Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What grade(A,B, C,D,F), in your opinion, does this essay deserve?

What grade(A,B, C,D,F), in your opinion, does this essay deserve?
Dear President Obama, We all enjoy a life of luxuries. Even those who can’t afford luxuries have them. However, these “luxuries” come at a heavy price. Cars, gadgets, the internet and electricity have become a part of our daily lives. Humans, who don’t enjoy hard work (no matter what people claim)enjoy the convenience these tool provide us. However, while we are carrying out our functions, getting upset over trivial matters, plotting, scheming, and being human, we forget on whom we are walking on. While we try to destroy others of our own species, we don’t realize that we are also destroying the one who conceived us: Gaea, also known as Mother Earth. We are slowly destroying our home. Like a cancer, the actions that harm the world keep spreading. Also like a cancer, there is a chance the disease will leave, but only with grueling treatments. And now we are standing in front of crossroads. Either we can heal the Earth, or we can watch it slowly die, plunging the world we know into a devastating apocalypse. There are many ways we can cure the disease that the “superior beings” brought on. Even the simplest changes can help us toward our goal of leaving the world the way it was before we poisoned it, plague-free. I won’t bore you with the standard “save water, save energy, save trees” advice. Only God knows how many times people have tried to get people to listen to that message. Truth is that people are hearing the messages, but not listening. The government and many charities are spilling thousands of dollars to try and promote these changes. There is another, more effective way. First, get actors, pop stars, athletes, and other teen idols to promote these changes. Second, put some boundaries on factories and oil companies. Last, try to slowly influence American car companies to become entirely hybrid. You, sir, have the most power to make an actual change in our country, if not the world. Adolescents idolize pop stars and models and athletes. After all, who wouldn’t want to be like them? Get them into the plan. If you get famous, rich people whom every teenager knows they will probably influence adolescents a whole lot more than Public Service Announcements. Adolescence is a great age group to target if we want to save the Earth. After all, they are going to be the future, but they aren’t so young as to be controlled by their parents or guardians. After all, we need to think about the future world. And the best way to construct the future is to have that future make the blueprints. I’m sure no one has forgotten the oil spill that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico not too long ago. When I read that the only “sentence” BP got for the spill was to pay for cleanup and other damage, I was horrified! An oil company such as that one is rolling in money. Money isn’t the solution to everything! And why is it that a person can go to jail for a lot less serious reasons, but a company that killed so many beings can’t? You probably know more about this than I do, but I think it would be a good idea to put some boundaries on factories and oil companies, if only for the sake of our environment. Those companies won’t have any lasting damage if the get a little less money. As President of the United States of America, you have a powerful image. Almost no sane person can contradict you. The best way to use this image to change the world is to influence car companies into becoming hybrid. You could also influence civilians to buy hybrid cars, maybe even possibly create a scheme, such as getting 30% off of a hybrid of their choice if they turn in their old car. If everyone in the country decides to drive hybrid, think of what a difference it could make. Getting everyone to drive hybrid could possibly stop the ozone layer above America from melting(which is bound to happen if we don’t stop burning fossil fuels). I have just given you a few suggestions for saving our beautiful planet. You know how sometimes once optimistic and bright people went depressed and slightly crazy after drug abuse? Well waste is Mother Earth’s drug without the addiction or high. If we keep polluting her, astronauts in space will see the lush greens and sparkling blues we see now, but a dull dirty gray. The most beautiful, thriving planet in the solar system will be reduced to ashes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The prompt was, "write a letter to obama explaining why it was important to conserve the environment and how can we do it"Im not going to say what grade I actually recieved on it because I dont want to influence anybody's opinion.
Homework Help - 4 Answers
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2 :
solid B
3 :
4 :
It's amazing! Hope this helps! http://milanstreet.info/161284/hybrid-cars

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Is this what is happening in America?

Is this what is happening in America?
We know Dick Lamm as the former Governor of Colorado. In that context his thoughts are particularly poignant. Last week there was an immigration overpopulation conference in Washington , DC , filled to capacity by many of America 's finest minds and leaders. A brilliant college professor by the name of Victor Hansen Davis talked about his latest book, "Mexifornia," explaining how immigration - both legal and illegal was destroying the entire state of California . He said it would march across the country until it destroyed all vestiges of The American Dream. Moments later, former Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm stood up and gave a stunning speech on how to destroy America . The audience sat spellbound as he described eight methods for the destruction of the United States . He said, "If you believe that America is too smug, too self-satisfied, too rich, then let's destroy America . It is not that hard to do. No nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall and that 'An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.'" "Here is how they do it," Lamm said: "FIRST, to destroy America , turn America into a bilingual or multi-lingual and bicultural country." History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict, and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures. It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it is a curse for a society to be bilingual. The historical scholar, Seymour Lipset, put it this way: "The histories of bilingual and bi-cultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension, and tragedy." Canada , Belgium , Malaysia , and Lebanon all face crises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. Nigeria suppressed an ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with Basques, Bretons, and Corsicans.". Lamm went on: SECOND, to destroy America , "Invent 'multiculturalism' and encourage immigrants to maintain their culture. Make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal. That there are no cultural differences. Make it an article of faith that the Black and Hispanic dropout rates are due solely to prejudice and discrimination by the majority. Every other explanation is out of bounds. THIRD, "We could make the United States an 'Hispanic Quebec' without much effort. The key is to celebrate diversity rather than unity. As Benjamin Schwarz said in the Atlantic Monthly recently: "The apparent success of our own multiethnic and multicultural experiment might have been achieved not by tolerance but by hegemony. Without the dominance that once dictated ethnocentricity and what it meant to be an American, we are left with only tolerance and pluralism to hold us together." Lamm said, "I would encourage all immigrants to keep their own language and culture. I would replace the melting pot metaphor with the salad bowl metaphor. It is important to ensure that we have various cultural subgroups living in America enforcing their differences rather than as Americans, emphasizing their similarities." "FOURTH, I would make our fastest growing demographic group the least educated. I would add a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated, and antagonistic to our population. I would have this second underclass have a 50% dropout rate from high school." "My FIFTH point for destroying America would be to get big foundations and business to give these efforts lots of money. I would invest in ethnic identity, and I would establish the cult of 'Victimology.' I would get all minorities to think that their lack of success was the fault of the majority. I would start a grievance industry blaming all minority failure on the majority population." "My SIXTH plan for America 's downfall would include dual citizenship, and promote divided loyalties. I would celebrate diversity over unity. I would stress differences rather than similarities. Diverse people worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each other - that is, when they are not killing each other. A diverse, peaceful, or stable society is against most historical precedent. People undervalue the unity it takes to keep a nation together. Look at the ancient Greeks. The Greeks believed that they belonged to the same race; they possessed a common Language and literature; and they worshipped the same gods. All Greece took part in the Olympic games. A common enemy, Persia , threatened their liberty. Yet all these bonds were not strong enough to overcome two factors: local patriotism and geographical conditions that nurtured political divisions. Greece fell. "E. Pluribus Unum" --From many, one. In that historical reality, if we put the emphasis on the 'plu
Politics - 3 Answers
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No. It's just another politician pandering to his audience. And Lamm sucked as governor too.
2 :
What a load of crap. It sounds like he wants a pure white nation where everybody speaks English and thinks the exact same way. That would be destroying America.
3 :
The thing about dual citizenship! What about Uncle Rupert Murdoch father of News Corp (FOX & Lie) net work! Does that apply to Uncle Rupert! When have you picked up and bought anything that was not stamped MADE IN CHINA? What American made that product?

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Is it wrong for Colleges to have communist leaders speak at the college?

Is it wrong for Colleges to have communist leaders speak at the college?
I had recently heard of a professor of some college that invited the leader of Iran to come over to our country and speak at the college. I feel that since Iran is in bed with North Korea, and North Korea was just busted because they were making and distrubiting counterfiet American Money in the United States and Iran is very vocal about being anti-American, this guy should not be allowed to speak in our Universities, and the Idoit that invited him should be tossed out of the Country or thrown in jail because I feel that he is a security threat to our Nation. People like that are threats to this wonderful country and they need to be dealt harshly with, because they sacriface the saftey of all the other people in America. When they sacriface our saftey, I feel that they should loose their rights. Just like criminals, when their actions harm or hinder another persons rights they should loose all of their rights. This is how we need to treat this college professor. He's a Trader!
Law & Ethics - 13 Answers
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1 :
No, neither the president of Iran or the professor should have anything bad happen to them. First of all, the leader of Iran IS NOT going to commit a crime while he is here. He will always be surrounded by police and secret service agents. Second, I doubt he would come for fear of assassination. Yes, he is a tyrant and all that, but what is going to happen if he comes? He's going to talk sh*t and a bunch of college students are going to boo him off stage? The leader of Iran meets with American and World leaders all the time. He is a world leader, not a terrorist (not directly anyway). He will try to give a motivational speech about how Iran is trying to be peaceful, it will be a facade and no one will believe him, and maybe he'll do some questions and answers that'll catch him off guard. Props to the professor. When you refuse to listen to your enemies side, why should they listen to you? When you refuse to hear their word, you too are causing violence in our world. A lack of communication and understanding causes a lot of problems in our world. Take what the leader of Iran says with a grain of salt and know that he is evil, but take the opportunity to listen to someone the whole world has their eye on.
2 :
I feel that you represent everything that is wrong with America today. First, the syntax, spelling and grammar of the above rant is something that I would expect to see from an eigth grader, and a poorly educated one at that. Second, it shows that you are very closed minded, to the point of being a bigot. Third, it's obvious that you didn't go to the lecture to hear what this person had to say, and yet you condemn it. Free speech shouldn't be limited to the 'warm, fuzzy' stuff. It's important to hear ALL sides of EVERY issue before making up your mind.
3 :
Wow. How is someone who has an idea they want to talk about a physical security threat? Those are the only ones we should be concerned about. This is America. It's perfectly acceptable to have opposing views and to express them in the appropriate places, such as when you are invited to speak at a college.
4 :
A college is supposed a free marketplace of ideas. People who are old enough to go to college are old enough to listen for themselves to all sides of a question and make up their own minds. We believe in freedom of speech in the US, and that doesn't just mean freedom of speech for those who agree with you, it means for everyone.
5 :
It's really a major ethics case. I agree with you 100% that it is wrong for this so-called professor to invite the leader of Iran into this country, let alone our colleges. The problem is that there are also a lot of far-left extremists who think there is nothing wrong with the ways of a communist country and even insist that the U.S. converts to communism. Therefore, no ethics are being violated (in their minds). **For those who believe that this question is ignorant, I'd like to ask you if you'd let Hitler (if he were alive) into our country so that he can speak to our college students?
6 :
in order to make good judgement in our lives, dont u think its a good idea to hear both sides? CRITICAL THINKING is what school attempts to teach us.
7 :
No its not because there is freedom of speech and just because he is a communist does not mean that he is going to try to convert people to communism. That college is not so smart in inviting him because right now we are having some serious issues with Iran over their nuclear weapons program
8 :
Supposedly we live in a democracy, not in a democratic dictatorship.
9 :
While Bruce J's words were a tad rough, I agree with him. This professor should NOT, under any circumstances, be thrown in prison just because he wants to expose his students to other points of views throughout the world. While we may not agree with a lot of Iran's president has to say, he has the right to say it, especially since he's a head of state, on his own soil, not ours. But he's a non-issue compared to the idea that you want to throw the professor in jail. The professor has done nothing illegal, and just because, you do not agree with what he's doing, does not make it wrong. And he is certainly not a traitor, and does not deserve to go to jail. And he is most likely a U.S. citizen, and cannot be "kicked out". Doing either of these is something Iran would probably do, not the U.S. And we don't need to be like Iran. Also, I don't think he's a Communist. More like a thorn in a very fleshy area of the body.
10 :
In my opinion allowing communist leaders speak at the college can be allowed subject to some restrictions such as it must not devole on the communist ideology and the nothing must be stated as against the college where he or she will speak. Further, the college must ensure the safety of the speaker specially in schools where there are many anti communist.
11 :
You are so full of it. You keep going on about 'Freedom' and how you are going to 'bring' it to the rest of the world and then you start attacking freedom of speech. Unbelievable!!
12 :
"The only communists left in North America are the teachers at American universities and Castro in Cuba." Don't know who said it, but the actions and words of a lot of college professors are proving it to be true. I agree, these people are so anti-American that they are traitors and should be forced to live in Iran or North Korea or Afganistan or Iraq or Darfur or Mexico, etc....Wonder if they could live without electricity and running water?
13 :
Dear gigi exchange of ideas and learning is what higher learning is all about.I know that ignorance can be bliss sometimes but Iran is not a communist state.The fear of ideas is what has gotten us into the mess we are in now with leaders who can not speak their mother tongues leading people who wear political affiliations on their sleeve.We need a lot more free thinkers in our midst and that is what college would do.Don't be afraid of `decent,bring all ideas and concepts into the light so we can expose them or we live like Napoleon and his bunch "four legs good Two legs bad"

Saturday, June 7, 2014

I think this is a scam, Please help~?

I think this is a scam, Please help~?
I got he email below. I had my resume posted on Careerbuilder.com. I checkout out the website and did google street view and the building in the address matches the building on the website. I am pretty sure this is a scam, but one their site said they use Citrix system, which is a secure remote in utility so i could see how this could be possible. Please let me know what you think. Dear I am glad that you are interested! Here is the detailed information about this vacancy OUR COMPANY Capital Management Services is a dynamic e-business development company, widely recognized for its professionalism and track record of success. Capital Management Services is committed to delivering the latest technologies that enrich people's lives with our leading-edge iCommerce platform for wireless and ISP carriers. The company's patented technology enables all types of online payment and supports multiple access channels, transaction models, networks and devices. Capital Management Services iCOMMERCE iCommerce platform enables the rapid and efficient introduction of new merchants, distributors, services and products, instantly bringing interactive commerce services to the entire subscriber base. It also lowers operational costs by leveraging existing investments in infrastructure, while providing the operator with an advanced, unified, comprehensive and business-driven infrastructure capable of delivering all existing and future payments, promotions and electronic recharging services. In general, iCommerce platform represents very flexible Internet payment system that accepts almost every icurrency and transaction method. iCommerce allows customers and users to perform any kind of transfer from one exchange system to another in no time. This system enables our customers to broaden the variety of accepted payment methods, to reduce the transaction time and to make the whole payment operation highly secured. For example, iCommerce allows performing a direct exchange from Western Union to bank account. Money can now be sent from one system to another in no time. Also iCommerce lets customers to provide the person-to-business transfers for every user, when other systems provide the person to person transfers only. CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER position Capital Management Services is located in United States and needs customer service representatives worldwide. Today our United States customers require specialists to manage iCommerce platform to assist users. So customer service manager will be an official employee of one of the telecom operator that we serve. Today our company serves 4 large telecom operators in United States (America Movil, Vodafone, Verizon Communications, Worldcom). Capital Management Services will provide the 10 days training course that would be sufficient to start working in one of these companies. We guarantee this immediate employability after the training period. Responsibilities will be to provide assistance with iCommerce platform to current telecom operator. Customer service manager's accountability will be to instruct users, to provide the current statuses of their operations in the system and to be ready to answer on any general question about iCommerce. Candidate will get all necessary knowledge and experience during the training. No previous experience with iCommerce or alternative systems is required. EMPLOYMENT Before start to work, company will provide free training course to cover all aspects of the iCommerce platform operation and maximization. You don't need any special education in iCommerce services or finances, company will provide you all information. This course is to be done distantly. This means that you will be studying from your own home with internet access. During the training you will be paid by Capital Management Services directly to your bank account. The training period wage is 498 weekly and 99.4 daily. NO MONEY NEEDED FOR JOB / TRAINING COURSES OR ANYTHING. COMPANY PAYS FOR ALL. After you finish the training course successfully, you become a company employer and will get a certified Capital Management Services specialist. And you start working in one of the United States telecome companies that our organization serves in Part Time or Full Time position. You will work from home or from local office location (not more than 5-7 miles close to your house). You will have access to company database and all documents for work. Company pays for all cell phone calls, internet access and any fees and taxes. First guaranteed wage is 1,750 monthly for the part time and 3,900 for the full time. In Part Time position work 2-3 hours during the day (any hours) / In Full Time work 5 hours from morning time or evening time. greg, if you have any questions, then ask me freely. I will be glad to clarify at any time. If you are interested to start free training course, please let me know as soon as possible. I will send you Job Application Fo The fact that my name isn't capitalized says almost enough for me... I think its a scam, but curious what you think That's what I was thinking, I was looking online about the company.. I have no interest in being a debt collector, I have a good job now, but figured a part time position would help out... I am not sure what to think. The company itself appears legit, whether this is though I am not sure http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=30685962 Company Overview Capital Management Services L.P. operates as a receivables management company in the United States. The company provides delinquent receivables collection and data management services. It manages portfolios in various stages of delinquency, including first-party, pre-charge off, primary, mid-primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, and quints, as well as manages record-setting results in bankcards, retail charge cards, signature and personal cards, lines of credit, bankruptcy dismissals, purchased debt referrals, overdraft checking, auto loans and deficiencies, and telecommunication delinquencies. Capital Management Services L.P. was incorporated in 2004 and is based in Buffalo, New York.
Other - Careers & Employment - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
From my experience on careerbuilder and even monster, employers that outright contact you like that are a big scam. Don't trust it! Jobs just dont fall into our laps!
2 :
scam definetly
3 :
Yes, it is a scam. They tell you that customers must send payments to you and you will process them and keep your part and send on the balance. They then send you counterfeit payments, you deposit in your bank, send money to them, then in about 2 months the manure hits the fan, and you owe thousands to your bank! If you ask them to guarantee that you can cash these checks at the bank it is drawn on, you will never hear from them again - they will know you are on to them.
4 :
Considering that WorldCom no longer exists as WorldCom (it is now MCI, a subsidiary of Verizon), that screams out scam...also the grammatical mistakes would also have me in doubt. Also note that Capital Services Management is basically a debt collection agency and the various internet reports regarding the company suggest that they do debt collection for many telecom companies. Note also that the job offer does not exactly say what services you will be providing the iCommerce customers - in fact, a broad wording could be that you contact those with past due bills and try to get them to pay the bills using the iCommerce system.
5 :
I recieved one of these emails also...and everything about it screams SCAM!! Has anyone contacted Wells Fargo and followed up on it with them.
6 :
Definitely, it sounds and smells like a major scam. I'd pass on this opportunity. Good luck!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Imagine you were the President, and I had a proposition for you...what would you think?

Imagine you were the President, and I had a proposition for you...what would you think?
Imagine you were the President of the United States of America. And you needed some money. So instead of having to go to Congress for the authority to print more money, you instead came to me. And I tell you that I will give you any amount of money that you want, and that you wouldn't even have to pay me back. The American people eventually will pay me back. And because the citizens don't like taxes, we decide that instead of it being a direct tax, it will be an indirect tax caused by inflation due to the fact that you're letting me print more money. So I print a trillion dollars for you, give it to you with a nice big bow on it, and say, here you go. You spend the money, and it trickles down into the hands of your people. Now, people are jumping for joy, because there's more money in the system and everyone appears richer. And even though the value of the dollar will go down since we just added a trillion extra dollars into the system, it's no big deal, since the people will never realize that they have to pay a hidden tax due to the inflation. In addition to this, since most of the money is going to be in the form of low interest bank loans, the people and businesses will have lots of money to borrow and be locked in a lifetime of servitude. Eventually, Mr. President, every big corporation in the world will be owing you money. So, if you were the president, what would you think? You get all the money you want, and because my hands are getting dirty, you don't need to tarnish the delicate system of checks and balances. Plus, as an added bonus, you'll make the economy look better, all while secretly ripping off the very people that fall in love with you. Sounds great, right? Now imagine if you were that American citizen or business.
Government - 2 Answers
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1 :
i does sound good but in the future it would probably affect me in the future and possibly either get myself killed or get fired
2 :
if that happened america would most like become one of the poorest places on earth and it would all be the presidents fault

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Imagine you were the President, and I had a proposition for you...what would you think?

Imagine you were the President, and I had a proposition for you...what would you think?
Imagine you were the President of the United States of America. And you needed some money. So instead of having to go to Congress for the authority to print more money, you instead came to me. And I tell you that I will give you any amount of money that you want, and that you wouldn't even have to pay me back. The American people eventually will pay me back. And because the citizens don't like taxes, we decide that instead of it being a direct tax, it will be an indirect tax caused by inflation due to the fact that you're letting me print more money. So I print a trillion dollars for you, give it to you with a nice big bow on it, and say, here you go. You spend the money, and it trickles down into the hands of your people. Now, people are jumping for joy, because there's more money in the system and everyone appears richer. And even though the value of the dollar will go down since we just added a trillion extra dollars into the system, it's no big deal, since the people will never realize that they have to pay a hidden tax due to the inflation. In addition to this, since most of the money is going to be in the form of low interest bank loans, the people and businesses will have lots of money to borrow and be locked in a lifetime of servitude. Eventually, Mr. President, every big corporation in the world will be owing you money. So, if you were the president, what would you think? You get all the money you want, and because my hands are getting dirty, you don't need to tarnish the delicate system of checks and balances. Plus, as an added bonus, you'll make the economy look better, all while secretly ripping off the very people that fall in love with you. Sounds great, right? Now imagine if you were that American citizen or business.
Civic Participation - 2 Answers
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1 :
or federal reserve system collecting all that interest. edit: And just think Mr President - together we can implement OWE, the One World Economy a/k/a the NWO!
2 :
There is also another point which is that different places have different prices. Something which has the cost of 4.99 becomes 7 dollars and then eight dollars but why does it cost more in one country than another. There need not be trillions of dollars of Civic Currency for example but an either or. There is also the point that trillions are not expected to be spent but local amounts available only to citizens made by citizens.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Imagine you were the President, and I had a proposition for you...what would you think?

Imagine you were the President, and I had a proposition for you...what would you think?
Imagine you were the President of the United States of America. And you needed some money. So instead of having to go to Congress for the authority to print more money, you instead came to me. And I tell you that I will give you any amount of money that you want, and that you wouldn't even have to pay me back. The American people eventually will pay me back. And because the citizens don't like taxes, we decide that instead of it being a direct tax, it will be an indirect tax caused by inflation due to the fact that you're letting me print more money. So I print a trillion dollars for you, give it to you with a nice big bow on it, and say, here you go. You spend the money, and it trickles down into the hands of your people. Now, people are jumping for joy, because there's more money in the system and everyone appears richer. And even though the value of the dollar will go down since we just added a trillion extra dollars into the system, it's no big deal, since the people will never realize that they have to pay a hidden tax due to the inflation. In addition to this, since most of the money is going to be in the form of low interest bank loans, the people and businesses will have lots of money to borrow and be locked in a lifetime of servitude. Eventually, Mr. President, every big corporation in the world will be owing you money. So, if you were the president, what would you think? You get all the money you want, and because my hands are getting dirty, you don't need to tarnish the delicate system of checks and balances. Plus, as an added bonus, you'll make the economy look better, all while secretly ripping off the very people that fall in love with you. Sounds great, right? Now imagine if you were that American citizen or business.
Economics - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Feudalism always sounded good......
2 :
Where on earth you are man? President Bush is in need of you for the remaining period of his tenure. Go and meet him.
3 :
Not a good idea, you cant just print of money and say oh look money. The German's tried that in WW2 it ended in bring a wheel barrel full of money to buy bread. When you print more money its value decreases, so if I were President i'd say no to you. - Damian S

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How well do you think my story is?

How well do you think my story is?
I want to have an honest opinion and changes if possible. Thanks!! :) Days 1-5 Belgium I will first travel to Brussels. It is the country capital which is located in the middle of the country. The people that live there are French, Dutch or German from what I know of. Most of the people speak German or French and that means I would have to study a little German or French. The others speak Dutch or another language. One of the famous sights that I will go to is The Grande Place. It is south west of Brussels. The sight is a building and a garden changes every two years mostly made by flowers. Some times early in the morning, salespeople sell the same flowers in the garden. That is the first place I would want to go to. The last place I would want to go to is the Centre cartophile de Bruxelles. That is the souvenir store were I can buy agricultural samples of soil, rocks, statues, etc. The life expansion for most people here is an overall of 79.22 years. For male it is 76.06 and for female it is 82.53 years. They are very healthy and live a long time from what is says. The food production is pretty low considering that permanent crops are only 0.69%. Most of the food source comes from factories and small farm owners. The natural recourses are mostly construction materials, silica sand, carbonates. The downfall to that is they will maybe soon run out of the natural resources like they did with coal. In 1830 Belgium finally gained independence from the Dutch. This country has been good so far on its own. The average person in Belgium would make around 1000 to 2000 euros or 2900 us dollars in a month. The employment is very successful. Belgium imports mainly machinery and equipment, chemicals, diamonds, pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs, transportation equipment and oil products. The exports witch is the natural resources are world wide and associate with everyone and country. When I do get there I really need to exchange my United States money for euro. That would be 68 cents of euro from one United States dollar. That would mean I would cut my money in half technically. I would have to spend about six United States dollars for a sandwich. Belgians have a couple religions and forms of Christianity. I would like to see how they worship their god and have celebrations. There are still some bad parts of Belgium but the people are making it better by the second. The country is still very rich in wealth and feeling. I would like to see how that happens when they see someone who looks, believes, acts, and talks differently than them. There are many air ports so I can get home and to think of it, it is almost like a second America but in deferent ways. I just hope I can get to a different airport on my journey into a different country, state, city and town in the 5 days given to me.
Homework Help - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's pretty good! I like that you included every little detail. Just try to be a tiny bit more specific about everything in general. And in your last paragraph, airports is 1 word, not 2. Also, in the last paragraph, the first "different" is spelled wrong. Try to use spell check, and remember to vary your word and sentence types. Good luck!
2 :
I did not read the entire thing as I know that a writer who wishes to be successful must know the diff erence in useage and meaning of the words "well" and "good".

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Smoking Segregation!?

Smoking Segregation!?
Ok, see now this really pisses me off. We are American Citizen's, well I hope everyone whose reading ths is, anyways we are Citizen's of the United States of America, and smoking is leading to a segregation. We are almost unequivocally segregated from the rest of the country. Think about it for a second, You are outside smoking a cigarette, 20 to 30 feet In most states, how many disgusted looks do you get from the "Good" law abiding citizens of the U.S? I'll bet you 75% of those people look at you with a face that make's you feel like an outcast. and not only the looks that people give you, but the remarks & gestures as well. Why does it have to come down to the government taking away our rights as an american, and not allowing people to smoke in there personal car, in a bar, or in designated smoking sections of a restaurant. I thought The United States of America was supposed to be "The land of the free, & the home of the brave"? not......."The land of the segregated smokers, and the home of the absolute monarchy, dictated by the Non-smokers". I dont know why I am posting this but I just think the govenment is not only taking our rights away to smoke, but our rights as an american too. The Lung Cancer reasearch facilities that are all trying to work and find a cure for lung cancer only get a small portion of our tax paying money, Why?... Because the United States believes we brought cancer upon ourselves, so we can deal with it. Okay government, what about the large number of Lung Cancer Patients that have never smoked a day in their life, but have got it either through genetics, or job related? Did they bring that upon themselve's, No they didn't so why should they have to deal with it? Im sure I will be getting mesages from American's who disagree with me, but i could honestly care less, because you know what, we as American's have the right to freedom of speech, well at least for now, until they begin to complain to the governmnt how they are tired of hearing about this topic. So If you have anything you would like to add about how you feel on this topic please do, I would sure like to hear what other "AMERICAN" Outcasts like me have to say. Thanks. Signed, The outcasts of America
Other - Society & Culture - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Those who don't smoke also have the right not to have to smell it or choke on it in public arenas.
2 :
I am a non smoker but i agree. To add to your point equal opportunity employment has been compromised by the fact that job applications weed out smokers. A non-smoker is much more likely to get a position in any workplace than someone who admits they are a smoker on their job app. And well that I think is a unjust discrimination.
3 :
They day people can smoke without exhaling smoke from their mouths! Until then butt out, and try putting then in a trash can once in a while
4 :
First of all, the word citizens does not have an apostrophe because it's plural. Possessive has an apostrophe. I see what you're saying. Yes, you get bad looks, yes, you can't smoke in a lot of bars, but dude...hear me out. When you smoke indoors and other people inhale the cigarette smoke, IT'S UNHEALTHY. Why would that be allowed in bars if it's harmful to other people? Lawmakers aren't outlawing smoking. They're outlawing smoking in certain places, you're still perfectly allowed to smoke. Just not in public places.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Based on voting working people support Hillary as well as Honest Businesses?

Based on voting working people support Hillary as well as Honest Businesses?
No Oil Companies, etc. After tomorrow's WINs on many key states, Hillary Needs Money. I think we are regular people should donate to Hillary and make sure the People voices are heard. Hillary the candidate for the PEOPLE OF the United States of America not the Special Interest w/big pockets. That is why Obama is getting money to try to defeat the people's candidate. That is why the old establishment people like Loser Kerry and Drunk Kenndy suppot Obama (even though he claims he's the one for change) Do you think people's donation can make a difference? Only serious answers please.
Elections - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Statistically, 50 % of all people in the US don't like Hilary and don't trust Bill. Obama is an unknown, but for some, he's a better bet, has more new ideas and is someone they would like to see leading the country. I personally think that he and Hilary will work out some kind of deal so they both can enjoy the money, fame and power. Obama is a now a real political player and the Clinton machine will have to listen.
2 :
Yes, I hope that my donation will make a difference in keeping any Clinton out of the White House
3 :
I donated for Obama, sorry, and i'm one of those ''working people''.
4 :
Thats a biased topic name -_- I'm a working person and I support Obama, its just that the older generations are considered "the working group" and most of them are too stubborn to accept that we might have a black president. Its to the point where they dont want either candidate in but they'd rather have a woman then a black guy. Sad huh?
5 :
Only if it's spent wisely. Unfortunately, they're all scrambling and not making the best decisions right now. I'm a conservative republican and we're not doing any better.
6 :
And why are you spamming and trying to hide it as a question.If you wont to raise money for her do it some place else.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Since Obaama is an Enemy of the State, what does that make Pelosi?

Since Obaama is an Enemy of the State, what does that make Pelosi?
First, let's review some of the "accomplishments of this imported Kenyan/indonesian, U.N. pandering Kenyan surrogate president: (1) Some unknown Kenyan comes to the United States with no natural U.S. citizenship status and manages to be elected surrogate President. (2) A bunch of MTV CSNBC type of lib media trash manage to get a "tingly feeling" running up and down the collective legs of the democrats. (3) He manges to get elected inspite of his cohorts at Freddie and Fanny managing corrupt the banking system. (3) One of his main puppetmistresses, N. Pelosi, is a known anti-American traitor. (4) His aunt is an illegal alien who has the alien gall, like her nephew, to fight her deportation in Boston. (5) He calls the United States an arrogant country in plain view of out enemies across the globe. (6) He has undermined the security of the Unted States by printing money in order to devaluate U.S. currency. (7) He is guilty of extorsion by forcing individual states to accept devalued "stimulus" money and forcing them to relinquish their individual rights, which is a flagrant violation of the U.S. Constitution. (8) He is guilty of the government attempt to take over private business in the United States. (9) He is guilty of jeopardizing the security and the coallition between the United States and Israel. (10) Obaama, and his corhort concubine Nancy Pelosi, are guilty of aiding and abetting the enemies of America in the mid-east. Lol. F.y.i... the United States is far past having evidence for impeachment. http://educate-yourself.org/cn/orlytaitzletter24feb09.shtml http://www.impeachpelosi.com
Elections - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
His sidekick.
2 :
In your dreams. Go write a novel
3 :
If Satan could ever take the form of a female....its her.
4 :
Republicans' desperation is obvious: Republican Congressman Spencer Bachus from Alabama claims 17 socialists are serving in Congress. Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann (Minn.) said she wants residents of her state "armed and dangerous." Republican Gov. Rick Perry hinted that Texas might secede. Republican Boozella C says Nancy Pelosi loves rapists.
5 :
A pathetic middle aged desperate ignorant transvestite who is power hungry and trying to control every penny WORKING Americans make. She is a terrorist a Nazi and a traitor. I hope she gets what she deserves here on earth AND in Hell with Frank, Obama, and the rest of the monsters and rapists she loves.
6 :
Normal people do not believe this crap. What does that tell you?
7 :
One seriously deranged fugly bitch.
8 :
Do you use a name brand or just a generic aluminum foil to line the inside of your pointy hat?
9 :
someone needs to start site that's a spin off of AMW (America's most wanted) called AMC America's most corrupt Nancy Polesi Barney Frank Chris Dodd Harry Reid AL Franken Barack Obama **********etc.
10 :
except according to the government he's not, It's the people that are against him that are the enemy
11 :
Obama isn't an "enemy of the state", he's the President of the United States of America
12 :
They are BOTH enemys of the USA!
13 :
Are they paying you to spread these lies or do you do it for free? Is it worth selling out your credibility, your integrity, and your honor for their measly little bit of cash? Does it feel good? Why didn't your parents teach you to be honest?
14 :
answering questions 1) - 10): correct.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Its the end of the world as we know it, and I'm feeling fine.?

Its the end of the world as we know it, and I'm feeling fine.?
I strongly believe that the United States of America, my home, is going to go through another depression. We heavily rely on oil to fuel our cars, make our tables, run the machines that make everything you see around you, and much much more. Without oil, we have a million new problems to fix. Although fixing those problems now and before are/were good ideas, the government has chose to go into a war to get more oil, rather then to find many MANY alternatives or find ways to use it less. That is facts, yes there is hybrid cars that run on electricity, but it also takes oil to make the electricity, as well as all the car parts. Believe me we haven't done nearly enough. My point is, the US has spent nearly a trillion dollars on the war, yes a trillion.... 1000 billions, and is.. get ready for it.. ---> Approximately 13 TRILLION Dollars in debt (Sourced), to other countries, and much much more in promised benefits such as social security and others. Maybe you remember all of America's money being backed up in gold at places such as Fort Knox, well that ended a long time ago if you haven't heard. It's now backed up in "The promise of the American Government". But, as always with a promise, sometimes you just, simply, cannot complete it. Like if you promised a relative you would see them, but you missed your flight, there is nothing you can do. Same with the government. So now, the countries that we borrowed from "China, Russia, and a few others", are probably going to want that money back. If the do ask for it back, and we can't pay them. America is not going to just say "Oh, yeah invade our country and take all our stuff". No, America will do whatever it can to survive, even if it means getting the nation mad at the other countries by making them look bad, when all they want to do is collect their money back. I'm not saying I'm on either side, all I am saying is things should be fair. BUT ONTO THE SURVIVAL If the world does go crazy, we need to preserve the good things (much like the doomsday vault), so I will try my best to survive, like evolution suggests, and make a time capsule and bury it so future generations can better understand our history. What are you going to do to survive the (possible) economic collapse? Personally, I am going to live on a farm, grow my own food, away from big cities, because if the food supply runs out, people will raid farms. Supplies I am going to buy before this all happens, and their estimated prices- Stockpiled amounts of seeds- $200 A book about Biology (To study, and put in the time capsule), I prefer the Campell and Reese one, it is very detailed and is the book used in my AP class- $150 Books on how to grow crops, make soap, make toothpaste (if possible, otherwise stockpile toothpaste), treat wounds, survive in the wilderness, hunt, fish, and survive on a limited income, I know this is quite a list but it will be worth it- $500? maybe around there. A good rope, for rope bridges, and many other things, so very very useful- $150-$200 Bullet-proof vest, I hope it NEVER have to use it, but it could happen- $800 or (approx $2400 with specialized plates). Probably pick the $800 one if I can't get enough money. A complete ACU, BDU, black camo, and hunting outfits- $900, I could use these for hunting, surviving hard times, and other things, NOTE- I would never impersonate someone in the military, they are used by the military and can be purchased, they are VERY reliable. Hunting materials (traps, nets, etc...)- $400 maybe? Hunting Rifles- 2 rifles at about $1,200 each for all accessories. ($2,400) I won't name brands tho. A Pellet gun is quiet and useful for small game- $80 Rosetta Stone- A language software program, for one language its approx $700, I might get 2 but am planning on one at the moment, French or Spanish, just incase I have to go to Canada or Mexico. Clothes, jeans, shirts, sweaters (A good sweater can save lives), and a good jacket- $600? This next item is more of a luxury, but, a really good rifle- Check out the second link in the source section. It is approx $6,500 for the gun and bunch of accessories, it is low maintenance as well. I do play COD and if you do you might notice it is VERY similar to the CheyTac Intervention system. I would never shoot anyone with this gun, I don't think it would get that bad, but I would have a shotgun and/or pistol for self defense, don't go trollin on me :). Target practice and hunting are what I would use it for. And just the fact that its a sexy gun :) Other stuff I might need- $800 (Notebooks, house supplies, little stuff) It adds up to about (Based on math from notebook earlier)- $12 or like $5-6 without the rifle. That's, at minimum wage, and 40 hours a week, 48 weeks of work (1 year about). I am 17 at the moment and jobless What are your thoughts and recommendations? To curious, I tried to state that I know life isnt COD, I mean if anyone plays COD then tries to buy a gun, its like EVERYONE thinks there immature and going to try and shoot people. Its exactly opposite, my addiction to guns has led me to COD, not the opposite way. I love bows, arrows, guns, knives, hunting, and killing (not humans of course). Its just my personality. Its a fine gun tho. Thanks man
Psychology - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We're already in a depression. I do think it is the beginning of WW3, and global warming is taking it's toll. I give it another 50-100 years. As for planning, that's smart, but I just take it as it comes, Id rather die anyway than live like some weird hermit like that book The Road, I think it's called. Where they eat babies and everyone's dying of cancer. Who wants that?
2 :
first off, I think it's great that you're thinking of this because it may be necessary some day. Don't know about soon, but maybe. Another thing is, I don't know how accurate your numbers are concerning prices. I mean if you think you need rope to build rope bridges that's fine but you will need a LOT for it. You know? Though it seems like you've done your research. Also, I hate to tell you this but life will never be COD. I wouldn't recommend looking at guns and such based on a video game. I think at 17 you can get a job. So if you are so sure this is going to happen, then maybe you should get on getting that money soon, because prices only go up. Don't be offended of my critical way of saying my opinion. Hope I helped.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How to survive the possible Economic Collapse?

How to survive the possible Economic Collapse?
I strongly believe that the United States of America, my home, is going to go through another depression. We heavily rely on oil to fuel our cars, make our tables, run the machines that make everything you see around you, and much much more. Without oil, we have a million new problems to fix. Although fixing those problems now and before are/were good ideas, the government has chose to go into a war to get more oil, rather then to find many MANY alternatives or find ways to use it less. That is facts, yes there is hybrid cars that run on electricity, but it also takes oil to make the electricity, as well as all the car parts. Believe me we haven't done nearly enough. My point is, the US has spent nearly a trillion dollars on the war, yes a trillion.... 1000 billions, and is.. get ready for it.. ---> Approximately 13 TRILLION Dollars in debt (Sourced), to other countries, and much much more in promised benefits such as social security and others. Maybe you remember all of America's money being backed up in gold at places such as Fort Knox, well that ended a long time ago if you haven't heard. It's now backed up in "The promise of the American Government". But, as always with a promise, sometimes you just, simply, cannot complete it. Like if you promised a relative you would see them, but you missed your flight, there is nothing you can do. Same with the government. So now, the countries that we borrowed from "China, Russia, and a few others", are probably going to want that money back. If the do ask for it back, and we can't pay them. America is not going to just say "Oh, yeah invade our country and take all our stuff". No, America will do whatever it can to survive, even if it means getting the nation mad at the other countries by making them look bad, when all they want to do is collect their money back. I'm not saying I'm on either side, all I am saying is things should be fair. BUT ONTO THE SURVIVAL If the world does go crazy, we need to preserve the good things (much like the doomsday vault), so I will try my best to survive, like evolution suggests, and make a time capsule and bury it so future generations can better understand our history. What are you going to do to survive the (possible) economic collapse? Personally, I am going to live on a farm, grow my own food, away from big cities, because if the food supply runs out, people will raid farms. Supplies I am going to buy before this all happens, and their estimated prices- Stockpiled amounts of seeds- $200 A book about Biology (To study, and put in the time capsule), I prefer the Campell and Reese one, it is very detailed and is the book used in my AP class- $150 Books on how to grow crops, make soap, make toothpaste (if possible, otherwise stockpile toothpaste), treat wounds, survive in the wilderness, hunt, fish, and survive on a limited income, I know this is quite a list but it will be worth it- $500? maybe around there. A good rope, for rope bridges, and many other things, so very very useful- $150-$200 Bullet-proof vest, I hope it NEVER have to use it, but it could happen- $800 or (approx $2400 with specialized plates). Probably pick the $800 one if I can't get enough money. A complete ACU, BDU, black camo, and hunting outfits- $900, I could use these for hunting, surviving hard times, and other things, NOTE- I would never impersonate someone in the military, they are used by the military and can be purchased, they are VERY reliable. Hunting materials (traps, nets, etc...)- $400 maybe? Hunting Rifles- 2 rifles at about $1,200 each for all accessories. ($2,400) I won't name brands tho. A Pellet gun is quiet and useful for small game- $80 Rosetta Stone- A language software program, for one language its approx $700, I might get 2 but am planning on one at the moment, French or Spanish, just incase I have to go to Canada or Mexico. Clothes, jeans, shirts, sweaters (A good sweater can save lives), and a good jacket- $600? This next item is more of a luxury, but, a really good rifle- Check out the second link in the source section. It is approx $6,500 for the gun and bunch of accessories, it is low maintenance as well. I do play COD and if you do you might notice it is VERY similar to the CheyTac Intervention system. I would never shoot anyone with this gun, I don't think it would get that bad, but I would have a shotgun and/or pistol for self defense, don't go trollin on me :). Target practice and hunting are what I would use it for. And just the fact that its a sexy gun :) Other stuff I might need- $800 (Notebooks, house supplies, little stuff) It adds up to about (Based on math from notebook earlier)- $12 or like $5-6 without the rifle. That's, at minimum wage, and 40 hours a week, 48 weeks of work (1 year about). I am 17 at the moment and jobless What are your thoughts and recommendations?
Conservation - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
-Don't stockpile too many seeds- they won't grow after a couple years in storage. Find out how to gather your own seeds from plants you already grew. Got to be a book on it somewhere. -AK 47's are really durable and only 4-500. They will take down anything you're hunting or needing to protect yourself against unless you live in grizzly country. Don't forget to get plenty of ammo- by the case is cheapest. 50 Cal. are fun but overpriced and would do much more damage to anything than really needs to be done. -Dry, clean, cold wood ash is good for brushing your teeth with. Make sure to rinse well or lye will form and burn you. You do need lye to make soap though, so can get it from soaking wood ash overnight. -A $4 coat from the Salvation Army saved my life as I spent 2 days along the road in N. Dakota in a blizzard once. Forget about fashion statements if the world is ending, just get what you need to keep warm. Get something that looks too nice and someone will want to kill you for it.
2 :
Well, it looks like you have put a lot of thought into your plan. I would, however, suggest that you make some modifications. It makes sense to take reasonable precautions, but your thinking is a bit extreme. If the US debt collectors come calling, they are not going to carve up the country looking for their share. I think it is much more likely that they would ask for a more aggressive repayment schedule. This would involve dramatic reductions in a lot of sectors: military, social security, basic services, etc ... This would be a lot smarter and would give them a much better return than liquidating US assets and getting a "pennies on the dollar" re-numeration. Such a scenario will play out over the next decades, not years. Even if the US economy does completely collapse, it is not going to be complete anarchy. You will still have some producers making food, clothing, etc ... It might involve some pretty lean years. But to address your purchases, here are my suggestions: Farming: Good choice, but where are you going to get the farm? Are you just going to put a stake in the ground and start plowing? Last time I looked, most of the land in the US was already spoken for. That is unless you were planning to take it forcefully, which dramatically increases your risk. I think a better idea would be to go into agricultural studies and try to become a farming assistant. That way, in an agricultural or basic economy, your skills become much more valuable. Stockpile of seeds: are we talking about nuclear winter here? Unless you are talking about a global cataclysm, there are probably going to be plenty of seeds lying on the ground. Skip this. Books on biology, hunting, farming: a little knowledge never hurts ... make sure you read them though. Rope: can't see anything wrong here. Make sure one of your books tells you how to use it. Bullet-proof vest, $6500 gun: ok, this is getting into crazy land now. If people start going crazy and killing each other, then this looks like a good investment. I think it is highly doubtful. Skip this unless you really think the economic apocalypse is going to turn into a zombie apocalypse. Or if you are crazy enough to think that deers are packing heat ... Hunting stuff: go ahead, but start learning how to use it. Find yourself a hunting buddy and start learning how to hunt before the economic meltdown hits. There is only so much about hunting that you can learn from a book. Even if the world doesn't end, you have found yourself a hobby. Rosetta Stone stuff: a little knowledge never hurts. This is fine. But don't count on using it for an economic apocalype scenario. The mexicans aren't going to be coming up to take your land. Clothing: never hurts to be prepared. Some stuff that I think you missed ... Water purification tablets. These are good on an emergency basis. Clean water can sometimes be hard to find. A knife. Maybe this is assumed if you are going hunting, but it is not on your list. This is necessary for cleaning your kills. Emergency gear. This includes a first aid kit. Good to have in any scenario. Multi-tool like a swiss army knife. At least get a screw driver. All-in-all, I would say go ahead and increase your knowledge. Getting some survival skills and having some emergency supplies on hand might save your or somebody else's life someday. I would suggest, however, not to go overboard. The world isn't going to end, so don't live your life in fear. It doesn't make any sense to plan your economic future on a worst case scenario.

Friday, March 28, 2014

How will you SURVIVE the economy?

How will you SURVIVE the economy?
I strongly believe that the United States of America, my home, is going to go through another depression. We heavily rely on oil to fuel our cars, make our tables, run the machines that make everything you see around you, and much much more. Without oil, we have a million new problems to fix. Although fixing those problems now and before are/were good ideas, the government has chose to go into a war to get more oil, rather then to find many MANY alternatives or find ways to use it less. That is facts, yes there is hybrid cars that run on electricity, but it also takes oil to make the electricity, as well as all the car parts. Believe me we haven't done nearly enough. My point is, the US has spent nearly a trillion dollars on the war, yes a trillion.... 1000 billions, and is.. get ready for it.. ---> Approximately 13 TRILLION Dollars in debt (Sourced), to other countries, and much much more in promised benefits such as social security and others. Maybe you remember all of America's money being backed up in gold at places such as Fort Knox, well that ended a long time ago if you haven't heard. It's now backed up in "The promise of the American Government". But, as always with a promise, sometimes you just, simply, cannot complete it. Like if you promised a relative you would see them, but you missed your flight, there is nothing you can do. Same with the government. So now, the countries that we borrowed from "China, Russia, and a few others", are probably going to want that money back. If the do ask for it back, and we can't pay them. America is not going to just say "Oh, yeah invade our country and take all our stuff". No, America will do whatever it can to survive, even if it means getting the nation mad at the other countries by making them look bad, when all they want to do is collect their money back. I'm not saying I'm on either side, all I am saying is things should be fair. BUT ONTO THE SURVIVAL If the world does go crazy, we need to preserve the good things (much like the doomsday vault), so I will try my best to survive, like evolution suggests, and make a time capsule and bury it so future generations can better understand our history. What are you going to do to survive the (possible) economic collapse? Personally, I am going to live on a farm, grow my own food, away from big cities, because if the food supply runs out, people will raid farms. Supplies I am going to buy before this all happens, and their estimated prices- Stockpiled amounts of seeds- $200 A book about Biology (To study, and put in the time capsule), I prefer the Campell and Reese one, it is very detailed and is the book used in my AP class- $150 Books on how to grow crops, make soap, make toothpaste (if possible, otherwise stockpile toothpaste), treat wounds, survive in the wilderness, hunt, fish, and survive on a limited income, I know this is quite a list but it will be worth it- $500? maybe around there. A good rope, for rope bridges, and many other things, so very very useful- $150-$200 Bullet-proof vest, I hope it NEVER have to use it, but it could happen- $800 or (approx $2400 with specialized plates). Probably pick the $800 one if I can't get enough money. A complete ACU, BDU, black camo, and hunting outfits- $900, I could use these for hunting, surviving hard times, and other things, NOTE- I would never impersonate someone in the military, they are used by the military and can be purchased, they are VERY reliable. Hunting materials (traps, nets, etc...)- $400 maybe? Hunting Rifles- 2 rifles at about $1,200 each for all accessories. ($2,400) I won't name brands tho. A Pellet gun is quiet and useful for small game- $80 Rosetta Stone- A language software program, for one language its approx $700, I might get 2 but am planning on one at the moment, French or Spanish, just incase I have to go to Canada or Mexico. Clothes, jeans, shirts, sweaters (A good sweater can save lives), and a good jacket- $600? This next item is more of a luxury, but, a really good rifle- Check out the second link in the source section. It is approx $6,500 for the gun and bunch of accessories, it is low maintenance as well. I do play COD and if you do you might notice it is VERY similar to the CheyTac Intervention system. I would never shoot anyone with this gun, I don't think it would get that bad, but I would have a shotgun and/or pistol for self defense, don't go trollin on me :). Target practice and hunting are what I would use it for. And just the fact that its a sexy gun :) Other stuff I might need- $800 (Notebooks, house supplies, little stuff) It adds up to about (Based on math from notebook earlier)- $12 or like $5-6 without the rifle. That's, at minimum wage, and 40 hours a week, 48 weeks of work (1 year about). I am 17 at the moment and jobless What are your thoughts and recommendations?
Other - Politics & Government - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
give up. head for an uninhabited island . and be free.
2 :
Your hearts in the right place, but you are relying too much on book knowledge and not working on actually developing the skills. You should be gardening now. Even if it is a window sill garden, the information on lighting, water requirements, mites, disease, etc. will teach you volumes more than a book will. Firearms training and skinning and butchering your own meat is a necessity. These are tactile skill sets that can't be learned from a book o audio/video program. As for Canada or Mexico, why so hasty to abandon your support systems and ecology. Do you really think it will be easier in a foreign land with less biodiversity and less investment in your personal safety? Choose a spot you are really familiar with and learn first hand what the edibles are and what they really taste like, when they are in season, etc. as well as the animals, their habits, trails, runs, day beds, seasonal movements, and where to best hunt and snare them. In short, by reading about something, you only put the material in a small part of your brain responsible for memorization. By actually doing something and learning from your mistakes and experiences, you are able to anticipate problems in the future and initiate an action to avoid a situation. These abilities are not available to folks who rely soley on book training or videos. Go out there and practice your skill sets. Attitude, awareness, shelter, water, fire, and food, are the big topic areas of training to work on. In each there are subsets such as navigation, communication, first aid. Devise a training plan and make it real. Get cold, learn how you react to adversity in a controlled situation, journal your results, and make adjustments for the next experience. Try making a fire using only one match. Record your mistakes so you can learn from them and evolve. Finally, avoid cotton clothing like jeans. Stick to the three layering system (Wicking, insulation, shell) and default to wool as a primary survival clothing fabric. The goal is to stay dry and comfortably cool.
3 :
Being so disconnected from our landscape as a society, we live in fear of an economic collapse. Native people lived on this same landscape for thousands of years before modern civilization. You might want to ask the question: how did they do? That's what I'm doing to prepare for a collapse. I'm living at the Maine Primitive Skills School learning to work with the earth on a daily basis. How to get shelter, water, fire, food off the landscape. My only starting supplies need be maybe a knife, if my skills are up to par. So, you can have a long silly list of items that you are depended upon, or you can learn what people did with the same genetic brain you have for thousands of year. Turn that long list of items into convenience and luxury instead of necessities. Check you Primitiveskills.com to see if you are interested.

Friday, March 14, 2014

How to survive the (possibly) upcoming economic collapse?

How to survive the (possibly) upcoming economic collapse?
I strongly believe that the United States of America, my home, is going to go through another depression. We heavily rely on oil to fuel our cars, make our tables, run the machines that make everything you see around you, and much much more. Without oil, we have a million new problems to fix. Although fixing those problems now and before are/were good ideas, the government has chose to go into a war to get more oil, rather then to find many MANY alternatives or find ways to use it less. That is facts, yes there is hybrid cars that run on electricity, but it also takes oil to make the electricity, as well as all the car parts. Believe me we haven't done nearly enough. My point is, the US has spent nearly a trillion dollars on the war, yes a trillion.... 1000 billions, and is.. get ready for it.. ---> Approximately 13 TRILLION Dollars in debt (Sourced), to other countries, and much much more in promised benefits such as social security and others. Maybe you remember all of America's money being backed up in gold at places such as Fort Knox, well that ended a long time ago if you haven't heard. It's now backed up in "The promise of the American Government". But, as always with a promise, sometimes you just, simply, cannot complete it. Like if you promised a relative you would see them, but you missed your flight, there is nothing you can do. Same with the government. So now, the countries that we borrowed from "China, Russia, and a few others", are probably going to want that money back. If the do ask for it back, and we can't pay them. America is not going to just say "Oh, yeah invade our country and take all our stuff". No, America will do whatever it can to survive, even if it means getting the nation mad at the other countries by making them look bad, when all they want to do is collect their money back. I'm not saying I'm on either side, all I am saying is things should be fair. BUT ONTO THE SURVIVAL If the world does go crazy, we need to preserve the good things (much like the doomsday vault), so I will try my best to survive, like evolution suggests, and make a time capsule and bury it so future generations can better understand our history. What are you going to do to survive the (possible) economic collapse? Personally, I am going to live on a farm, grow my own food, away from big cities, because if the food supply runs out, people will raid farms. Supplies I am going to buy before this all happens, and their estimated prices- Stockpiled amounts of seeds- $200 A book about Biology (To study, and put in the time capsule), I prefer the Campell and Reese one, it is very detailed and is the book used in my AP class- $150 Books on how to grow crops, make soap, make toothpaste (if possible, otherwise stockpile toothpaste), treat wounds, survive in the wilderness, hunt, fish, and survive on a limited income, I know this is quite a list but it will be worth it- $500? maybe around there. A good rope, for rope bridges, and many other things, so very very useful- $150-$200 Bullet-proof vest, I hope it NEVER have to use it, but it could happen- $800 or (approx $2400 with specialized plates). Probably pick the $800 one if I can't get enough money. A complete ACU, BDU, black camo, and hunting outfits- $900, I could use these for hunting, surviving hard times, and other things, NOTE- I would never impersonate someone in the military, they are used by the military and can be purchased, they are VERY reliable. Hunting materials (traps, nets, etc...)- $400 maybe? Hunting Rifles- 2 rifles at about $1,200 each for all accessories. ($2,400) I won't name brands tho. A Pellet gun is quiet and useful for small game- $80 Rosetta Stone- A language software program, for one language its approx $700, I might get 2 but am planning on one at the moment, French or Spanish, just incase I have to go to Canada or Mexico. Clothes, jeans, shirts, sweaters (A good sweater can save lives), and a good jacket- $600? This next item is more of a luxury, but, a really good rifle- Check out the second link in the source section. It is approx $6,500 for the gun and bunch of accessories, it is low maintenance as well. I do play COD and if you do you might notice it is VERY similar to the CheyTac Intervention system. I would never shoot anyone with this gun, I don't think it would get that bad, but I would have a shotgun and/or pistol for self defense, don't go trollin on me :). Target practice and hunting are what I would use it for. And just the fact that its a sexy gun :) Other stuff I might need- $800 (Notebooks, house supplies, little stuff) It adds up to about (Based on math from notebook earlier)- $12 or like $5-6 without the rifle. That's, at minimum wage, and 40 hours a week, 48 weeks of work (1 year about). I am 17 at the moment and jobless What are your thoughts and recommendati Sorry, ran out of room above ^ What are your thoughts and reccomendations? Also, Thanks Goblin for the advice, curing hides, and making ropes, thanks man, I will look that up.
Economics - 1 Answers
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All the stuff you buy will wear out or break sooner or later. So you should just learn to make stone knifes and arrow-points, cure skins into leather, make ropes from sinews and plants, etc. Here is some advice: http://www.wilderness-survival.net It will take you a while to learn all that, so to keep yourself motivated, read about the collapse you described, and the countries to which it happened: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_default

Friday, March 7, 2014

When will America revolt against capitalism?

When will America revolt against capitalism?
Throughout history, Americans have been looking to the government to make our decisions for us, to save us from poverty, to make our jobs more secure, to make sure we are happy. But sadly, we have never been happy. We have never been helped. Sure, Democrats have worked somewhat to appease the working people and calm them down throughout history by sending tiny little treats to us in the form of welfare, school funding, government jobs, higher minimum wage, etc. But have we ever been happy with the outcome? that answer is easy since we are not currently happy. so what will the United States do? we will toss Obama out for his policy of "change" that didn't really change anything for the people. It just reshuffled the same old deck of cards. So, we will elect a republican president that meets the same fate of not being able to solve the working people's problems. We'll toss him out for his failed policies and be right back at ground zero with our new democratic president. When will people see that our dominating two-party system inst providing for its people? Democrats think they can help by putting bandages on the massive heart attack that is capitalism while Republicans try to remove them in the hope that it will recover naturally. In either case, it would have worked by now. Capitalism would have provided for its people, not just the wealthy. food wouldn't be locked away in storage because it isn't profitable to sell while 20% of children in the US alone are living in poverty. If the united states produces enough food to feed the world, why are 40% of humans starving to death worldwide? I guess it isn't profitable to sell food to starving people. We can see subtle signs of revolt already. the Tea Party, for example, is a form of revolt. they have it half right in that government is not here to solve our problems. they have it wrong in thinking that the huge corporations will save us and give us good jobs. but the corporations are too busy "downsizing": meaning that they lay-off and outsource the workers to earn additional profits. It was reported that as a result of the financial crisis of 2008 , there was a 17% increase in millionaires while millions of people lost their jobs. Corporations are not saving us. Other forms of revolt are an increase in racism. our system has done an amazing job of pitting us against each other to keep us separated; to keep us from collaborating. We have started to blame minorities for our insecurities, our unemployment, and our unhappiness. when will we realize that we are all fighting the same fight? we are all being exploited by the people we make the money for, and they are telling us to be grateful for it. Of the two ways our revolution could go, i fear we are close to the wrong path. the path of racism, of looking to corporations and government to save us, of immense national pride, of fascism. Big Government is not the answer to our problems. Big Business is not the answer to our problems. WE THE PEOPLE are the answer to our problems! when will we revolt?
Politics - 14 Answers
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1 :
This is the longest rant of the evening/morning. Thank you for the time you spent writing this.
2 :
later, maybe if there's nothing good on TV
3 :
I'll keep capitalism, but thanks for asking.......
4 :
Never, you moron. Limiting government through self-government is why America is great. We just have to CRUSH the big-government socialist/Marxist libtards and libtyrants once and for all.
5 :
Obama's election was an accidental revolt against Capitalism. We've seen how that has turned out.
6 :
The day that you revolt against capitalism is the day that I will take up arms to defend our nation. You bring valid points of poverty, crime, and the worldwide food shortage, that I grant you. But, Communism and Socialism has been proven again and again to not work. It will self-destruct. It is no less corrupt than Capitalism, and maybe more so. Your heart is in the right place, but study your history books -- Communism/Socialism will not solve the problems you are concerned about.
7 :
Stick with liberals. Or even the anarchist ravings posted here. The current administration is doing everything it can to make your dream come true. You should feel right at home.
8 :
The piece of shit President we have now is so anti-capitalist it isn't even funny. Our Constitution does not support socialism. Our government is not here to provide for the people. We have the right to the PURSUIT of happiness. Not the guarantee.
9 :
Without capitalism there would be no America. The increase in the number of millionaires came from middle class or poor people becoming successful, due to capitalism.
10 :
This will prove to be the real solution to our problems to ZOG domination over America http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itHdrgu29Iw&feature=related
11 :
Gee... and I always thought that it was not that the people were begging for handouts but that the politicians were begging for votes and bribing the people with handouts. That way when they keep the people poor, they will need the party that says they are going to hand things out.... Oh, but I guess eventually the phony money scheme will catch up with them. So the idea is now to tax the middle class to buy the poor votes. That is surely working well, when it is the private sector that actually pays into the system and is without jobs and work. So you want to revolt??? I think you will see a revolt in Nov and that you see one with every town hall meeting in the past year. Problem is those who are revolting disagree with you completely.
12 :
Interesting article. But "we the people" must accept responsibility for the nations problems too. A good example is health care. Americans are the most overweight country on the planet which leads to diabetes, heart disease, etcetera etcetera.
13 :
How old are you? This rant sounds like a college aged, idealistic rant form someone with no life experience, and who has read all the wrong books. "Democrats have worked somewhat to appease the working people" Is that what we want? Appeasement? "But sadly, we have never been happy" I disagree whole heartedly. On what do you base this odd factiod? "20% of children in the US alone are living in poverty." And probably 70% of those are obese. Poverty in the USA qualifies (often) as wealth in most of the rest of the world. "Capitalism would have provided for its people, not just the wealthy. food wouldn't be locked away in storage" Capitalism creates & sells to the government, who stores food. Why blame capitalism for the poor resource management of the government? WE THE PEOPLE are certainly the answer, but change will not happen by flushing everything that works down the drain. And capitalism works; there is no other system that had created as much prosperity for the masses. I defy you to give a single example that comes close to what America has experienced with regards to poor and underprivileged people becoming successful and/or wealthy.
14 :
Capitalism has worked, we aren't in a true (free market) capitalist nation (google State Capitalism). Capitalism built civilization for the masses and brought the common standard of living much closer to the 'elite' class living standard. Everything around you is a product of capitalism, not government (which is the only alternative to capitalism). Governments had their chance and were around for thousands of years, yet it wasn't until the enlightenment and capitalism's major boost in the last few hundred years that life improved for the common person. Capitalism isn't about big business, it's about private property and contract freedom (the two things government utterly interferes with)--it IS the people's answer to our own problems. The *people* invented capitalism, and greatly expanded upon it after the dark ages. The elite at the time hated capitalism, it took away their ability to control people once the they started trade, manufacture, and consumption of goods themselves on a large scale. The tendency towards the creation of large corporations is a product of state capitalism, not free market capitalism. You can't blame "capitalism" (free market capitalism) for today's situation when it isn't today's system. State capitalism is when government and corporations conspire and work together via special interest bribes, this is what we have today.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Can you please grade my essay?

Can you please grade my essay?
Give and You Shall Receive The entire world is in an economic recession, and each country has felt the devastating effects. Here in America, money has become tighter, jobs fewer, and food prices have gone up considerably. However, as citizens of an astoundingly wealthy, industrialized nation, if we believe that our current situation is disappointingly inopportune, then we would be greatly mistaken. Not only would we be mistaken, we would also be extremely foolish to lament over our petty woes when millions of people in Africa and Asia live--and often die-- in a state of perpetual poverty, under deplorable conditions. Some countries are stupendously rich and others horrendously poor.. Despite this, hope still remains, and it is for that very reason that wealthy, industrialized nations should adopt a policy in which they use a variety of methods to share their wealth with the undeveloped world, a policy from which there could be many beneficiaries. According to the MilleniumProject commissioned by the United Nations, four billion people live in poverty. Malaria and pneumonia, two diseases that are widely eradicated and completely preventable, seem to travel with the wind in places like Africa and Asia, killing millions each year. Moreover, (according to the UN) eight hundred million people go to bed hungry every night, unsure as to whether they will live to see another sunrise, but knowing that if they do, there still will not be any food. Amid all of this suffering, those who are fortunate enough to pick up a spoon at dinnertime should not find it hard to reach within their hearts to help those in dire need. By trading with those countries who have this dire need, we wealthy nations can jumpstart foreign economies, as well as give food, medicine, and peace of mind to those who need it most. It is said that if one gives, then he or she receives. Similarly, if a government is generous and munificent, it receives things in return. Many developing countries show economic promise, and are looking like eligible to be future trade partners that can provide bona fide investment opportunities. For example, if the United States were to invest in Africa, a continent which most unknowingly consider an investment wasteland, the paybacks could be gargantuan. In reality, Africa is an investment wasteland no longer. In fact, the AT Kearney 2007 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Confidence Index ranks fifteen emerging markets in Africa among the top twenty-five investment market destinations in the world. It is within those emerging markets where there is money to be made; between 1990 and 2005 private capital flows in ninety-four emerging markets rose from twenty five to three hundred billion dollars. However, careful planning is required to make certain that capital is not intercepted by corrupt heads of state and the like. Trade and aid should be reserved for those governments that exhibit democratic behavior. Besides facilitating money flow, sharing wealth would assist America in restoring its global reputation, and simultaneously give us allies for the future. “America cannot meet the threats of this century alone, and the world cannot meet them without America. We can neither retreat from the world nor try to bully it into submission. We must lead the world, by deed and by example,” says President Barack Obama. Therefore, we should reach out to the developing world now, so that in the future, complex issues, such as climate change, can be easily addressed. Giving financial aid should not only be viewed as humanitarianism, but also as a long-overdue act of penance for Imperialism. During the Age of Imperialism Western nations bombarded vulnerable nations with military might and injected them with their cultural needle. By doing so, the imperialistic nations, many of which remain world powers, put the native peoples under oppressive conditions and exploited their lands for natural resources. Even today, in this first decade of the twenty-first century, some African countries have barely begun to throw off the shackles that Imperialism placed on them and their economies. For example, in 1913 England possessed colonies such as modern-day South Africa, Egypt, Sudan, and Nigeria. Today, according to a 2008 list compiled by the Central Intelligence Agency, England’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is two trillion seven hundred and eighty seven billion dollars, while the average GDP of its former colonies listed above is a mere seven percent of that. Still, there are those who would scoff at these numbers, and reason that they are a fateful result of the inability of dysfunctional governments to provide for their citizens. It would not hurt those who hold this belief take a look at Walter Rodney’s 1973 novel How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, in which he states, “ When two societies of different sorts come into prolonged and effective contact, the rate and character of change taking place in both is serious
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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1 :
i think about 90. its pretty good. what i would do in the 2nd paragraph though is cite your information (and especially if it is a quote) and the beginning of the 3rd paragraph i would change it to " It is said that if one gives, then one receives" other than that its very good essay. thoroughly detailed.