For any Christian to judge him after his profession, means they don't even understand their own religion, much less the Muslim faith, which calls for DEATH to any Muslim that would profess anyone other than Allah to be Saviour
8 :
Which is what amazes me that Americans voted for him anyway. They deserve what they are getting for electing him. I voted for McCain.
9 :
Because religion has always been very ad-hoc in america: Doctrines are adopted based on the attitude of the times. Go look at older Canadian money for a better phrase: Del Gratia Regina-reigns by the grace of God.
10 :
What he was taught as child and what he now believes as as adult are 2 very different things. Our country does not subscribe to one religion, so who cares. Also, Islam does not teach "God damn America". Do some research somewhere other than crap on Youtube.
11 :
Obama didn't "grow up" in Chicago. He was an adult when he moved there. BTW, the US is a secular nation..not a Christian one.
12 :
In God we trust; all others pay cash. Your Q: easy. You grew up in America and still can't think. Obama may have sat in a church that was dissimilar from Palin's church, but that does not mean he is influenced by it. I attended a Baptist church that preached Catholics were devil worshipers and going to hell. I was taught that Catholics worshiped the Pope and statues and that what went on in Catholic churches was blasphemy. But I married a Catholic woman. We do not become our surroundings unless we want to.
13 :
Give it up, He is your President. You better believe God will Judge America for creating a false God, the one Palin said, the War in Iraq was a task sent from God to kill hundreds of thousand men, women and children for no cause because your President lied!! America will Reap what she has Sowed.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

why I cannot say that I love America?!?

why I cannot say that I love America?!?
I am a new immigrant from China , I love my country , and i love this country , actually i like living here more than in my own country,i like people's politeness and kindness here , but that's not equal to ---if you like America , you are a traitor of your own nationality. recently , i saw people on chinese yahoo put very cruel comments on mix blood babies and some chinese women who married to forgings , some people said those women are all for money ,for dirty desires to marry to white guys , and all the mix blood babies are animals. OH MY God! I really cannot stand those comments , so i put some neutral comments below those rude commonts, then , there are some people said I must be a American dog , a traitor of my country , i must be as dirty as they are , i must be those ones who married to an American guys... yes , I am a married women , but my husband is a chinese. I just want to say ---their rudeness and narrow-minded nationalism makes me love this land more and more, I love you---The United States of America! I am proude of being chinese , and I am proude of our great 5000years culture , and meanwhile , I love America , because this land is so free and fair , people just live their lives and seldom judge others... what a nuts I write those words--just want to find a chance to speak out my real feelings and without being judged as a traitor of my own coulture ....! i really so sad those days! i really do not know why they call me --american dog and traitor! i papa is here , he loves this country too, and my brother and my mama ,and my husband, i love this country because so many reasons , but i must keep sillent on chinese web sites to express my feeling to this great country. so sad! i am not only loving america, but also latino , i learn zumba here , and once i said i like the mexican culture--the music , the dances ... people will only say--that is ok . but when i say i love america , they will say i am a traitor.... why i donot like people judge those mix blood babies and those chinese women who married americans , because there are some good sisters in my own church they married to americans and have babies ... the first time , in my life , i really so want to be a america and not to be a chinese , as a chienese i felt so tired , there are always people so sensitive and put judgement on you ...
Languages - 5 Answers
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1 :
2 :
Bright Blessings!
3 :
Good for you. There is nothing wrong with loving your heritage and loving where you live. I am proud to be Italian, but I love America.
4 :
5 :
I'm sorry to hear that those Chinese think of you as a traitor. I don't think that's fair at all! I know many Chines women and they don't seem to take pride in America only there own country...i don't know why... I mean it doesn't even make any sense, its totally fine that you have pride in your own country as well as America! Good for you!! =] But i just wanted to say from reading your seem like a very open minded person, which is a pretty good quality :) All the best!!!! :D

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Do you support the 2010 commitment to america?

Do you support the 2010 commitment to america?
2010 Commitment to America We the People of the United States of America, reclaiming our inalienable rights, demand that Congress bring an end to the out-of-control spending of our tax dollars and the intrusive growth of the Federal Government. To this end, we demand that Members of Congress do the following: 1. Stop the massive spending that is bankrupting America. Start with no new bailouts. Roll back federal spending to 2007 levels and cap annual spending growth at the rate of inflation plus population growth. 2. Vote for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that also requires a 2/3 supermajority to raise taxes. 3. Repeal or defund the government takeover of our health care. Start over with health care reform that is patient centered and reduces - not raises - our health care costs. 4. Repeal the automatic tax increases scheduled for 2011. Vote against increased taxation, including energy taxes and value added taxes. 5. Require "sunset" provisions for every spending program passed and every agency created by Congress. 6. Legislate limits on excessive agency rule making by requiring that Congress vote to approve all major new rules. 7. Demonstrate legislative transparency. Five days in advance of a vote, post online all bills, resolutions and conference reports. Require roll call votes on all measures that spend money. 8. Hold no votes in a "lame duck" session that would increase spending, taxes or regulation. This would include, for example, cap and trade, card check and immigration. 9. Abide by the principle that any law that does not apply to Congress or its staff does not apply to the American people. 10. Provide specific citations from the Constitution for any legislation introduced.
Politics - 7 Answers
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1 :
I do .
2 :
Yes i do
3 :
Yes. There is not much in there that most people would disagree with.
4 :
1. Stop the massive spending that is bankrupting America. Start with no new bailouts. Roll back federal spending to 2007 levels and cap annual spending growth at the rate of inflation plus population growth. [No. We're coming out of a recession -- cutting spending will prolong it. ] 2. Vote for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that also requires a 2/3 supermajority to raise taxes. [Modern Republicans have NO record of balancing the budget, and in fact repealed PayGo in 2002.] 3. Repeal or defund the government takeover of our health care. Start over with health care reform that is patient centered and reduces - not raises - our health care costs. [Easier said than done. You have NO plan for how to reduce healthcare costs] 4. Repeal the automatic tax increases scheduled for 2011. Vote against increased taxation, including energy taxes and value added taxes. [Obviously you don't care about reducing the debt. "Tax cuts pay for themselves" is a LIE.] 5. Require "sunset" provisions for every spending program passed and every agency created by Congress. [Like tax cuts for the rich?] 6. Legislate limits on excessive agency rule making by requiring that Congress vote to approve all major new rules. [Define "major". BTW, the Supreme Court ORDERED the EPA to regulate CO2 emissions.] 7. Demonstrate legislative transparency. Five days in advance of a vote, post online all bills, resolutions and conference reports. Require roll call votes on all measures that spend money. [This will slow down government, which I guess you want. Three days is plenty.] 8. Hold no votes in a "lame duck" session that would increase spending, taxes or regulation. This would include, for example, cap and trade, card check and immigration. [Funny, these are all Democratic policies...] 9. Abide by the principle that any law that does not apply to Congress or its staff does not apply to the American people. [Fine with me, as long as it makes sense.See, I can be reasonable.] 10. Provide specific citations from the Constitution for any legislation introduced. [Be careful what you wish for...Bush got killed by the Supreme Court several times for unConstitutional policies.]
5 :
Sounds good to me.
6 :
1.) No. Educated people recognize that without massive stimulus the economy would be in even worse shape. 2.) Yes and no.By the time it would filter through the state legislatures the economy will have recovered. At the point, it will serve as useful tool for preventing other recessions. The second portion is outright idiotic and whoever wrote should kill themselves. I am NOT kidding. Are you arguing we should be able to declare war or vote for Use of Force Resolutions with a simple majority but not raise taxes on the richest Americans without a 2/3 super-super majority? Hahaha, you're cute, con. You really are. 3.) Government hasn't taken over healthcare. Irrelevant question. 4.) No. We can't complain about the deficit on hand without addressing revenue on the other. Christ, this is so stupid. 5.) Too vague and elementary. 6.) Again, way, way, way, too vague and childish. Just waht is a "major new rule?" Did you write this up yourself? I hope not. 7.) Sure, but that won't make anyone care. People support or oppose legislation based on the party of the person in the White House, not its merits. 8.) Why not? In an emergency that may well be necessary. 9.) Like what? 10.) That hasn't been done, ever. The Constitutionality or lack thereof of legislation is decided in the Courts, exactly as our founders intended. Read the Federalist Papers, chump, especially the ones that pertain to the structure of the judiciary. How old are you, man? I hope you're in high school.
7 :
i like all of it, but history shows that populist promises are soon forgotten when special interests covertly exert their influence over the process. it is THE PROCESS that needs to be transformed and THE DYNAMIC that needs to be reformed. the constitution is a covenant between the states to form a union. the covenant has been broken. the fed cannot function without full cooperation from the states. if even a dozen or so states told the congress and supreme court to go to hell and stopped all cooperation all together (not civil war, just complete obfuscation) the federal government would COLLAPSE. the supreme court, once and for all, needs to understand the severity of legislating from the bench and not respecting the constitutional limitations on government power. "general welfare" does not mean anything you want it to mean, and "interstate commerce" is not me sitting on the couch not buying what you want me to buy or planting tomatos in my garden. these promises in the "committment" are all fine, but they are temporal politics, just like the "contract with america". they are promises to treat the symptoms of the disease while letting the cancer grow.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

how does this make you feel??

how does this make you feel??
WHERE TO BUY AMERICAN GASOLINE. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW. READ ON. Gas rationing in the 70's worked even though we grumbled about it. It might even have been good for us! Are you aware that the Saudis are boycotting American products? Shouldn't we return the favor? Can't we take control of our own destiny and let these giant oil importers know who REALLY generates their profits, their livings? How about leaving American Dollars in America and reduce th e import/export deficit? An appealing remedy might be to boycott their GAS. Every time you fill up your car you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia . Just purchase gas from companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill up my tank, I'm sending my money to people who I get the impression want me, my family and my friends dead. Don't you think it might be of interest to know which oil companies import Middle Eastern oil and which do not? These companies import Middle Eastern oil: Shell..................................... 205,742,000 barrels Chevron/Texaco................... 144,332,000 barrels Exxon /Mobil....................... 130,082,000 barrels Marathon/Speedway............. 117,740,000 barrels Amoco................................... 62,231,000 barrels And CITGO oil is imported from Venezuela by Dictator Hugo Chavez who hates America and openly avows our economic destruction! (We pay Chavez's regime nearly $10 Billion per year in oil revenues!) The U.S.. currently imports 5,517,000 barrels of crude oil per day from OPEC. If you do the math at $95 per barrel, that's over $524 million PER DAY ($191 BILLION per year!) handed over to OPEC, many of whose members are our confirmed enemies!!!!! Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil: Sunoco....................... 0 barrels Conoco....................... 0 barrels Sinclair...................... 0 barrels BP / Phillips................ 0 barrels Hess. ......................... 0 barrels ARC0 ......................... 0 barrels Maverick...................... 0 barrels Flying J. ...................... 0 barrels Valero............................ 0 barrels $BO)(B I AM GOING TO ADD THE FOLLOWING... J Murphy Oil USA sold at Wal-Mart is from South Arkansas and owned USA Not only that they give scholarships to all children in their town who finish high school and are legal US citizens. All of this information is available from the U.S. Department of Energy and each company is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing. But to have a real impact, we need to reach literally millions of gas buyers. With the help of the internet, it's really simple to do. Now, don't wimp out at this point....keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!! I'm sending this note to about thirty people. If each of you send it to at only ten more (30 x 10 = 300)....and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000)....and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers!!!!!!! If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level further, you guessed it....THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE-the entire population of the United States of America !!!! It doesn't matter how old this information is, when the situations are the same or much worse. You are not wrong Texas Underdog, nor are you right, we all know there is always a way around every law ever written. The info I have given here is still good. Baptism By Fire, Thank you so much for the additional details. That is such a big help.
Economics - 6 Answers
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1 :
That is so awesome and informative! I was riding around today with my 2 daughters and my 12 year old cousin and we were all laughing and giggling and I was so distracted an p!#$ed at the GAS PRICES and I casually passed station after station trying to decide where to spend my allocated $20 Friday gas money... that used to fill UP the Rav-4 and now doesn't even give me a 3rd of a tank!!! Thank you. I am printing the list and giving it to my huge family and loads of friends. This has got to stop. Thank you! I am also posting it on my myspace page as a blog. Props and credits to you. Peace. I can email you the link if you wanna show off. HA!
2 :
The answer is in corporate greed that is soulless and uncaring, unless some money is at stake. There will have to be a complete and persistent shift in social behavior before this excess will subside.
3 :
Thank you for getting the word out, I remember the gas lines and the odd and even days that we could fill up. I have all but parked my car...The rich get rich and the poor get poorer, sad situation. This is still the greatest Country in the world, but we are getting worked over...big time... Appreciate it and thanks for getting it out there..I for one and my contacts are on it......thank you K
4 :
I AGREE WE SHOULD BY U.S.A. PRODUCTS ALL THE WAY AROUND. HOWEVER EVEN A BIGGER STEP WE CAN TAKE IS MAYBE PARK OUR GASOLINE DEPENDENT VEHICLES AND START GOING PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, RIDE A BICYCLE, WALK, AND DO IT THROUGH THE SUMMER MONTHS AND SEE IF THAT MAY CHANGE THE HEARTBEAT OF THE OPEC AND OIL COMPANIES. WHEN RESEARCHING YOUR POST HERE IS WHAT I FOUND ON TRUTHORFICTION.COM. AS IT HAS BEEN GOING ON SINCE AFTER SEPT. 11, 2001 AND HAD TO DO AT THAT TIME WITH TERRORISM FUNDING. Boycott The Oil Companies Buying Middle Eastern Oil and We'll Stop Funding Terrorism and Keep the Gas Prices down-Truth! & Fiction! Summary of the eRumor This message lists several oil companies and how much Middle Eastern oil they buy. It encourages us to stop buying from the companies that buy from the Middle East because that will reduce the support of terrorism. It also suggests that in May of 2001, there was a successful grass-roots effort to drive down gas prices by boycotting certain companies. The Truth There are several issues in this eRumor. First, does the purchase of Middle Eastern oil help terrorism. There are varying voices on that. Some say that since Osama Bin Laden's family made its money mostly from construction and that Bin Laden has been estranged from the family for quite a while, there isn't any direct link. Others say that oil purchased from countries like Iraq goes directly toward support of terrorism and that profits for other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, indirectly aid terrorism because of wealthy Saudis who are said to help finance people like Osama Bin Laden. Second, what oil companies buy Middle Eastern oil? We were able to secure the statistics from the U.S. Department of Energy for various oil companies for calendar Year 2000: Shell purchased 3,611,000 barrels from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia BP purchased none from the Middle East. Chevron purchased 14,724,000 from the Middle East. Citgo-None from the Middle East. Amoco purchased 3,611,000 barrels from the Middle East. Exxon-Mobil combined purchased 13,273,000 barrels from the Middle East. Marathon purchased 10,710,000 in Middle Eastern oil. Sunoco purchased none from the Middle East. Conoco purchased 523,000 from the Middle East. Sinclair-We didn't find any figures. Phillips-We didn't find any Middle Eastern purchases. Third, was there a successful boycott in 2001? Not really. There have been several emails circulated from time to time that encourage a day or a week of avoiding buying gas, but there's never been any evidence that we're aware of that they had had any impact on gas prices. There is one version of this eRumor that adopts some information from another popular eRumor and claims that gas is projected to rise to $3 per gallon by the summer of 2002. The Energy Department forecast, however, is for a high of $1.60 per gallon. We have not found any forecasts for $3 per gallon. Last updated 3/23/03 A real example of the eRumor as it has appeared on the Internet: Yisrael Medad of the Begin Center sent the following information. Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia. Just buy from gas companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill-up the tank, I am sending my money to people who are trying to kill me, my family, and my friends. I thought it might be interesting for you to know which oil companies are the best to buy gas from. Major companies that import Middle Eastern oil (for the period 9/1/00 -8/31/01). Shell 205,742,000 barrels Chevron/Texaco 144,332,000 barrels Exxon/Mobil 130,082,000 barrels Marathon 117,740,000 barrels Amoco 62,231,000 barrels If you do the math at $30/barrel, these imports amount to over $18 BILLION! Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil: Citgo 0 barrels Sunoco 0 Conoco 0 Sinclair 0 BP/Phillips 0 All of this information is available from the Department of Energy and can be easily documented. Refineries located in the U.S. are required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing. They report on a monthly basis. Keep this list in your car; share it with friends. Stop paying for terrorism DO YOU REMEMBER LAST MAY, WHEN GAS PRICES WERE THREATENING TO GO TO $2.00 PER GALLON. I ACTUALLY PAID $2.05 PER GALLON IN OHIO. WELL, THEY ARE TRYING TO DO IT AGAIN. WE E-MAILED EVERYONE IN OUR ADDRESS BOOKS, AND ASKED EVERYONE ELSE TO DO THE SAME. WITHIN DAYS, AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE GOT THE MESSAGE, AND GUESS WHAT? MYSTERIOUSLY, GAS PRICES WENT DOWN. ECONOMICS - JUST BUY FROM THE OTHER FOUR OR FIVE COMPANIES WHO DON'T BUY OIL FROM THE MODEST TERRORIST SUPPORTING COUNTRIES. THEN WE DO BUY FROM THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES WHO DO NOT BUY MID EAST OIL. Citgo 0 barrels Sunoco 0 Conoco 0 Sinclair 0 BP/Phillips 0 IT IS YOUR MONEY! SPEND IT WISELY! JUST SAY NO TO MID EASTERN COUNTRIES WHO SUPPORT TERRORISM! WE SENT THIS OUT MAY OF 2001. AND IT WORKED!!! We need to do whatever we can, and do it NOW!!!! PLEASE HOLD OUT UNTIL THEY LOWER THEIR PRICES TO BELOW $1.28 - $1.29 AND KEEP THEM DOWN. THIS CAN REALLY WORK! If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention UNITED WE STAND!!! ~ AMERICAN ECONOMICS IN ACTION!!!~
5 :
How old are these figures? And, don't oil companies buy oil from each other when they need to? Just because a company doesn't buy directly from the Middle East, doesn't mean that the gas you put in your vehicle did not originate from there. Am I wrong on this? ======================================
6 :
Green Greed :)~

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

America, philosophy, politics, freedom. A survey?

America, philosophy, politics, freedom. A survey?
Please post an answer if you agree to at least 3 of the following 5 statements: 1. The economy right now is, for lack of a better word, crap and this is due to the influence of the powerful banking elite such as the Rockefeller family. 2. Human nature, beyond evolutionary instinct, is very much a pliable doctrine that can be and has been manipulated by the ruling members of governments since a monetary system was created. 3. The most profitable venture a bank can take part in is the instigation of a war nvolving at least one powerful nation. 4. The major agents of business and media, the elected officials, and hence the general populace in the United States of America have been under the control of the aforementioned powerful agents at least since the founding of the Federal Reserve System. 5. Someone should do something to stop the egregious infringements upon human freedom and intellectual progress that result from the undeniable truth of the first 4 statements. "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." -Mayer Amschel Rothschild Godfather of the Rothschild Banking Cartel of Europe W Kumar: I was just trying to get an initial feel for the size of the population that feels the same way about this topic, but thank you for your advice. To the poster below W Kumar: Does it not strike you as egotistic and unenlightened that simply because your standard of living is high (meaning you have a nice house with 2 cars and a shopping mall down the street) that you feel no obligation to try to stop the atrocities happening around the world for the sake of money disguised as religion and national security?
Other - Politics & Government - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You wanted those to agree with your points to respond. However, I have to disagree with all of them except 2. Governments of course play with economics all the time. Economics is politics by another name. However, don't believe that conspiracy theories are the reason we are facing problems.
2 :
Such silly concerns. If the 'bankers' ran everything, why are they in so much trouble now? Also, why, exactly, should anybody care even if that is true? My quality of life is pretty good. Obviously, whomever is running things can't be doing too bad a job.
3 :
I think few feel this way... I agree, in parts... I don't think it's as organized or intentional... but I think that some of these issues are real... and nothing will be done as long as people are fed and their freedoms are not directly infringed upon... to their knowledge...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Atheists if God in money and the pledge is so important to you?

Atheists if God in money and the pledge is so important to you?
why can't you get the history surrounding it right? Why do you say "In God We Trust" has only been on money since 1950's? It has actually been on money since 1864 when it was put on coins by an Act of Congress in 1863 (making it on our money alot longer then our money was without it).& on paper money since 1935. The pledge I have heard talk about the "Founding Fathers" & the pledge. No founding father wrote the Pledge it was written 1892. It did not even contain the words United States of America until the 1940's before that it was "I pledge allegiance to my flag" nor was it brought into schools until then. The under God was added in the 50's. But it is not like the pldge was ever suppose to be secular or governmental, it was written by a Baptist minister. If it is SO important we have to hear about it all the time why don't you know the history around it? Actually already knew it I just figured the links might help. People keep repeating the same inaccurate stuff over and over. If I am going to HAVE to hear about it, I at least want to read accurate historical statements so I don't keep getting annoyed over it. I still will think it is a stupid thing to be upset over, but I won;t be annoyed at the inaccurate history. the demoiselle here is two questions and answers where it has been said twice about monney and the 50's in just the last two days;_ylt=AgUp0kaJLwmpDFSivtH0Go7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080508172024AAzP2dw&show=7#profile-info-JDZdPo21aa;_ylt=Ai7GdnHTTExSQ9pqGmzukdbty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080507002310AAibFEg&show=7#profile-info-J09fTNETaa
Religion & Spirituality - 26 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
thanks for taking your time to look that up for everyone
2 :
And how do you know I didn't know the history?
3 :
since when do people say that "in god we trust" has been on money only since the '50s? i've only heard that said about the pledge.
4 :
I do know the history and have correctly stated it a number of times. It's still a violation of seperation of church and state.
5 :
I have never heard any atheist use either argument that you state. I could not care less. I use the cash because it's there and what choice do I have? The barter system just doesn't cut it in my town -- they will not trade me a gallon of gas for some home-made pork chops. I don't say the pledge. My kids don't either. None of it really matters. .
6 :
I read 1956. For the pledge anyway.
7 :
I knew all of that before I read this question. None of that changes my opinion that the references to some god should be removed from both U.S. money and the pledge.
8 :
Thanks for the history lesson, now smother yourself in gravy.
9 :
I love strawmen.
10 :
it's not really important to me, i'm more interested in ridding the country of christofascism and fundamentalism
11 :
Yeah...I knew that. But you are still admitting that the founders didn't put it there, which points to their very proper intent. It should have never been added.
12 :
Why is it so important to Christians that you have to pair god with money?
13 :
If the bible is so important to you, why don't you read it? And one of the reason's religion is so dangerous is that it can be used as a weapon. If a government controls religion, they control people's feelings and morals, and that's dangerous. If a government uses religion to raise morale or gain support, it's just wrong. And in 1956 that's exactly what was done. And I don't care if a minister wrote the pledge of allegiance, if we teach our kids to say it, it must be secular. Religion should never be included in school, unless teaching about it in a history, english, or mythology class.
14 :
amen sister!
15 :
Actually, I've only seen Christians get the history wrong. Fun Fact: The pledge was written by a socialist to sell flags to schools and used to include a weird, almost Nazi-like salute, which was promptly removed in the 30's
16 :
Who Says its just atheists? I have no trust in the vile monster you would call "god" am i an atheist? No. We live in a secular nation. Church and state must therefore be separate for the dignity of all American Citizens. If you don't like that idea... Move to Iran.
17 :
I always thought that god was money.Benny Hinn and Jerry Fallswell and the rest did such a good job of making me believe it.The pledge of allegiance was used to unite the country,and sell flags.You did well.
18 :
im pretty sure like 90% of atheists know that, trust me we use as ammunition against you guys all the time.
19 :
I know the history around it, but thank you for the lecture anyway.
20 :
They don't get the history surrounding it because. The pledge and money mentions God. They do not believe in God there for. They do not believe in checking out history to know the facts and truths. Personal observation from being here in r&s. :-)
21 :
Actually "in god we trust" has only been our motto since 1956, it was changed from E. Pluribus Unum. It was not added to our money until 1972 because of the delay in producing new designs for the money. Before that it was not our motto. In 1955 we added "one nation under god" because of the red scare (fear of atheist communism). Prior to that it had no reference to a religious entity, and was secular (and used for secular purposes). You are correct it was written by a Babtist socialist minister, but it was designed to be used in schools, and was made secular for that specific purpose. Niether "under god" in the pledge (as taught in public schools) nor "in god we trust" on our national money is appropriate. This is a secular nation, founded specifically on freedom of religion which specifically DOES include freedom from religion. I've never heard of founding fathers being associated with the pledge, as it was written in the 1800s long after our founding fathers passed on. I am certain however, that none of them would have approved, as they almost all claimed that rabid religious people had no place in government. And that the seperation of church and state was an open attempt to prevent such a thing.
22 :
Even if the currency does not have in print to whom I trust, IT is & always will be to God I trust. And as for me & mine, we DO pledge alegance. Do you really think of that stuff when you are paying $4.00 for a gallon of gas?
23 :
I personally don't give care that the word god is on the money or in the pledge, I dont think its unconstitutional, I respect the people who argue against it because they do so because they want to fight Theocracy, but the battle shouldn't be over cosmetic issues - especially since its not Unconstitutional. There are more important fights, like keeping public school science education secular, how about the rights of same sex couples to get married. We can fight Theocracy where it needs to be fought. They don't listen to me they throw out the "slippery slope" nonsense. Over 150 years the word god on currency and still no theocracy.
24 :
Did you not actually read your own links, or did you deliberately misquote them? Isn't that a little contradictory?
25 :
Huh! I'm going to have to look that up about the motto on the money because the last articles I read said it was made the national motto and placed on currency in the late 50s. The Pledge I knew all about before I was on here. I admit I know more about the Pledge than the "In God We Trust", but I was very sure the source I looked at stated the 50s shortly after the Pledge bit. Well, this gives me a reason to look into it and check to make sure I've got the money part right. If I've been wrong about that all this time, I'd like to get it straight. Pretty hard for me to make a decent arguement for its removal if I don't have the history and facts right. I'll take a look into that and correct any further arguements on my part if you're right about that. Thanks for pointing it out. I knew about the Pledge already, but if I'm wrong about the currency, then thanks. Learning is constant for me and if I've learned I'm wrong, I'll be all too happy to correct it in future arguements.
26 :
Yet another touted Christian error: now, which of the founding fathers was a Christian? You'll not find many! Besides, both sides are right - what is important is that the founders realized the dangers of running a country based on the Bible - Christians would do well to see the same dangers.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Welcome to America! How do you feel?

Welcome to America! How do you feel?
-America! -A place where people walk into you and continue walking without saying sorry or excuse me. New York is a good example. -A place where women want nothing to do with you unless you have finances or lots of sexual experience. Because if your still a virgin at 28, women look at you and think threes something wrong with you. Don't you know that EVERYONE looses theirs at 15? -A place where people don't acknowledge one another, instead, they text on their cell phones as if they are some self important celebrity. -A place where the government tells you that you cannot smoke marijuana. A plant which comes from the earth. Created by god all mighty. -A place where the justice system in more in the business of making money instead of actually restitution. It also practiced cruel and unusual punishment. See he 3 strikes law for that one.:) -A place where the norm is not to look good and take care of yourself, but instead, lets all go to McDonald's. -A place where we haven't built a car worth of crap, but we can sure bomb the hell out of you're country though. Welcome to the United States of America:)
Singles & Dating - 4 Answers
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1 :
:) Why thank you!!! ahaha.
2 :
someones a little angry :) It seems like you hate America, maybe you should move, or stop complaining.
3 :
4 :
Sweety, sounds like you are having a bad time...What's going on? You have to get away from the negativity, this is a good place to vent, I suppose...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Should the other developed countries provide financial aid for the United States to metricate?

Should the other developed countries provide financial aid for the United States to metricate?
One of the biggest arguments against metrication in the U.S.A. is the one-time cost. You see, America is an extremely fiscally conservative nation, and with the inroads the tea party is making, will remain that way in the future. So, naturally, the United States will not increase taxes or the deficit by 1 cent to metricate, even if there are economic benefits to metrication. But, as many Americans assure me, the cost is the only thing holding them back from metricating. They agree with the benefits, but they disagree that any taxpayer money should be spent on the process. Unfortunately for other developed countries, this is also harmful to them, because America's failure to metricate makes it more difficult to trade with the large market that is the United States. To resolve this impasse, it seems there is one solution: A group of developed countries to come together and provide a financial aid package for the United States to metricate. That should overcome all opposition in the United States and finally lead to a restoration of trade and economic benefits for all. If the financial aid is not provided, I fear the United States may never metricate, and the economic benefits never realized.
Other - Politics & Government - 1 Answers
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1 :
Nice try! Embarrass the country into conversion! You understand that stands as much of a chance as a snowball in a hot place. It's beneficial to them, not harmful to them. If we want to buy products with English-standard dimensions, they are more than happy to manufacture them and sell them to us. The transition is happening, but gradually.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

How can i make this essay better.?

How can i make this essay better.?
I wanna get a high grade on it.Please help me fix any errors and tell me if there is some that should be taken out and replace.Thanks in advance. The American Identity For many year people have immigrated to the United States of America. As Americans they have the right to choose your own religion. America has been involve in many wars and we are proud of our part of history in it.. As Americans we have a strong sense of pride for this country. Today America is one of the best nations to live on and as Americans we are proud. People have immigrated for many years in search of religious tolerance. Many countries prohibit people from choosing a religion and worship it. People have paid the ultimate prize for their believes. In the United States people are protected under the first amendment and are allow to follow their own religion. With this privilege Americans can enjoy the freedom of worshiping as they please. For the past 6 years America has been in a war against terrorist. Many Americans have pleaded the government to bring out troops back home. Americans are worried about the nations economy and we believed that instead of spending the countries money we should find a way to open new jobs because there are people who are struggling with the economic problems that we are experiencing. We are very proud of our history and our involvement both World Wars. During most wars we have been involve we weren’t prepare for them but our patriotism motivated us and we have emerged victorious. Many Americans believe that our country is the best in the world. America is one of the few countries that give people unique rights available nowhere else. We are proud of our advance in technology and what we have accomplished. One of the reasons we are most proud of if because of our veterans. Our veterans have fought and sacrificed their live for what we believe in.
Homework Help - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
1st paragraph,combine setences and dont say america soo much
2 :
check your punctuations..
3 :
how old are u or what grade are u in?
4 :
I couldn't get past the first few lines, you kept repeating Americans over and over, no offense though.
5 :
You could check your grammar and punctuation. Use interesting words that will grab the reader. The first paragraph should be very interesting. Good luck on your essay.
6 :
It's decent, but you use the word "proud" five times and "pride" two times. That's a pretty good sign that you're repeating the same point over and over.
7 :
Use the pronoun "She" for America
8 :
-*years* -they have the rights to choose *their own* religion. -you say *as americans* a lot -you have a lot of repetitions. -a war against *terrorism*. -you switch too often between the facts, and feelings. -do not use *we* -good luck on your paper
9 :
I'd like to point out that your entire premise is wrong. There's no such thing as the "American Identity." You assume that all United States citizens are the same and feel the same way. This is a false assumption. And America can refer to both the U.S. and Canada and even, I think, Mexico. It's the U.S., not America. United States citizens may appear to have freedom of religion, but the nitty gritty truth is some citizens are abused, oppressed, and denied the basic rights supposedly allotted to all. There are unique rights granted here, but the U.S. has terrible evils underlying everything. Remember, questioning the government is the only true form of patriotism.
10 :
"for many years" not year, " given the honor of being american, people have the right to decide their own religion"..."america has been involved in many wars and we are proud that our country is well known through out history" you already stated that we are prod to be americans so it gets old and loses interest. "many countries have prohibited people from choosing their individual religion and worshiping it. you cant pay a prize but you can pay a "price" and it should be beliefs instead of believes. it should be to bring our in stead of to bring out troops back home.
11 :
The American Identity For many yearS people have immigrated to The United States of America. As Americans, they have the right to choose THEIR own religion. America has been involveD in many wars and we are proud of our part of history in it.(SOUNDS LIKE YOU ARE SAYING WE ARE PROUD TO BE IN WARS???. MAYBE SAY WE ARE FIERCELY PATRIOTIC AND WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO DEFEND OUR FREEDOM AND THE FREEDOM OF OTHERS) As Americans we have a strong sense of pride for this country. Today America is one of the best nations to live In and as Americans we are proud.(REDUNDANT) People have immigrated for many years in search of religious tolerance. Many countries prohibit people from choosing a religion and PRACTICING IT worship it. People have paid the ultimate priCe for their belieFS. In The United States people are protected under the First Amendment and are allowED to follow their own religion (FREEDOM OF SPEECH) . With this RIGHT privilege, Americans can enjoy the freedom of worshiping as they please. For the past 6 years America has been in a war against terrorisM. Many Americans have pleaded WITH THE government to bring ouR troops back home. Americans are worried about the economy and we believe that instead of spending OUR countrY'S money (QUALIFY THIS) we should find a way to CREATE new jobs because there are people who are struggling with the economic problems that we are experiencing. (NEEDS TO GO IN EARLIER PART) We are very proud of our history and our involvement both World Wars. During most wars we have been involveD IN, we were NOT prepareD for them but our patriotism motivated us and we have emerged victorious.(VERY SUBJECTIVE, MOST AMERICANS DO NOT FEEL WE "WON" IN VIETNAM) Many Americans believe that our country is the best in the world. America is one of the few countries that give people unique rights available nowhere else. We are proud of our advanceS in technology and what we have accomplished. One of the THINGS we are most proud OF iS our veterans. Our veterans have fought and sacrificed their liveS for what we believe in. GOOD IDEAS, JUST TIGHTEN IT UP A BIT AND YOU WILL DO GREAT!
12 :
In order from beginning: "For many YEARS..." Then second sentence, comma after Americans, also consider changing YOUR (own religion) to Their. (You dont want to switch around from saying You to Them to Us, know what I mean?) "People have payed the ultimate PRICE.." "During most wars we have been involve we weren’t prepare for them but our patriotism motivated us and we have emerged victorious." I like that sentence, but change Prepare to prepared. "Our veterans....sacrificed their LIVES...." Its wonderful; I am sure you will get a good grade. Just make sure to check your grammar and use some commas so your sentences dont run on and on. Or us commas to combine two short sentences, this way they dont look like baby sentences.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Can anyone revise this and make it better? if you want to elaborate on it thats cool too...?

Can anyone revise this and make it better? if you want to elaborate on it thats cool too...?
The Healthcare Reform Bill that we are faced with right now, in spite of what some individuals mistakably believe, is exactly what the US has hungered for throughout these antecedent years. We are offered the chance to redeem ourselves and create better overall coverage for individuals who seek their health. I would like to put the proposed bill into action and have the changes started right away. The United States of America is in desperate need of reliable health care. America as a whole needs the type of health care that will help a person despite pre-existing conditions, or petty attempts to deny a person their health. The People of the United States have long forgotten the dream of how the nation’s people could thrive if they were provided with the proper health care. Health care in this nation of ours has been on a steady decline since the 1930’s and has been viewed as a crisis situation since the 1970’s. The blame, despite the constant finger pointed at insurance companies, falls on us, the Americans. In the past, president administrations such as Harry S. Truman’s, Richard M. Nixon’s, and George Bush’s have all proposed plans similar to the one being proposed in the present day. The plan that Truman compiled was fervently rejected by the American Medical Association (AMA), and was, in addition called a “Communist Plot” by a House subcommittee. Likewise, the plan for national health insurance that President Richard M. Nixon proposed was rejected by liberals and labor unions. All in all it is our fault for the faulty healthcare we are presently presented with. Before taking any action Americans need to take a step back and view the situation we have thrust ourselves in, thus will begin the inevitable changes we have deprived ourselves of. Clearly the U.S. needs some sort of Healthcare Reform. If America would simply submit to the currently proposed Health Care Reform bill then all Americans despite their income would be able to get help for their sickness and it will not cost them everything they have worked so hard to achieve and accomplish. Countries that have embraced healthcare as ours are the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Taiwan, and Switzerland. Here is a closer look at three of the capitalist democracies in the world. The United Kingdom’s plan is perhaps the most appealing. The percentage of Gross Domestic Product or GDP that is spent on healthcare is 8.3. The average family premium is none; it is wholly funded by taxation. The co-payments virtually do not exist, although there is some required pay for dental care five percent of prescriptions, and eyeglasses. The Government pays and provides healthcare putting them under a “socialized medicine” system The way it functions is that the citizens pay taxes for the healthcare and the government-run National Health Service (NHS) separates the money and distributes is accordingly to the providers of healthcare. The Doctors for Hospitals are paid a salary and General practitioners otherwise known as GP, who operate their own business; their income is still based upon the number of patients they tend to. While the United Kingdom’s citizens hardly have to pay out of pocket for the work they need done, the other countries that are listed above have some out of pocket money they are forced to pay. Such as Japan, their average family premium is $280 every month, with the employers paying more than half. The Co-payments are 30 percent of the cost of a procedure. Now for the last, Germany has a whopping $750 per month average family premium; premiums are attached to patients' income. Co-payments, however are only 10 euros ($15) every three months; although some patients however, like pregnant women for example, are exempt from the co-payments. Americans need to view other countries healthcare and view which one provides the most sufficient coverage for the people. We can pick and choose, mold and form, our own system. We shall open our eyes and learn from the mistakes others have done before us; we will do as the Americans have done all along, we will copy everyone else. Only we will do it better. some info.... oh and uhhhh sorry its too long. its a research paper so its meant to be long. =] uhm, im a senior in highschool. but good job on trying to insult me uhmmm dippy doodle.... seriously, your insulting me with that name??? imbecile. anyways, thanks guys and i did change the antecedent years and hungered for. =]
Politics - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
WAY too long to read. Bye now.
2 :
Cliffnotes are needed here.
3 :
sorry, too much like work.
4 :
I'd say your right on. I wish more people would research this subject like you have done instead of immediately disagreeing with reform just because it is a dem program.
5 :
If its a research's too short.
6 :
If this is a research paper, then you need to cite sources and also, present the other side. Your first sentence is way to long and you're using words that really don't fit.. We've "hungered" and "antecedent years". You need to break each new idea into separate paragraphs. Also look at some of the cons to this health care plan.
7 :
Besides all of the false assertions about what Americans need, want and how our health is denied us by evil insurance companies, it is a rambling attempt at an argument by a young, inexperienced girl child who is just out of the home and enjoying her first year in college. Just my opinion of course.
8 :
Grammar needs some major help. "All in all it is our fault for the faulty healthcare we are presently presented with."...yea no(I think my English teacher would have died after reading that one). Was there a requirement to awkwardly alliterate :) I completely disagree with your assessment of the current state of our system and that the bill will address the problems of coverage when it will not insure everyone. I guess that's beside the point. I think you should include more about what is in the current bill that you like. You have nothing in there of substance about the bill that you want "put into action". >We've "hungered" and "antecedent years". I would second this, its an awkward use of words, it looks like they are thrown in there to try to impress the teacher. It doesn't flow and looks out of place and wont win you points.

Friday, September 28, 2012


A new propaganda video created by an extreme environmental activist is making its way into America's classrooms and The New York Times loves the whole idea. Enviro obsessive Annie Leonard, Greenpeace member and activist, has created a 20 minute video filled with anti-capitalist, anti-American propaganda to encourage kids to eschew "stuff," calling the presentation "The Story of Stuff." Leonard's propaganda piece is so anti-American she even begins her video by saying that her "friends" say she should describe the United States by using the symbol of a military tank because "it's true in many countries and increasingly in our own." And why is a tank "increasingly" the symbol of the USA? Because "more than 50% of our federal tax money is going for our military." Naturally, this misleading propaganda doesn't mention that a large portion of that federal military spending ends up going to the weekly pay and health care of our soldiers, something apparently Ms. Leonard is against. She goes on to say that a government's job is to "take care of us, that's their job." Here she is trying to promote dependency and proves that she has no clue what a government is really for -- especially in the U.S. system.
Elections - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
My 'Hope for Humanity Meter' already dropped to 0 a while back, but this is ridiculous.
2 :
Hating America is the way Obama was brought up. Its what he knows how to do.
3 :
Endless ranting gets you nowhere
4 :
'Hate America'? America is its people, this is a democracy and the majority of people agree with Obama.
5 :
$50 toilet seats get real. Military soldiers make close to minimum wage. Crimes against Rant
6 :
It isn't. If a video points out the true amount of money spent on the military, and military costs do include service people, then it isn't propaganda, just facts. And the government is supposed to use taxpayer money for the welfare of Americans, not to line their own pockets. That's a basic concept, not propaganda.
7 :
Look, this is your opinion and you're entitled to it, but most Americans don't agree with you. We don't define "hating America" as having strong environmental stances or admitting that we are sometimes wrong, but in supporting torture, in entering illegal wars, and in selling our country to China so the rich can get richer.
8 :
He isn't. Where do people get this stuff...Rush? False News? where????
9 :
Looks like mostly morons and liberals answered your question, oh wait I forgot, their the same thing. Yeah this wouldn't surprise me, I took an environmental science course last semester and they tried to push the same bullsh*t. A bunch of hippy scientists were saying how its the United States fault that China produces so much pollution because Americans use better non renewable resources. They then said that the United States is to blame for most problems in the world and blah blah more leftist garbage, I didn't hear all they said since I walked out about 3/4 through the video. You see the problem is that we have whining pacifists who were raised by leftists that control what schools use as material today. All they want to do is tell kids that the military is bad and our nation is bad because it doesn't put 100% of its budget towards helping minorities and gays have their wildest dreams fulfilled. Just think about the good we could do if we disbanded our entire military and put all of that money towards shipping food to starving Chinese and Africans, I mean really who needs a military if everyone just plays games and is nice to each other. Seriously is like these people never moved past the pre school level mentally. The last I checked our annual military budget was something like $500 billion, we have the best funded military in the world. If liberals knew anything about history then they would realize that after six years of occupying two hostile nations we have lost under 5,000 dead, that's an amazing figure for a nation to boast, the Soviets lost thousands in Afghanistan. Now thats not to say that there shouldn't be some reforms implemented to cut costs in certain areas such as $15 per meal per soldier is ridiculous. Although it is wrong to feed lies to children in a misguided effort to implicate America for all of the worlds problems.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Football / Soccer experts: How can a player make a league successful?

Football / Soccer experts: How can a player make a league successful?
Believe me, as an American, I would love to see MLS become as traditional, competitive, and respected as any in the world. But I fail to see how the arrival of Mr. Beckham is supposed to vault MLS to a higher standing? All I can envision is more worldwide coverage, increased financial backing through advertising as a result of wider coverage, and a small exodus of very good players near the end of their respectful careers coming to the United States. I do not see how this will foster growth within America to where we are producing great players of our own on a time scale that will prevent MLS from reaching the same fate as NASL because of the contracts that exceeded their ability to attract fans. Nothing against world players coming here to help popularize the game. They are great even at this stage, but is it such a good idea to spend so much on him and other players who want to come here? Is the game any better because they getting so much money?
Other - Soccer - 6 Answers
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1 :
im an execept at war and shooting
2 :
U have a point but i am from Los Angeles and i know a lot of people who are already on planning to buy tickets to go see him play.
3 :
I think after beckhams first season in the MLS no one will be talking about him. He'll probably on the bench next season. The only thing Beckham will do to the MLS is attract more girls to the stadium and people who dont care about soccer. And i dont think the MLS will ever get to the level of other leagues because there will always be basketball, baseball, football and all the other sports in the US and because americans just arent made for soccer and dont have the passion for it. I hope you dont cry when you read this.
4 :
MLS never consider to bring brazilian soccer players? They are cheaper and better players than Mr. Beckham.
5 :
Well, I can think of one example where it actually happened. The old American Football League was nothing, and then somehow they managed to sign Joe Namath to the New York Jets. The rest is history, as they say.... Who knows, maybe Beckham will be able to do something similar.
6 :
Good question, i can see your points, well a player can make a league successful on his own on a number of different ways, but success comes at a cost, even thought I'm not a fan of Beckham's footballing skills (or lack of them) but he can still produce that one piece of magic from his dead ball skills alone, ie free kicks, corner kicks, peno's, etc, I'm certain that Beckham will be good for the game in the U.S, and as you've already pointed out there's sure to be a host of other top players going there, which in turn will make the average player from the league play that bit better and more youngsters will get envoled from an early age all because of a certain Mr Beckham, sure LA galaxy will make millions alone from selling shirts worldwide with Beckham's name and number on them, as more people will watch it so it will get bigger exposure outside the U.S even in other parts of the world that would never watch football from the U.S just because Beckham will be there, which has to be a good thing, so overall i think Beckham will be good for the game in the U.S, I'm also certain that mrs beckham will love the glitz and glamour of Hollywood!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

To you, does this seem like a great college essay? Do all the ideas make sense? Rate the essay from 1-10!?

To you, does this seem like a great college essay? Do all the ideas make sense? Rate the essay from 1-10!?
Personal Essay/ How to help my community “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” This rather famous phrase came from the preamble of the United States Constitution, identifying what roles and/or objectives are able to create a perfect society. Although these times have proven that the United States is far from the utopia that it has ever dreamed of; this goal can still be accomplished one step at a time. In my opinion, the most challenging step that has been collapsing our society would be the economy. This issue has been affecting our nation for years, and it seems that no matter what idea that has come across to heal this crisis, more and more suffer poverty. We must ask ourselves: whom does the economy affect most, where does this problem begin, and what idea starts out producing petty cash to individuals and then ends up with funding an entire community? We must think of an idea in which can be funded without hurting the economy even more. The fate of our nation lies within the youth of America. Education is a key phase in a child’s life in which can help train a student to become wise, intelligent, strong, and seeking. There are many high school students who suffer from financial difficulties in turn having them put aside their schoolwork and studies in order to work and raise money for their families. Unfortunately, many students end up dropping out of high school. This affect could cause the person to become needy for money, and would develop a trait within that person to cause crimes such as theft, burglaries, and might even cause murder towards an innocent human. It is very critical to correct this problem, so that a child is able to obtain an education, and that his and/or her family will also be saved from their turmoil against poverty. I propose that the United States create a certain financial aid that begins at high school throughout undergraduate school, in which a student’s family will be funded with an amount of money suitable enough to help that family with their finances. This aid can only be given to families whose child attends high school or a 2-year/4-year college. This means that if that student drops out of high school or college, this aid will no longer be given to that student’s family. One way in which to fund this financial aid without taking money out of any more Americans would be by creating another lottery. Just as how the lottery helps fund our school system, creating this new lottery can help run this financial aid. Another way of how to keep this aid afoot is by America trading some of its energy resources to different countries and/or territories in exchange for profit. This aid does not only help families with financial debt, but it also can help lower the rate of high school and college dropouts. These ideas may not be the very best, yet they stand in the right direction without hurting anyone even more with their finances. I cannot just sit down while my own kind or even ones who are suffering even more than I am are going through such havoc and difficulties. This is an essay from the heart speaking of what must be done to correct a wrong, and produce a right. It is with this financial aid that we can finally bring our country towards a perfect society, towards a utopian empire. We finally can say that: “We the People of the United States are forming a perfect Union”. It is with these words that God leaves you that will help trigger stamina within to lead our nation towards its perfect society; “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you”. You figure out the rest!
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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1 :
well, i'll rate it at 5 because your points are good. they make sense but are not organized well. to make it an essay, you must organize it.
2 :
Yes she - IrumFariha - say's - absolutely right ,your words are good-theme is more better-but if you organised it all once-its likes a very good-complete-essay.............. (if-necessarey-here-to-rate-Me-too-5-points)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

To you, does this seem like a great college essay? Do all the ideas make sense? Rate the essay from 1-10!?

To you, does this seem like a great college essay? Do all the ideas make sense? Rate the essay from 1-10!?
Personal Essay/ How to help my community “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” This rather famous phrase came from the preamble of the United States Constitution, identifying what roles and/or objectives are able to create a perfect society. Although these times have proven that the United States is far from the utopia that it has ever dreamed of; this goal can still be accomplished one step at a time. In my opinion, the most challenging step that has been collapsing our society would be the economy. This issue has been affecting our nation for years, and it seems that no matter what idea that has come across to heal this crisis, more and more suffer poverty. We must ask ourselves: whom does the economy affect most, where does this problem begin, and what idea starts out producing petty cash to individuals and then ends up with funding an entire community? We must think of an idea in which can be funded without hurting the economy even more. The fate of our nation lies within the youth of America. Education is a key phase in a child’s life in which can help train a student to become wise, intelligent, strong, and seeking. There are many high school students who suffer from financial difficulties in turn having them put aside their schoolwork and studies in order to work and raise money for their families. Unfortunately, many students end up dropping out of high school. This affect could cause the person to become needy for money, and would develop a trait within that person to cause crimes such as theft, burglaries, and might even cause murder towards an innocent human. It is very critical to correct this problem, so that a child is able to obtain an education, and that his and/or her family will also be saved from their turmoil against poverty. I propose that the United States create a certain financial aid that begins at high school throughout undergraduate school, in which a student’s family will be funded with an amount of money suitable enough to help that family with their finances. This aid can only be given to families whose child attends high school or a 2-year/4-year college. This means that if that student drops out of high school or college, this aid will no longer be given to that student’s family. One way in which to fund this financial aid without taking money out of any more Americans would be by creating another lottery. Just as how the lottery helps fund our school system, creating this new lottery can help run this financial aid. Another way of how to keep this aid afoot is by America trading some of its energy resources to different countries and/or territories in exchange for profit. This aid does not only help families with financial debt, but it also can help lower the rate of high school and college dropouts. These ideas may not be the very best, yet they stand in the right direction without hurting anyone even more with their finances. I cannot just sit down while my own kind or even ones who are suffering even more than I am are going through such havoc and difficulties. This is an essay from the heart speaking of what must be done to correct a wrong, and produce a right. It is with this financial aid that we can finally bring our country towards a perfect society, towards a utopian empire. We finally can say that: “We the People of the United States are forming a perfect Union”. It is with these words that God leaves you that will help trigger stamina within to lead our nation towards its perfect society; “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you”. You figure out the rest!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
I'd give it a 5. No originality, or personal style, and I don't like the topic.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A hurricane in the Caribbean might have an effect on the economy in the United States?

A hurricane in the Caribbean might have an effect on the economy in the United States?
A.Increasing the price of banana's in the market. B.lowering the price of banana's in the market. C.Increasing the amount of banana's in the United States. D.Increasing the amount of banana's grown in the Caribbean. Also Depending on the export of one cash crop or natural resource is risky for nations in Latin America because A.Their supply of natural resources will be exhausted in the next ten years. B.The country might make too much money. C.If something were to happen to hurt the value of the crop or resource, the country's economy could go into crisis. D.Most countries in the world are not buying crops or natural resources exported from other countries.
Politics - 1 Answers
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1 :
question belongs in 'homework' category.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Does this essay make sense to you; do you have a general idea of what this essay is telling you?

Does this essay make sense to you; do you have a general idea of what this essay is telling you?
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” This rather famous phrase came from the preamble of the United States Constitution, identifying what roles and/or objectives are able to create a perfect society. Although these times have proven that the United States is far from the utopia that it has ever dreamed of; this goal can still be accomplished one step at a time. In my opinion, the most challenging step that has been collapsing our society would be the economy. This issue has been affecting our nation for years, and it seems that no matter what idea that has come across to heal this crisis, more and more suffer poverty. We must ask ourselves: whom does the economy affect most, where does this problem begin, and what idea starts out producing petty cash to individuals and then ends up with funding an entire community? We must think of an idea in which can be funded without hurting the economy even more. The fate of our nation lies within the youth of America. Education is a key phase in a child’s life in which can help train a student to become wise, intelligent, strong, and seeking. There are many high school students who suffer from financial difficulties in turn having them put aside their schoolwork and studies in order to work and raise money for their families. Unfortunately, many students end up dropping out of high school. This affect could cause the person to become needy for money, and would develop a trait within that person to cause crimes such as theft, burglaries, and might even cause murder towards an innocent human. It is very critical to correct this problem, so that a child is able to obtain an education, and that his and/or her family will also be saved from their turmoil against poverty. I propose that the United States create a certain financial aid that begins at high school throughout undergraduate school, in which a student’s family will be funded with an amount of money suitable enough to help that family with their finances. This aid can only be given to families whose child attends high school or a 2-year/4-year college. This means that if that student drops out of high school or college, this aid will no longer be given to that student’s family. One way in which to fund this financial aid without taking money out of any more Americans would be by creating another lottery. Just as how the lottery helps fund our school system, creating this new lottery can help run this financial aid. Another way of how to keep this aid afoot is by America trading some of its energy resources to different countries and/or territories in exchange for profit. This aid does not only help families with financial debt, but it also can help lower the rate of high school and college dropouts. These ideas may not be the very best, yet they stand in the right direction without hurting anyone even more with their finances. I cannot just sit down while my own kind or even ones who are suffering even more than I am are going through such havoc and difficulties. This is an essay from the heart speaking of what must be done to correct a wrong, and produce a right. It is with this financial aid that we can finally bring our country towards a perfect society, towards a utopian empire. We finally can say that: “We the People of the United States are forming a perfect Union”. It is with these words that God leaves you that will help trigger stamina within to lead our nation towards its perfect society; “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you”. You figure out the rest!
Psychology - 1 Answers
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1 :
I believe that your heart is in the right place. It would be nice to eliminate poverty and to provide an adequate standard of living for every individual in the world, not just the US or any other single country. But, let me provide a counterpoint. It has been proved over and over again throughout history that providing too many entitlements to those in need does not work in the long term. For example, people who exist at the boundaries, or margins, of these entitlements tend to lose their incentive to work hard to make only a few dollars more than the person who is not working at all. So, the person working close to those boundaries will tend to stop working a regular job which requires tax withholding and accept the handouts. This person will also tend to begin working unofficially and collect untaxed remuneration. That's just one example. To me, throwing money at the problem will not work. We should give everyone the opportunity to succeed, rather than entitlements which can be received merely through the act of existence. But, do I have a solution? No, unfortunately not. Until we human evolve to the point that we can embrace a higher level of consciousness which makes us feel that all of us are brothers, we will find this problem intractable.