Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Are you tired of the texas home owners associations?

Are you tired of the texas home owners associations?
i wish that the people of texas could come together as one,and stop forming organizations ,like the hoa.the hoa picks on the less fortunate.we should not have to ask for permission to make construction or changes on our own property that we pay taxes,with our hard earned money.i hope to see the hoa gone in my life time and see texas become a part of the great united states of america again !
Law & Ethics - 2 Answers
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1 :
... Are you tired of solicitors coming to your door? ... 2001-2011 The Falcon Ranch Homeowners Association, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ...
2 :
I'm getting tired of texas all together

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

When will the Democratic Party start giving George W. Bush recognition for helping America's Poor?

When will the Democratic Party start giving George W. Bush recognition for helping America's Poor?
For the last eight years while George W. Bush has been the President of the United States of America, he has poured out his heart in helping America’s Poor and yet, the Democratic Party has shown little to no recognition to what he has done for the poor. Instead, they accuse Bush on only helping The Rich and Upper Class. Since Bush has been president of the United States, I have noticed that he has done the following for the poor in America; 1. He provides the Poor with Tax Relief, that way they can save some money. 2. He makes sure that their children are getting a good education by making sure schools are using the No Child Left Behind Act. 3. He is getting the Poor OFF Welfare and back to work, that way they can make money on their on to support their family and not using welfare checks to get by. 4. I have noticed that poverty in my community and in the state I reside in is on the decline for the first time in years. Source: Watching FOX NEWS and THE 700 CLUB Before I chose a Best Answer, I would like to say that I did enjoy reading all the answers on when the Democratic Party will start giving recognition to President George W. Bush for the ways he helps America's Poor.
Politics - 18 Answers
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1 :
they wont not now not ever.
2 :
That won't wok for them sorry, so never.
3 :
Not on your life would they admit anything positive. They can't see beyond their hatred.
4 :
They won't ever give him positive credit for anything. He could solve world hunger tomorrow and they would find fault with him -- he waited too long, the carrots are too small, the meat is too tough, he didn't observe religious dietary laws, etc. No matter what the man does liberals will always hate him.
5 :
In the long run, he's plunged more people into poverty! More and more people avery day are losing their houses, being refused bank accounts and having posessions reposessed. Had he maybe devoted more of his money on helping his country's poor, instead of on illegal wars and coseying up to big buisinesses, maybe America would be in a more comfertable position economically.
6 :
Median wages accounting for inflation have declined over the past 8 years. Unemployment was lower at the end of Clinton's term. The dollar has dropped to historic lows against other currency. Poor people in New Orleans didn't get Federal aid for 5 days after Katrina. No Child Left behind has been an underfunded disaster. Tell me again how Bush has helped the poor and middle class?
7 :
never Dems specialize in character assassination --- not in reality.
8 :
i couldnt agree more no child left behind and is probably the single most greatest achievment of the bush administration
9 :
by showing that poor intelligence is not a block to gettin a good job if daddy pays 1. the nominal savings are easten multifold by nonsense fule prices which bush is getin richer off. Almost all tax cuts went to uberich 2. I worked in schools it does more harm then good 3.Clinton reformed welfare/ Bush just sent the jobs to china 4. If correct thats probably due to sensable policy by local leaders lol acording to fixed news there are no poor except the lazy ones not born to oil fortunes
10 :
Okie dokey, but your sources do not fill me with confidence.
11 :
Bush help the poor? When he was gov of Texas he refused to sign a bill that would give 20000 children Medicaid. These were children who had NO health insurance. This country is in bad shape and it is getting worse. BTW have you seen New Orleans it is still a mess. And it was not Bush who changed the welfare laws it was Clinton. The homeless rate is higher where I live where is the help for them?
12 :
helping them do what? get even more poor??? or helping the rich to get even more rich??? until you live in a poor neighborhood with a poor paying job; dont ask questions you dont even know the answer to
13 :
again lies, no sources because you are full of it
14 :
1. He provides the Poor with Tax Relief, that way they can save some money. Poor have no money/income to have Tax Relief-He is taxing middle class 33 cents of every dollar made while the rich are taxed 20 cents of every dollar made. Trickle down economy remember? The stimulas check went right from the middle classes mailbox and into their gas tanks. Beware of the current "fuel cost drop"-the same thing happened from Labor Day 2006 until two days after the election. It rose from then untill two weeks ago. The Oil Producers don't want to see their friendly Republican support lose their Congressional Seats as they did in 2006 so they hope to lull the masses into thinking all is well since prices are dropping. Perhaps September was too late in 2006 so this time it began in July. 2. He makes sure that their children are getting a good education by making sure schools are using the No Child Left Behind Act. I am a tutor for the NCLB act. You have no clue what is and is not being done for the children. 3. He is getting the Poor OFF Welfare and back to work, that way they can make money on their on to support their family and not using welfare checks to get by. I have never been jobless or poor until 2004 thanks to the crappy economy not even a well experienced and highly educated person (B.S. Degree) can find decent jobs. Me-I can only find Self-Contracted/No Benifits/Part Time work under the NCLB program. 4. I have noticed that poverty in my community and in the state I reside in is on the decline for the first time in years. So glad to hear your community is doing well. My community is having record breaking numbers going to get food from the M.E.N.D. agancy here. (Meet Each Need With Dignity, Pacomia, California). Source: Watching FOX NEWS and THE 700 CLUB The Democrats only have 3 person majority-not enough to "Control Congrss" by any means.
15 :
the won't give him any credit for anything. six our of the last two years was an economic, historical success, and the last two years have been under the Democratically controlled Congress so it is no coincident. among his numerous accomplishment are: Changed the tone in the White House, restoring HONOR and DIGNITY to the presidency. Has reintroduced the mention of God and faith into public discourse. Signed the No Child Left Behind Act, delivering the most dramatic education reforms in a generation (challenging the soft bigotry of low expectations). The very liberal California Teachers union ran radio ads against the accountability provisions of this Act. Announced "Jobs for the 21st Century," a comprehensive plan to better prepare workers for jobs in the new millennium by strengthening post-secondary education and job training, and by improving high school education. worked to provide vouchers to low-income students in persistently failing schools to help with costs of attending private schools. (Blocked in the Senate.) Established a $2.4 billion fund to help states implement teacher accountability systems. Increased funding for the Troops-to-Teachers program, which recruits former military personnel to become teachers Killed the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty. Established a $10 million grant program to promote private conservation initiatives. Significantly eased field-testing controls of genetically engineered crops Successfully executed two wars in the aftermath of 9/11/01: Afghanistan and Iraq. 50 million people who had lived under tyrannical regimes now live in freedom. and faced natural disasters unprescedent in any other Presidency. Saddam Hussein is now dead. His two murderous sons are dead. All but a handful of the regime's senior members were killed or captured and the surge has worked. for a complete list, see link provided: has tripled direct humanitarian and development aid to the world's most impoverished continent since taking office
16 :
Good Lord, start watching something less biased than FOX. Come on, you don't even sound like you're remotely in touch with reality.
17 :
If they did not know it before Bush became President, the poor certainly knew it after he became President. And I would safely guess a lot more middle class people became poor too.
18 :
I praise him all the time: when I go thru the daily grocery ads PRAYING the hot dogs are on sale so I will have something to eat this week and when I see that homeless person that USE TO HAVE A JOB and a house but is now living on the street with his kids. I praise him when I go to get gas and it's at $5.00 a gallon or when I go to the MD and they tell me it will take a year and a half's pay checks just to pay for needed medical treatment. which soon won't matter cause I will be dead.. I appreciate ALL he's done for us.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Who is responsible for the Economy situation today?

Who is responsible for the Economy situation today?
The current financial crisis facing the United States of America and the world began with the US home ownership debacle and President William Jefferson Clinton. In 1994, Clinton signed a bill to promote low-income home ownership that Business Week calls "one that argues for creative measures to promote homeownership" for those applicants who did not qualify for fixed mortgages. And these applicants came in droves and were almost always approved - no matter their credit histories or ability to pay. Said "creative ownership" began the heavy distribution of ARMs (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) that ensued. These ARMs began low but, are based on the market. As the market changed, the rates - and subsequent monthly payments for homeowners - rose to rates that the homeowners could no longer afford. Foreclosures on the ARM properties began and, like Dominos cascading onto one another, the current financial meltdown began. Both Fannie Mae and Freddie MAC were essentially and quietly taken over by the Clinton Administration and his operatives and supporters - including Franklin Raines who ran Fannie Mae and ended up with over $6M his first year - raided both corporations which had become their personal slush funds. From his days of running Fannie Mae, Franklin Raines is reported to have accumulated a personal net worth of over $100M. Another Clintonian buddy - Jamie Gorelick (remember her from the CIA/FBI fiasco?) - is also said to be personally worth in excess of $100M. It appears that some in government service CAN achieve wealth beyond the wildest dreams of most of us! They just have to sell their souls to the highest bidder and be willing to betray their fellow Americans. This fortune was accumulated during her years (1997-2003) as Vice Chairman of Fannie Mae. The fraudulent accounting scheme which apparently allowed for Democrats Raines, Gorelick and other Clinton supporters to achieve vast fortunes in a very short period of time was brought to light in 2004. As mortgage firms and investment banks heavily leveraged by ARM mortgages started to be adversely affected by the number of foreclosures, the current financial crisis began in earnest. Democrats Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) also the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee - of all things - and Democrat presidential Candidate Barack Obama (who is reported to be the 3rd largest recipient of Fannie Mae political contributions - said to be over $100K in less than 4 years) have also benefited greatly from these Democrats' personal slush funds. However, in the worst cut to We the People from the knife of corruption, the very people who created this problem will now be in charge of "correcting" it! Does this make any sense to anyone except those who have received and continue to receive funds from these institutions?????????? If we really want to get rid of these corruptions we have to vote these sleazes out of office. That requires courage. The only question remaining is: Do we have the internal fortitude to do it? If the answer is "No," you can kiss your money and your country good bye and prepare for an inevitable serfdom. clintons_drive.html 01125107.guest.html schumer-role-in-failure-of-fannie-maefreddie-mac/ People wake up stop listing to your liberal bias media and get the facts!!!
Politics - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
George W. Bush
2 :
I bet conservatives will say Clinton! He's also to blame for high gas prices, terrorists and bad reality TV too right? nice cut and paste from good job on thinking for yourself.
3 :
i think bush and congress
4 :
I don't care how much spin you can put on the story, the majority of Republicans voted AGAINST the very bill their president recommended! It's f***ing insane!
5 :
Dow on Bill Clinton's last day in office: 10,587.59 Dow today: 10,365.4 That was your retirement. Seven years of it. Gone. Thanks to George Bush and John McCain. And if John McCain had his way, that would have been your Social Security money too. Gone. Seven years of growth, seven years of your life, wiped out.
6 :
Bush's War (unnecessary war)
7 :
The FR
8 :
1) american people with bad credit who take these loans knowing that they will suffer in the future. 2)businesses for not being as cautious with who they give loans. 3)congress, for not agreeing to the bailout plan! 4)Nancy pelosi, for having that speech right before the bailout plan vote wich probably turned the tide. 5)not bush of course. He warned about such companies. (ex. Phanny and .......(i forgot name)
9 :
Watch this and you can see for yourself who turned a blind eye when the disaster that occurred last week was pointed out over 4 years ago.
10 :
I can't believe the poeple are still blaming Clinton for the mess that Bush has created over the last eight years. Clinton created a surplus. Bush started a war, spent money like a drunken sailor and turned that surplus into a huge deficit.
11 :
Republicans caused it. Phil Gramm stripped away all regulations on the banking and housing industries. Without his actions, clinton's would have been totally innoculous. If Bush had been able to stop vacationing long enough to read the brief about OBL's attack being imminent, he could have done what every previous president did --- and kept the country safe. If that had happened we don't invade Afganistan and we might not even invade Iraq. That is a ton of debt not incurred that would not devalue our dollar and spike the cost of oil (cost of oil moved as the dollar devalued). All Republican ideas.
12 :
The problem isn't the fact that they make loans. Its the fact that nobody was watching, nobody was there to say, "NO" when they made loans to people that didn't have a down payment or the means to repay the loan. Personally I find it amazingly wrong that they were making those loans simply because those people were minorities.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

can anyone tell me if this article about the end of america is true?

can anyone tell me if this article about the end of america is true?
"In the last few days, it’s become more and more obvious that the country is headed straight for a war with North Korea. There really isn’t much we can do to stop it now, aside from nuking the whole place and calling it a day, which we cannot and should not do. When the United States military began conducting joint military operations with South Korea, it stood as a confirmation that should North Korea act against South Korea (which at this point is inevitable), we’re going to back the South Koreans. That’s great and noble and all, but the fact is that we cannot afford it. We already have such a high debt to China that we’ll never be able to pay it off. Even if we try, we cannot possibly grasp how long it will take. With the way our country is headed, spending money like crazy, we will never pay it off, meaning we owe China and we can’t deliver. Just a few weeks ago, the government announced that it had purchased an additional 600 billion dollars worth of bonds from the Chinese government. This alone serves to weaken the value of the dollar 10% over night, and up to 25-30% within months. This means that if you have $100 in the bank, it’ll be worth $70-75 in a matter of months. When China says no the next time we ask for money, we’re pretty much fucked. If our number one loan source refuses to pay for our wars or problems any longer, where will we turn? Other countries will see that China is refusing and they won’t loan money to us either. Our dollar will be useless, meaning you can’t use it to buy food or clothes or pay for the things you take for granted every single day. We’ll be in a worse position than we were in during the Great Depression. And on top of it all, we’ll still have two wars on our plate. So, at this point, our money is worthless and we can’t pay to fight the nuclear and chemical opposition coming from North Korea. It would make sense that we turn to our allies, right? In case you haven’t heard, Wikileaks released an absolutely MASSIVE collection of documents today regarding the relationships that the United States has with its allies. Earlier this week, the government warned Canada that it would damage relationships with our allies and lead to “countless deaths.” (If we need to warn Canada that they’re going to be angry with us, what are other countries going to think?) Basically, we’ll have no one to back us up, no money, and a country with nuclear weapons (I don’t care what the media says, North Korea has nuclear capabilities) fighting against us. So we turn to the UN, right? Wrong. The Wikileaks documents also reveal that Hillary Clinton ordered U.S. diplomats to spy on UN leaders, meaning they’re going to be less than happy about helping us. (Good job, Hillary.) In essence, America is fucked. We’re going to face rougher times in the next few years than any of us could have even imagined. Our safety is at stake. Our lives are at stake. It’s not only possible, but probable that this could be the end of the United States of America as we know it. I don’t think people understand the magnitude of this situation. It means that we might be looking at the end of an empire. We could be a third-world country in a matter of months. So what do we do? Prepare for it. Know how to survive if everything goes wrong. Think about what you’d need to do if an emergency arises. Most of all, ORDER A PASSPORT THIS WEEK IF YOU DON’T ALREADY HAVE ONE. If you need to make a run for it, you’re going to need a passport to get into a different country. I can’t express the amount of urgency of the situation. America is at a time right now that our country could very easily cease to exist. Please try to understand that and act upon it. I care about you all enough to not want to see anything bad happen to you, but at this point, it’s virtually inevitable. Most of all, prepare yourselves. America is in a bad state of affairs right now it’s not going to get any better any time soon." i really don't know what to think, can anyone tell me if it's true or not?
Current Events - 3 Answers
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1 :
I think you're assessment of the situation is somewhat accurate unfortunately. It might be a little fatalistic to assume that in 2 months these things will come to pass, but unless a there is a significant change the future looks very bleak. I can't help but get the impression that this war scenario has been in the works for awhile though. When the economy is falling it seems to be the typical response that war is inevitable. (ie ww2) I haven't heard about this Wiki Leaks stuff but it definitely isn't going to be doing our nation any favors.
2 :
Some information may be right but i'd like to know who the author is. I do not think we will ever be a third world nation because we have too many skills and a local and national infrastructure. We have lots of fertile land that would be better after they quit growing one kind of potato and using such heavy doses of pesticides and herbicides. We have plenty of trees, pure water (except for the greed exploits of industry). If we get into a war with N Korea, it'll probably go nuke and you many as well stay put, because we'll all go up in flames. If we go down, unfortunately there will be a lot who'll go down with us. Sounds like a drama queen to me. I'm not running, so I may be the only left. Wow all that purple majesty would be mine - if its not all burnt up.
3 :
Read them for yourself: Secret US Embassy Cables at Wkileaks WikiLeaks Diplomatic Cables at the Spiegel: WikiLeaks Diplomatic Cables at the New York times: WikiLeaks Diplomatic Cables at the Guardian:

Monday, November 28, 2011

can anyone think of a good reason why cannabis should remain illegal or are we missing out on tax money?

can anyone think of a good reason why cannabis should remain illegal or are we missing out on tax money?
should we let the government control our lives and put pot smokers in jail or should we tax the he!! out of it and make a fortune and create job that many countries don't have and start turning are finances around and quit wasting money on a war against the people of the united states of america in which all drug laws violate your inalienable right life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness so who is with me or against me for legalization of cannabis taxing it would be easy simply tax seed sales and gardening supples and pre package that can be sold just like tobbaco and achol you can make your own beer and wine thats legal as long as you dont sell it why not do the same with weed
Law & Ethics - 5 Answers
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1 :
Yes,,,,,If made legal how will they tax what can be grown in any house?
2 :
yes,but when will it happen
3 :
taxing the hell out of it may price it out of the market and we will be right back where we started. i say- regulate it like tobacco and booze...minimum age to buy...yada yada. we are missing out on the biggest cash crop for many states. but this has been asked and answered here thousands of times.
4 :
I personally think intentionally inhaling smoke of any kind is fairly idiotic, but I do believe that others should have the right to do so if they so desire. I don't think it should be done in an area where it forces others to do the same (which is why I like the no-smoking in restaurants laws). However, I think the U.S. could save and make a good chunk of money by legalizing pot. So long as it is regulated in the same way that other intoxicating substances are, I don't really see much harm. Get caught driving high? Same punishment as if you get caught driving drunk. Sell to minors? Lose your license to sell. Buy for or give to a minor? Same thing. Make/sell it without a license? More trouble. Marijuana is a drug, just like nicotine and alcohol. It does have an effect on how you function and react. That cannot be ignored. However, keeping it illegal keeps it more unsafe, wastes money, and eliminates a potential source of income.
5 :
You really should re-evaluate your priorities. The Globalists are close to imposing communism world-wide and all you can worry about is your precious weed? No wonder communism is winning. So many of the public, including you, are zapped out on narcotics.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Canada and Mexico have better health care than the United States, isn't it embarrassing for this country?

Canada and Mexico have better health care than the United States, isn't it embarrassing for this country?
Greedy doctors is the problem, and a lax government that doesn't care about the health of its citizens. Nevermind that healthy citizens make better workers and boost the economy. Nevermind that healthy soldiers make better soldiers and boost the well-being of our armed forces. Nevermind that obesity rates are skyrocketing and we don't even teach physical education in schools anymore. Nevermind that college and university drop-out rates are 40% higher amongst students with health problems. Do you know anyone who couldn't work because they couldn't afford the proper healthcare treatment? Do you know anyone who tried out for the army but couldn't pass the physical (they recently lowered their standards again)? Do you know anyone who is obese and lacks the willpower to go exercise? Do you know anyone who dropped out of college or university because of a health problem? Let's compare. In Canada healthcare is free. Got an injury or ailment? Walk into your local hospital and get all the treatment you need... provided you are Canadian and have hospital card to prove it. Why can't we create a Canadian-style healthcare system in America? Canada's economic GDP was only $1.165 trillion USD in 2006. The GDP for the United States in 2006 was $12.98 trillion USD. We are over ten times more wealthy than Canadians. Canada's population is 34 million. Ours is 298 million. We could easily create a free healthcare system in the United States that is even better than that in Canada. But with one problem. Canada's healthcare system is regulated by the government. Doctors have fixed wages and can only earn so much. In America our doctors are greedy and they can charge whatever they want. In other words, our doctors have a GOD complex. They have the power to save people, but can choose not to do it simply for the sake of money. And thats what is wrong with America today HEALTH SYSTEM IS BROKEN HERE AND THERE ARE A BUNCH OF AMERICANS WHO STILL WANT TO LEAVE IT THE SAME WAY EVEN THOUGH THEY CAN'T FUCKING AFFORD IT. Mexicans and Canadians have a better care, affordable and simple, not like the one here. What do u think? I WORK AND LIVE IN USA, BUT I WILL STOP SUPPORTING AMERICAN DOCTORS SINCE I CAN GO TO MEXICO AND GET ANY TREATMENT WITH MY INSURANCE FROM THERE PROVIDED BY THE GOVERNMENT. THAT INSURANCE GIVES ACCES TO ALL TYPES OF CARE.
Other - Politics & Government - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Didn't read your whole diatribe but if their health care is so good, why do they come here to get treated?
2 :
Mexico??? Really. My Canadian relatives don't think so. They are actually mad at Obama for destroying our healthcare. I am currently trying to undo the damage that my cousins doctor is doing.
3 :
Why "embarrassingg?" Did somebody say you were working together to supply all Americans with things they need? Did you work real hard and somehow get cheated? I think you opposed decency, comfort, welfare, and personal security and value productivity. Not getting it is no surprise. So your hospitals produce money.
4 :
It's hard to be embarrassed when you're dead, which is what a lot of Americans will be, once their insurance companies get tired of paying for them, that is, if they even have any insurance to start with.
5 :
LOKO6... I think you are absolutely correct.
6 :
Try again. Every single day people from around the world travel to the US for quality healthcare.
7 :
I think the primary issue preventing actual, effective health care reform lies with the power of both health insurance and pharmaceutical companies and their lobbyists. I think greed on the part of physicians has little or no effect whatsoever. If anything, doctors represent some of the least supportive groups of current US health care policy. The reason being the process of filing a claim for compensation has become so muddled and convoluted, physicians and staff spend most of their time dealing with health insurance legalese rather than focusing on the actual health of the patient. Treatment takes a back seat to bureaucracy, unfortunately. You can't have successful health care reform until you remove the ability to profit from it. It's unfortunate, but true. If you look at governments with universal health care policy, physicians are far more effective treating patients because they don't have to deal with insurance companies, whose sole purpose is trying to find ways to avoid paying for a procedure. Until that element is removed it's impossible to have true universal health care.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Where is the United States Headed?

Where is the United States Headed?
Past: The United States was a country the whole world looked up to and thought of as the land of freedom. Millions of people moved to this country for the equal rights and have a better life for their families. Their were plenty of jobs and a person could get ahead by working hard. Present: The industrialists shipped most of our manufacturing overseas so they could make more money. Our country could be one of the most hated countries in the world. The investment bankers on Wall Street put us so far into debt that the United States may never recover. We are spending more and more money on wars that most Americans don't even want. The poor and middle-class are going farther and farther into debt. Very few jobs and Americans are losing more rights everyday. The U.S. government just keeps making poorer and poorer decisions etc... Future: The rich don't want to pay anymore tax than they do now and the government seems happy with this. They want to cut all the programs that millions of famillies rely on to survive. If the country didn't have so many greedy idiots running the country and brought jobs back so every American could have a future, then I doubt many of these programs to help the poor would be needed. What these greedy investment bankers, politicians and industrialists don't understand that everything needs to be in balance or their world will fall apart also. To many Americans have had a taste of being middle-class,owning their own home and having the basic rights that many Americans deserve to have as a citizen. Our country is so far in debt that it will be very hard to get out of if it isn't to late now. If the people who are struggling didn't pay taxes, buy products and own homes, then things would get really bad for the rich. When a majority of America doesn't have jobs or homes to live in, then the rich will have no consumers to make money from. The dollar will not be worth to much. The American people whose families are starving will be looking for the people that put them into this boat and it will not be pretty. Why do the top 1% have to be so greedy when they have more than enough? Why do they still want more at the expense of their fellow citizens and at there own demise? Does anybody think this will pass and the U.S. will become prosperous for all again?
Current Events - 8 Answers
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1 :
cheese cake
2 :
I always wonder why people in Taiwan work like a month with one day off. Taiwanese 10 to 12 per day. And, I come to North America people at 4 pm and they drive off work. Always don't make sense to me, how they get pay more? I guess math and reality does work.
3 :
Sorry but I think you know the answers to your questions. The future doesn't bright for the land of the Free after we took God out the country!
4 :
Nowhere. You have perfectly described the situation in this joke of a country. Here I am, a Puerto Rican ready to go back to his island if a job he applied and interviewed today is not offered to him, after about 15 attempts and about hundreds of applications sent nationwide. This nation is going down the toilet, and the worst part is that many Americans don't realize and are on denial that this nation is no longer the land of the free or the land of opportunities.
5 :
Bet whatever you have that the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. And plan on G.E. still getting away with paying very little in taxes.
6 :
Well it sounds to me like the haves are about to find out what it feels like to be a have not...we've lived the impossible dream way beyond our used by date & taken personal greed to the next dimension ! Our western lifestyle is now under stress & unless we re evaluate our priorities darn quickly we are all headed for a melt down...
7 :
The US is doing great, and the future looks fantastic. Your blue-collar patois is laughably ignorant.
8 :
No where sadly ... this country is slowly going down the toilet!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The United States has over 10,000 nuclear warheads. Why do we need to buy any more?

The United States has over 10,000 nuclear warheads. Why do we need to buy any more?
I suppose I was in favor of the purchase of the first few dozen, but after we had the capability to defend ourselves through deterent, is it practical to keep wasteing money on these weapons? Could America make better use of the funds it currently is spending on these weapons? Are there better weapons we could be purchaseing?
Politics - 8 Answers
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1 :
If there are, we are not cleared for that information.
2 :
The U.S. has an accelerated program to reduce the number of nuclear weapons.
3 :
not really,we wast it on everything else too,so why not on our salvation ,NUC FIRE..we are masters of that..chow
4 :
ehhhh? So nobody else buys them?
5 :
We don't buy them...We make them
6 :
Just in case al Qaida colonize Earth like planets through out the universe. So we can blow them up. Just another act of preemption.
7 :
Technology is always improving, and nuclear weapons which are made today are safer and more effective than those made in the 50s, 70s or 90s. I don't know if they are "buying" or building MORE weapons. More likely, they are replacing older weapons with newer technology.
8 :
We have so many nuclear weapons so we can keep all the nations under our thumb. like north korea,libya,iran,iraq, U know the usual axis of evil.Any nation whom dears to step out of line with the Neo-Con- ZOG,that's all.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Your thoughts on the Texas seceeding from the United States?

Your thoughts on the Texas seceeding from the United States?
I think it is stupid. I mean did the notion come up when Bush was fighting a trillion a year dollar war in Iraq? Where were these whinny babies? Where were these stupid tea parties? You see it takes money to fight a war and Bush sure as heck spent money. Where were the people crying for the right to seceed from the United States?? How about the reasons for going to Iraq? Didn't Bush say that Saddam Hussein was creating nuclear weapons and went in without asking permission from the U.N.! Was he building nuclear weapons? No! We still killed him though and we sure as heck stayed. Now we have both Iraq and Afghanistan to worry about which requires money to pay for the soldiers who ARE THERE. Raises taxes as a result. So why are these people crying now? I never heard them make a peep out of the eight years Bush was in power. These people are retarded! I mean they are eight years slow! They never bothered to cry out when Bush created the Patriot Act! They never cried when Bush ignored the idea of stem cell research. They never cried when bush took money out of the energy funds of America along with the education funds to run this stupid war. So why are these people crying now seeing as though Obama is trying to help us? Why weren't these babies crying when Bush entered into Iraq for no reason and killed a dictator for no reason allowing the Al-Qaeda to come in and regroup? This seceeding idea is so stupid. Anyone agree? This war in Iraq RAISED TAXES. So why are these retarded tea parties crying now? I mean the war on Iraq, what was that? Was that a war that didn't require money to buy weapons which coincidentally raised taxes?
Current Events - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
People (especially it would seem, the Conservatives) have incredibly short memories.....let a year go by and most were convinced that WMD were never an issue in Iraq, that Bush never passed a bailout bill,and that our trillion dollar deficit was created by Obama in just 2 seems to be a type of Alzheimers... Let Texas seceed.....They'd never make it......
2 :
I doubt Texas will secede. If they took a vote, the vast majority of Texans would vote against secession. But it's sure funny to watch you guys freak out just because a few people aren't in love with Obama.
3 :
Amen! Take a chill pill people. Different people have different views. I am in love with Buah and think Obama will destroy the small sliver of good left in our country. But that's another point. No Texas is not going anywhere. Believe it or not, that's illigal (which is complete BS). How can the US fight for freedom and indipendence and then deny it when their own people ask? God bless Texas for actually upholding their rights and the constitution (yeah. The job our government should be doing). Clearly these liberals don't actually believe in our country and law. If you don't like the way it's supposed to be, then skip your ass on out of the United States of America and hippy to somebody that agrees with you. There's plenty of them elsewhere in the world. Just don't screw up the life of everybody else. Keep up the freedom Texas! "The two enemies of the people are criminals, and government." -Thomas Jefferson
4 :
Sorry... some simply don't worship the ground Obama walks on.
5 :
Hey Stevey -- Your point is a very good one. The "patriot Texans" are so upset now with the Obama Administration's tax plan that they want to teabag and secede....But why were they a bunch of docile sheep about all the tax dollars that went to fund the war in Iraq? I agree with you: tax dollars wasted are tax dollars wasted. Maybe many of these "patriot Texans" believed Iraq was a justifiable war. My own belief is: most of them were too busy with their own lives and too blindly "in love" with, & loyal to GWB to actually take the time to learn about that war and think about it critically. And then, to connect the dots between the hard-earned dollars disappearing from their wallets and the wasted billions in Iraq. People like Matthias did not take the time to do their homework to really get it into their heads that: 1) Saddam Hussein and his regime had nothing to do with 9/11 2) No bid contracts--esp. Halliburton's gave billions away to corporate executives who did not get the job done over there--a clear violation of federal law. You could say about the no-bid contracts--stolen taxpayer money, more than just wasted. 3) While Bush's policy attracted many insurgents from other Arab / Islamic nations to cross the border to fight American soldiers in Iraq, the Taliban--OUR TRUE ENEMY-- was regrouping and planting the seeds for a comeback in Afghanistan, and in Pakistan. Which is the most significant thing happening over there right now. WASTED BILLIONS!! I could go on and on and on--but I would rather take a minute or two right now to make an analysis of the way Matthias thinks--and the millions of other patriot Texans who think similarly. Just look how far into a state of denial they are: "Clearly these liberals don't actually believe in our country and law. If you don't like the way it's supposed to be, then skip your *** on out of the United States of America and hippy to somebody that agrees with you." A. Which laws don't liberals believe in Mr. Matthias? Be specific. B. "If you don't like the..." Well, Mr. Matthias, aren't you forgetting something? The election in November proved beyond any doubt that the American people, its voting citizens, have a strong desire to make a break with the past. That's why Obama won by a margin that far exceeded either of Bush's victories. Don't you realize that when you make a statement such as, "If you don't like the way it's supposed to be..." that you are assuming that you are more American than the people who voted for Obama? You are assuming a Conservative Superiority that withered and died on November 8th. YOU CONSERVATIVES AND PATRIOT TEXANS DO NOT OWN AMERICA, AND HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL OTHERS THEY SHOULD LEAVE THE COUNTRY BECAUSE THEY SEE THE WORLD DIFFERENTLY. YOU LOST THE ELECTION. ADJUST AND ADAPT TO THAT REALITY. OBAMA'S APPROVAL RATING IS WELL OVER 60% RIGHT NOW. BUSH'S APPROVAL RATING WAS AROUND 20% ALL LAST SUMMER. IT IS YOU WHO OUGHT TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE WAY THINGS ARE GOING, NOT THE LIBERALS!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Why dont we take the illegals and replace them with homeless people?

Why dont we take the illegals and replace them with homeless people?
If we took all the homeless people and gave them the same jobs the illegal people now have we would fix all problems. This way we could also take out welfare. People who did not make any money because they are too lazy to work would be forced to work. All illegal mexicans would be kicked out of our country. We would slowly come back up in funds for our country and the United States of America would be a much better place to live.
Immigration - 19 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We'd have to give them homes first.
2 :
It would be a great idea, except that most homeless people either are suffering from mental illness or are strung out on drugs.
3 :
I agree with sara and chicka
4 :
Because Americas homeless have too much PRIDE to work minimum wage. Unless you raise minimum wage, after all it has been about 10yrs or so that wages have increased.
5 :
I'll second that proposal.
6 :
well the illegals or whatever need to go back where they came from but we defintaly have enough homeless people
7 :
most homeless not all are mentally ill. I dont know that they could function doing a job but all the money we spend/ dish out because of illegals could go to them to get them treatment and housing. They need short term rehabs as well. Why not help our own before we help everyone else.
8 :
Well alot lot of people don't remember that Reagan to save money cut alot of these peolpe of aid. And some can't work or barely take care of themselves. Now it is true Mexicans are hard working and will clean toilets with a smile.
9 :
well... your idea is about as crazy as most homeless people are... there is a reason they are homeless...
10 :
Many homeless people have psychological issues, drug adictions, and other problems adjusting to their surroundings. Many also are skitzo. Many are not good candidates to join the workforce.
11 :
Where have been Sherlock ?
12 :
It's a nice idea in theory. The problem is this, and yes I'm copying and pasting some of it..please bear with me: People who are homeless can be differentiated along six dimensions: (1) developmental phase of life (age); (2) gender; (3) social unit (families vs. single individuals), (4) racial or ethnocultural groups; (5) health status (psychiatric illness, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, and the multiply diagnosed); and (6) social status (veteran vs. citizen vs. criminal vs. illegal immigrant). Many of the homeless people in this country are young children and teenagers. Obviously, in some cases they have a parent but in some cases they don't. Also, there are the mentally and physically ill who simply can't afford treatment, let alone proper medical or psyhchiatric care. Then there are the elderly and let's face're not going to ask someone who's likely a grandparent to harvest anything.
13 :
Your question does not have a simple answer. Although there are homeless people who are simply that, homeless, just down on their luck, and a few who may be just plain lazy, the majority have underlying problems that need to be solved first. Many are mentally ill and not suitable for even the types of employment you suggest. Many are drug and/or alcoholics. Very few could survive only on the pitiful wages being given illegals, or even the not much better wages given legals. The answer is just not that easy.
14 :
Lots of homless people are mentally ill and can't even sit still for 10 minutes without freaking out, much less work 8 hours in the sun. Many others have serious injury, illness or are like 80 year old. Even for those who coud work, in any economy there are going to be a percentage of people who are unemployed so you can't eliminate welfare by a 100% work policy or the country would not be able to grow when the economy expands....
15 :
good idea, we don't need any more illegals in this country but most homeless people are lazy or on drugs
16 :
Illegals must go. We don't need to 'replace' them. They are parasites, not cotributors to the welfare of our society.
17 :
You assume that welfare recipients are lazy and do not work. There are lots of welfare recipients working jobs but not making enough to even afford child care. Plus under welfare reform the recipients are already forced to work or go to school. Around here there's nothing but minimum wage jobs. The employers will only work an employee about 20 hours a week and one employer won't work around another employer's work schedules. 20 hours a week times $5.15/hour is about $100.00 a week and then they take out taxes and social security. The employee is making less than $400 a month and receiving welfare. Many of the women I know on welfare had been abandoned by the child's deadbeat father who refuses to help out with the children. Then the court orders the women to remain in the area in case the deadbeat ever wants to exercise his visitation rights for the child(ren) he won't even support. So the women face criminal sanctions if they move somewhere to try and get jobs that pay better money. After going through college to try and get a better job, the minimum wage employers around here won't hire them because they are "overqualified" and there aren't the better jobs around here. Since they aren't allowed to leave to get the better jobs, they're stuck. They have educated themselves out of the job market. The easy fix to this problem would be to lift the sanctions against their moving out of the area so that they can get decent jobs, but the courts want to control their lives to preserve the 'rights' of these deadbeats who don't want to take care of the kids in the first place. Yes, these illegal aliens need to be deported. There are enough Americans trying to get jobs already without depressing the wages even further. The illegals make up about 5 % of the work force. The unemployment rate is about 4.5%. Keep in mind that the unemployment rate does NOT represent everyone who is unemployed. It only counts those who are collecting unemployment. Everyone else's plight is ignored. The unemployment rate if everyone was counted would be tremendous. We do NOT have a shortage of labor, we have a large surplus. The more illegals that come in and take our jobs at minimum wage or less (often less) puts more and more Americans out of a job. Most of these Americans are never counted in the unemployment rate if they do not manage to get unemployment benefits. Unemployment benefits are hard to receive. Illegals draw welfare by stealing people's social security numbers and identities. That means there are a lot of people being directly hurt by these people as well. Innocent people are having their credit ratings ruined, having IRS problems, and social security problems. If someone who has had their social security number stolen gets married, if either spouse dies or become disabled then they can be denied their benefits. My family moved to the US before WWII. Those of my family that didn't make it over got killed by the death camps. Our family assimilated to the American culture. We didn't expect the Americans to change to suit us. The illegal immigrants from Mexico are not civilized like that. They not only changed the National Anthem to Spanish, they changed the words. They already burn our flag and hang our flag upside down. They waved the Mexican flag during a lot of their protests. Some schools have stopped hanging the American flag and forbidden students from wearing clothes with any part of the American flag on their clothing all to keep from offending the Mexicans. It's nothing short of an attack of our country, not only by the illegal aliens, but those who seek to appease them. I am tired of the stereotype that Americans wouldn't do the work that illegals do. Illegals do all kinds of jobs for less than minimum wage which drives the wages down for U.S. citizens. Construction jobs are an example. There are lots of illegals doing construction jobs that Americans used to do because the companies can keep more of the profits if they pay less for the workers. All that does is make companies wealthier and Americans poorer. Illegals are stealing jobs that Americans have done for years. "Mexico is waging war on the U.S. through mass immigration illegal and legal, through the assertion of Mexican national claims over the U.S., and through the subversion of its laws and sovereignty, all having the common end of bringing the southwestern part of the U.S. under the control of the expanding Mexican nation, and of increasing Mexico’s political and cultural influence over the U.S. as a whole. Cultural imperialism We experience Mexico’s assault on our country incrementally—as a series of mini-crises, each of which calls forth ever-renewed debates and perhaps some tiny change of policy. Because it has been with us so long and has become part of the cultural and political air we breathe, it is hard for us to see the deep logic behind our “immigration problem.” Focused as we are on border incursions, border enforcement, illegal alien crime, guest worker proposals, changes of government in Mexico City, and other such transient problems and events—all of them framed by the media’s obfuscation of whether or not illegal immigration’s costs outweigh its benefits and by the maudlin script of “immigrant rights”—we don’t get the Big Picture: that the Mexican government is promoting and carrying out an attack on the United States. Another reason we miss what’s happening is that our focus is on the immigrants as individuals. Thus our leaders talk about illegal immigrants as “good dads,” “hard working folks” seeking to better their lives and their family’s prospects. In fact, this is not about individual immigrants and their families, legal or illegal. It is about a great national migration, a nation of people moving into our nation’s land, in order to reproduce on it their own nation and people and push ours aside. Thus, in orchestrating this war on America, the Mexican state is representing the desires of the Mexican people as a whole. What are these desires? (1) Political revanchism—to regain control of the territories Mexico lost to the U.S. in 1848, thus avenging themselves for the humiliations they feel they have suffered at our hands for the last century and a half; (2) Cultural imperialism—to expand the Mexican culture and the Spanish language into North America; and especially (3) Economic parasitism—to maintain and increase the flow of billions of dollars that Mexicans in the U.S. send back to their relatives at home every year, a major factor keeping the chronically troubled Mexican economy afloat and the corrupt Mexican political system cocooned in its status quo. "
18 :
not a bad idea but, what if we include all the people on welfare and unemployment, this should be plenty...
19 :
A lot of these vets, IE homeless, thought the government was going to take care of them when they got back in the states. Well they were wrong too.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Why don't the rich from the United States donate to our country?

Why don't the rich from the United States donate to our country?
All the time you see the insanely rich helping out people in Africa, South America, and poor countries in Asia. I don't get why they don't help to invest it back into the country that gave them the opportunity to make all that money... I live in Washington where Microsoft, Boeing, Warehouser, and several other multi-billion dollar organizations call home. Recently, Microsoft laid off over 5,000 individuals. Why don't people like Paul Allen, who owns over half of Seattle, and Bill Gates, who recently purchased a 2.5 million dollar cabin just north of Boseman, Montana, why don't they help reinvest into our country? It only makes sense to me to do that. I mean if you have so much money that you couldn't spend it all in your lifetime, why not say, "Hey America, you've done so much for me and helped me so much in my lifetime, here's a check for 1 billion dollars to help stimulate the economy." Why is it put upon the backs of all the people who did go to college, who did work there asses off, but didn't make it to the top? I can't remeber the statistic and am probably way off, but I believe it was 80% of America's wealth is controlled by .5% of our population?!?!?!?!?! Why not have them help out the country by spreading the money around. America isn't lazy, we all work for a living. HELP THE COUNTRY WHO HELPED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Other - Cultures & Groups - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yeah, some of them actually do. But the question is, why don't the people who don't work, who CAN work, and just WONT work, yet complain that they're poor GO to work!?
2 :
The real reason the rich here don't donate their money here is because of image. Bill Gates wouldn't look like such a goody two shoes if he donated his money to any charity here in the US. He looks good acting like he cares about people in some 3rd world country who get malaria because they are too stupid to move away from the swamps.
3 :
They're just selfish, I bet these billionaires don't even use half the money they have in the bank. And there are kids eating dirt in Haiti. *sigh*
4 :
I agree and don't forget the Stars . They could drop a million . GOD BLESS
5 :
I completely agree with you. They won't help us because they think we still have a good standard of living compared to most countries. I've stayed on Mercer Island before and kayaked past all 5 of Paul Allen's houses. It's sick. My heart goes out to all those families who have lost their homes. They're also afraid the money will go to idiots like the two of the answers above me. "But the question is, why don't the people who don't work, who CAN work, and just WONT work, yet complain that they're poor GO to work!?" If only things were that simple. Take Economics 101. "He looks good acting like he cares about people in some 3rd world country who get malaria because they are too stupid to move away from the swamps." People don't live in these areas by choice. There's also malaria in Westernized places like Hong Kong.
6 :
Because Rich Americans are dicks. Have you seen Wall-Street?
7 :
Selfishness. Greed. Boob Implants. Face Lifts. Wrinkle Creams. and so on.
8 :
Africa is not a country, neither is South America. What do you mean by "our" country? You say you live in Washington, is that DC? You are in America? It can't be Washington, Nigeria. Bill Gates makes more donations to Africa than anyone else. He is currently giving funds to the Malaria problem in Africa. Get your facts straight before you make yourself look foolish.
9 :
ur people need fame, they need praises so they help others instead of us. Who told u Africa is a country? America can't feed us alone talkless of the west.
10 :
i agree.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Is this a scam?

Is this a scam?
i received this but im not writing back. Hello, Would you like to work online from home and get paid without affecting your present job if you have one? Richard Cook Limited, UK.. needs an individual in the United States of America/Canada who will be working for the company and I am willing to pay for every transaction, which wouldn't affect your present state of work. Someone who will receive payments on our behalf from our customers in the United States of America/canada. These payments are in form of Money Orders or otherwise and it will be made payable to your name, so all you need do is cash the Money Orders deduct your 10 % percentage and wire the rest back to me via Western Union money transfer. We presently run a Premier Furnishing Company sited in the United Kingdom and we need someone to work for the company as a representative/bookkeeper in the USA/CANADA. We specialize in making different kinds of furnishings,demonstrating creative ideas, colors, textures and styles for every room, orthopaedic chairs and high seats. We offer a high degree of personal service, on everything from an individual item to a complete interior design scheme, which has really expanded that we furnished overseas now. Our reputation as a premier furnishing store has been achieved by searching throughout the UK and Europe for the best ranges available. We have found unusual and original pieces from traditional French farmhouse furniture to clean Scandinavian design plus leading UK.. brands to suit every lifestyle. We have been selling our furnishings for the last four years. We have sold in showrooms and to private collectors from all around the world. We are always facing serious difficulties when it comes to selling our furnishings to people in the United States of America, some of our customers offers to pay with UNITED STATES POSTAL MONEY ORDER OR OTHERWISE, which is difficult for us to cash here in United kingdom. So we need someone in the USA/CANADA to work as our representative and assist us in processing the payments from our clients and we will pay on every transaction. JOB DESCRIPTION 1. Receive payment from Clients 2. Cash Payments 3. Deduct 10 % which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed. 4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to our office in the United Kingdom (Payment is to be forwarded by Western UnionTransfer). It wouldn't cost you any CHARGES, you are to receive payments which will be sent to you via Fedex courier services or UPS from my clients, which would come in form of a Money Order/Certified Cashier's Check in US PAYMENT then you are to cash it and send the cash to the Company via Western Union Transfer, all transfer fees should be deducted from the capital you are sending so you have nothing to lose. If you are interested, respond immediately by sending: FIRST NAME: SURNAME: HOME ADDRESS (PHYSICAL ADDRESS ONLY, NO P.O. BOXES): APT #: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: COUNTRY: CELL NUMBER: GENDER: MARITAL STATUS: AGE: CURRENT JOB: What is your prefared mode of communication Phone/e-mail so that our clients will start making payments to you as the company's representative in the USA. AS SOON AS WE CONFIRM ANY PAYMENT COMING TO YOU, I WILL LET YOU KNOW AND I WILL GIVE YOU THE INFORMATION TO SEND THE FUNDS THROUGH TO THE COMPANY VIA WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER. I AWAIT YOUR PROMPT RESPONSE. Warmest Regards, John Watson Human Resources Manager Richard Cook Limited, United Kingdom
Security - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Most likely a scam. Stay away.
2 :
3 :
Its a SCAM in hope to CLEAN YOU OUT. You should use the SPAM button on your e-mail program, in hopes to eliminate those sorts of e-mail. If you are using a service like Yahoo mail, then using the SPAM button will alert Yahoo, so they block that sort of threat from everyone. Internet safety also means that you have to be smart. DO NOT open email from an unknown source or with an uncharacteristic SUBJECT. Teach your friends to BE SMART too. Good luck and Happy Computing!
4 :
They say if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. Many things bother me about this, but most of all the customer will send you $, you will cash the money order, withhold your 10% and send them the rest?????Who does business like that. Be careful.
5 :
yes. it fake
6 :
Yes, it's a scam. No legitimate business would ever do business that way. The money orders you receive will be fake; they're looking for gullible people who won't figure that out until it's too late.
7 :
reply at once and tell them to kill themselves.
8 :
check this link its good .
9 :
A scam alright. Also probably Nigerian origin. If you respond, they start calling you and tell you to deposit the 10% of the check they will send you before even depositing it. After which you realize the check is fake too. This scam has been around even before the advent of email. Sometimes about lottery, sometimes about a deposed ruler and his stolen funds. Just delete the email or report it to Yahoo.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

would you vote for me as president of the united states?

would you vote for me as president of the united states?
so i know i alrady asked this question! but i changed my plan just a tad to see what people think can i please get a straight answer! THANKS!! example: yes i think that you should blah blah blah ____________________________________________ Economy 1.Create thousands of jobs 2.Increase global trade but not depend on it 3.Tax all businesses including casinos 4.Make states may a small tax as a safety valve 5.Require that all states put a tax on their goods. 6.Invest in a plan to help poor people get into jobs to help make money 7.Tax businesses that do anything with the united states 8.Drop the tax on required goods like food 9.Make sales tax higher on alcohol and cigarettes 10.Lower taxes for everyone by lowering the tax rate and cutting back on things that are not needed 11.Have off shore drilling so we don’t pay billions of dollars on oil in other countries Education 1.Make teachers go through training every two years to keep teachers up to date 2.Make sure that schools have the right technology like TV’s, smart boards and things of that nature 3.Make sure text books get updated every two years to make sure that kids are getting the right updated information 4.Make sure that students classrooms are under a certain number pertaining to the number of kids in a school 5.Require that all kids take a P.E class until they graduate from college 6.Require that all high school kid take a terrorist class so that they are well educated on the problems that we are facing. Because the more you know about something the less you are going to be afraid of it Safety 1.Require that people who committed a first and second degree murders have a minimum sentence of life in prison and a maximum sentence of death sentence 2.Make police go through a short training every 1 ½ to 2 years to make sure that they are well trained and up to date with things 3.[gangs] ages 12-17 a minimum sentence of 1 year to a maximum of 5 years in prisonages 18-21 a minimum sentence of 6 years to a maximum of 18 years in prison Ages 21 and up a minimum of 9 years in prison to a maximum of life or death 4.Require that cities have more patrol over more of an area 5.Put cameras in places where police cannot see 6.Build more 911 call centers in more areas 7.Make sure that inmates are more to themselves rather than in huge groups which can cause more of a problem 8.Require that all inmates seek mental counseling Energy and environment 1.Make every house in America put 2 or more trees in their front or backyard 2.Invest in a 5 billion dollar plan to find more renewable energy 3.Put a tax on companies that make a lot of pollutions 4.Put solar panels on every major building that consumes a lot of power. Because even just a little bit of something is better than nothing 5.Increase the amount of wind powered energy Health 1.Give free health insurance to people who make a yearly salary of $27,000 a year and lower 2.Give cheaper health insurance to people who make between $28,000 and $29,000 a year 3.Give free health insurance to kids ages 0 months to 5 years old 4.Require that everyone has health insurance 5.Make people who do not have health insurance more money than normal as a penalty 6.Make sure that all kids have a check up before they start a new grade 7.Invest in a 10 billion dollar research plan to find a cure for cancer 8.Invest in a 10 billion dollar research plan to find a cure for aids/hiv Technology 1.Build more telephone towers for wireless devices 2.Provide wifi throughout the united states 3.Build bullet trains that take you places at a faster speed Immigration 1.Let anyone come to the United States and work if they have a temporarily pass. This would increase more workers and allow people from anywhere like Mexico to come here and have a pass that would allow them to work until they decide they want to become citizens 2.Require that all immigrants learn English. But keep to their traditions but at the same time stay to our American tradition 3.Make all immigrants go through a background check 4.Not allow illegal immigrants to drive 5.Create jobs passes for immigrants and living areas that are cheap for them 6.If immigrants are caught being here illegally but has not caused trouble will pay a heavy fine 7.If any illegal immigrant gets exported. They will now be allowed to come to the United States for 5 years. And they may not try to be a citizen for 7 years. Retire 1.Allow people who retire there full funds that they deserve and not allow them to get cut back by the government 2.Allow people who have been retired to get a bonus if they have worked a minimum of 20 years in the same state job or government job. Homeless people 1.Invest in a fund that will build more centers that provide shelter and food for poor people 2.Allow poor people who have been on the street a c actually taxes would not go up becuse i would tax more of higher businesses instead of people. and i would put a higher tax on goods like alcohol and cigerettes
Elections - 20 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
As president of the United States, I might vote for you. It depends what you were running for; if you were running for governor of my home state, maybe; if you were running for Senator, probably not. As president of the United States, however, I would probably pay tons of taxes for your new plan, as would every other American.
2 :
3 :
I would vote for you if your last name was OBAMA.
4 :
5 :
I'm sorry, but no. I investigated your background and it turns out you've spent suspicious amounts of time on Y!A. A clear deal-breaker.
6 :
that was a lot of writing..... i never read all of it..... but from what i read.... Yes....... but if you are making this all up......... No!
7 :
No Because most people cant be borther/ interested in reading things liek that politains put more work into teh planing then the actions
8 :
No, because you obviously have no idea how much things cost. But if all that was possible, hell yes I'd vote for you. XD
9 :
No... no.
10 :
Fuck man, no fucking way you can pull that shit off. That is gonna cost 100's of billions of dollars. But if we had the money I agree on some of your points.
11 :
Tell me where the heck you're going to find all that money without adding another couple trillion to our deficit, and I'll consider your proposals more seriously.
12 :
a bit too conservative for me, but I'd vote for you, depending on who you run against. It would be nice if you would say how you would do some of these things, though, asin creating jobs and stuff.
13 :
No, taxes would be through the roof to pay for all the stuff you mentioned. Also, your plan to tax businesses within the U.S. is just asking for job outsourcing. And FORCING everyone to have two trees on their property? That's too much government. Sorry bud.
14 :
First of all, throw out the English issue. Immigrants want to learn English despite what people assume, but anyone who has knowledge of second language acquisition knows it takes a life time to learn a second language. Not 30 seconds as some people tend to want to believe in this country. And driving? I don't even drive and I was born in the U.S. I support turning more people away from driving to boost public transit. Apart from that, your views sound great and you would have my vote.
15 :
Some things are good, most are not. I wouldn't vote for you.
16 :
I will vote for you on one condition, can you show me where in the Constitution of The United States grants you the authority to do every single item on this list as president of the US? The things listed above are not in the scope or power of your duties. Let me just pick a few to explain a little bit. 3. Make sure text books get updated every two years to make sure that kids are getting the right updated information Schools are a state matter. 4. Not allow illegal immigrants to drive - Are you going to follow every one of them around and tell them not to drive if they get behind the wheel. They already have ILLEGAL in their status, what makes you think they will obey the law. 4. Require that everyone has health insurance - How are you going to do this? Health Insurance, as nice as it would be to have some, you can't make laws all your own. And congress can't make this law cause the constitution doesn't grant them the authority. 2. Make police go through a short training every 1 ½ to 2 years to make sure that they are well trained and up to date with things- states are sovereign, you don't have the jurisdiction nor the authority to do this either. Sorry, It looks like my vote will be no.
17 :
You would update text books every 2 years? That seems like a highly unnecessary expense to me. And don't mess with the Indians. Seriously, that is one issue you should NOT touch.
18 :
No, for Christ' kingdom and government is no part of this world. I state abstinate to voting and worldly gubmints, but I am glad to see some color to the white house. Obama won't be able to undo all the damages set into motion by his predecessors, but he'll make some dents. I am awaiting until all the governments of this world are destroyed at Armageddon, including all wicked humans at that time, so I don't vote for any human in a position of government or anywhere for that matter. Thanks.
19 :
Where the heck are you getting all this money from? You have some good ideas but you do not have my vote, I simply can't afford you!
20 :
NO WAY!!!! an idiot would vote for u. Your plans cost way to much money and that means taxes up for us. Thats the last thing we need so my opinion, STICK WITH OBAMA

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why can't Mexico do like Greece and other European countries and solve their own problems?

Why can't Mexico do like Greece and other European countries and solve their own problems?
Why do they have to dump their poor on the United States of America. Demand welfare aid and even cry out that they are going to become Communist if they don't get welfare? Giving them aid won't help them it will only make them more careless. Its like giving money to a welfare Momma. Won't she go out on the town and have more children? Welfare is like Gold to them. Another country that has little problem in helping themselves is Japan. So you see there are a lot of countries that don't cry for welfare.
Politics - 9 Answers
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1 :
I disagree with you on Greece.... Their credit rating has been downgraded to CCC. And there are riots on the streets because of the austerity measures They have hardly solved any of their problems
2 :
Mexico is half a step above Iran or Pakistan. I'm being generous with that remark
3 :
because Mexico is a Narco State run by drug lords.
4 :
Greece is going to solve it's own problems? Are you serious? They are on the verge of a huge bailout from the rest of europe. This is the first domino to fall that could ultimately lead to a global depression. . .. . And don't think the USA won't be involved eventually. We always are.
5 :
They are. They are sending millions of their citizens here so they don't have to deal with them. A couple of European countries have gotten bail outs. Then they are forced into austerity programs. Greece will be the same. They aren't really able to take care of their own problems either. The global set up is to make that impossible. It is very intentional. Complete global interdependency is what has happened. It is likely to continue until all countries' economies collapse. That is the end purpose. Read UN Agenda 21 and you'll get it.
6 :
If you're Mexico, why try to solve your own problems when you can always export them north via a border with another country too stupid (or sinister) to enforce its own border?
7 :
European countries can't take care of themselves without Germany. Getting into WW2 was a huge mistake and now we are paying for it.
8 :
Because they want to take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. And they know they cannot take it back by force so they do what they are doing now, which are basically living off of the US and produce as many babies as they can INSIDE the USA. Then they come over and have more babies. And their babies have babies as early as they can, and repeat the cycle. On top of that, they sponsor their families from Mexico over here as fast as they can. The US will have a hispanic majority in CA and TX soon enough, and AZ and NM to follow right behind. It's too late Americans. You lose.
9 :
As anyone would agree, you need industrial jobs as a base of an economy when most of the population is unskilled. Mexico's industrial parks are located nowhere near the the border next to us. Therefore, many immigrates emigrate from northern mexico to look for unskilled work. (construction, food industry...etc.) As for Greece, not much of a immigration problem from mostly because of neighboring wealthy countries. As for Greece I don't know much due to the complexity of their conflicts. I honestly wouldn't know how to deal with them.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Need help again what makes the united states independant?

Need help again what makes the united states independant?
here is my essay need 15 more seconds of opinions on this topic: Is the United States truly independent? Webster’s Dictionary defines independence as the quality or state of being independent.  Many people believe the United States is independent.  Do you agree? Ultimately the question is:  Is the United States truly independent? Our country is known for its innovative ideas and democracy.  The United States freed itself from a tyrant, England.  Among other things, it freed itself from paying “unjustified” taxes.  In a way it got rid of its debt.  Soon, however, the United States would face its own problems with debt .  As our definition of independence states, independence is a state or quality.  Today, our state or quality does not seem independent.  Everyone seems punished by debt, whether it be their own or someone else' s.  We pay taxes for bail-outs when, instead, those taxes should be going toward improving communities,education and helping homeowners keep their homes.  This country is basically like a stock in the stock market.  Just like investors would pay to support a company, other countries pay to support our country.  Our country is not truly independent because we owe so much money in “loans” to other countries.  In some opinions we are not self-sustaining.  Going to other countries for oil, manufacturing, and coal suss keeping us dependent.  Coal alone sustain half of our country’s electricity consumption.  If it were not for the “kindness” of other countries to help us pay off our debt,  the United States would no longer exist.  Others similar opinion is that when Abraham Lincoln kept the southern states from quitting the union (which was against the Constitution) he made it clear we were one nation. That was the real reason behind the Civil War. According to the Constitution the states were supposed to govern themselves as separate territories but unite during war. The Constitution ,however, was only followed in those times which goes to show that the Constitution is nothing and can be changed or disregarded at will. We were a dependant nation ever since Abraham Lincoln Another opinion I can say is that the United States in most dependent on its own citizens. In order for any democratic process to work, the citizens need to play an active role in electing governments, voting on referendums, paying taxes, and providing goods and services to their fellow citizens. So it all depends on an individuals perspective. Individuals in tight situations might agree that the United States is dependent. If someone is doing well there opinion might be .”The American people are those that make America great-- not imported oil, or any other exterior force.”Although peoples opinion may vary from their situation every opinion has the United States in some way a dependent country.
Other - Politics & Government - 1 Answers
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1 :
Sure? Is that so? Look in the real world. Decode this lyrics " You'll see " "Wonderful world" "Time after time" "Don't know much" "Wonderful wonderful" "Wonderful life" "Just another day" "What a wonderful world" "'Mama Mia" "Nobody told me" "Colour of the wind" "Lucky stars" Not with the Liberation of Freedom of the " Lucky stars" How many "Lucky stars" Little children can do better in collecting stars in school? For their lessons well done in class? Luke 21.30-36 Luke 9.25,55-56,60 Luke 8.5-8,10-17 Luke 24.44-45,47-48 Genesis 11.1,3-9 Exodus 12.14,21-27 Leviticus 26.13 Luke 14.26-35 Exodus 20.1-17 What do you think?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

How does this sound for an opening paragraph?

How does this sound for an opening paragraph?
This is my introduction and thesis for my paper about the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation was the first governing document of The United States of America. Ratified in 1781, it created the structure of government until the current Constitution was ratified in 1887. It was replaced because of the weak central government it produced; Congress couldn’t levy taxes, regulate commerce, or coin money, among other things. The Constitution was an attempt to remedy these problems and create a more stable central government. What should i add to make my thesis stronger?
Homework Help - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
sound good to me
2 :
take out 4 th sentence leave that for the second paragraph

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why don't Americans come together to make a better America?

Why don't Americans come together to make a better America?
If I were president here is what I would do.... I would use Government funds to pay every American employer to give all their employees time off for 2 weeks in order to gather together and all meet together, all 300 Million Americans! Then with EVERY American together we will openly share HOW WE ALL can make America better! We will have voluntary family collective farms to grow America's food production, we will share in non-work related ways to make America stronger by composing songs and poetry, we will all sweep floors, build windmills, all the American people.... During this joint coordinated effort, we will use Govt money to pay for the loss of income for everyone not at work.... Then we will have a civilian army recruiting, a BIG Expo for the WHOLE AMERICA! That we the people of the United States working for the greater good of our country as one people and learn to be this way from now on.
Politics - 4 Answers
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1 :
(fart noise)
2 :
so young, so naive..
3 :
good luck with that. for a start not everyone is gonna believe in the same things
4 :
Thinking about others instead of following a party's doctine is "un-american" (according to politicians).

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why does President Bush want to Destroy the United States?

Why does President Bush want to Destroy the United States?
I thought this was conspiracy theory but it seems to becoming a reality...this is a Conservative website by the way... What is happening to this administration?...I know they're all money hungry SOB's that really don't care about the civil rights of Americans but to sell out our country and its sovereignty? I am shocked that at a time where the GOP speaks of national terrorism threats and how UNSAFE we all are...they would have our borders open for anybody to roll into America with any kind of terrorist objectives....What happened to making OUR borders safer and stronger? If you think illegal immigration is bad now, MY God, I can't imagine what it would be like then...We'll lose our national identity within years, not decades...I can't see how you radical cons can still support this President...and you guys call us traitors & communists???
Politics - 36 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
He wants to destroy the US because it will speed up the rapture. same reason Chistians wanted to remake Isreal
2 :
I'm not sure destroying the United States is the goal, but rather promote self and his kind in spite of the danger to the rest of the Country. Selfish greedy dictator...
3 :
You ain't never lied. You said a mouth full.
4 :
The panel would not loke for us to say what we think. So I will say, ask President Bush.
5 :
Hooyah! My "Tin Foil" stocks hit a new all time high! Keep it up! Oh, and thanks for the 2 points!
6 :
Because he is selfish and doesn't care about what the American people want. He only cares about what he wants. I voted for the guy both terms and regret it terribly. However, I don't think that he ran against strong Democratic candidates. Kerry scared me.
7 :
because it's become a haven for nitwit liberals, commies and mexicans. we have to take back our country! GLOBAL WARMING NOW! HEY! GLOBAL WARMING NOW!
8 :
You're an idiot. He doesn't want to destroy the united states. Anyone who actually believes this garbage deserves to be in a movie with Robin Williams.
9 :
Maybe he's planning on retiring to Mexico.. ;-)
10 :
Because Christians are no longer a majority, and Bush wants to carry out God's plan of killing anyone who isn't Christian.
11 :
I don't think Bush wants to destroy this Country... -He just doesn't have a CLUE as to how to run it.
12 :
duh. bush used up all their money so now they goin 4 money instead of our cilvil rights and stuff. everybody HATES bush.hes a big fat b**** motha******!!!!!!!!!!hes a many terrorists r comin over and thats y everyone is dyin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 :
Why are Liberals destroying America? Good question.
14 :
Your question is ridicules.
15 :
he isn't. i have a lot of respect for the president. i believe he is doing a very good job and will go down as one of the best presidents this country has had. he is doing amazing things to keep this country running and make it better for the people. some people only see the negative things. i agree that he isn't perfect..but look at his job. i mean come on, its got to be the most stressful thing in the world to have the most powerful country in the world under your power. he has alot to do and i think he is doing good with the war. if he were to take the troops out of iraq then the war would be here and we would have even more terrorism. look at it that way.
16 :
Bush is incredibly bad news for the US. I read an article the other day that stated the Administration is going ahead with plans to scrap the US dollar in favor the the Amero, a new North American currency that has apparently already been printed up in England and boxed in huge crates ready to be shipped to the US at a moment's notice. While this seems a tad off to me, I nevertheless called my Repersentative in Congress and demanded a direct answer to this exact question: is the dollar about to be scrapped for the Amero? Stay tuned as the Bush madness continues. The odds are good that when Bush's term ends he will refuse to step down and name himself as dictator. Wait and see...
17 :
Thanks for the link. Jerome Corsi has some interesting opinions and he's an honest intellectual, not an ideologue with an agenda. I think there is some merit to this. Bush wants to make his mark in history, and now that he's failed in the Middle East, I don't doubt that he will push this open borders plan further. Here's another interesting article by the same author about Bush's secret plans: And another about how Bush has given himself dictatorial powers which he can exercise during a national catastrophe:
18 :
The United States is one of the few representative democracies is the world that is also a Republic. The people have rights guaranteed by a constitution! Other "democratic" governments are parliamentary types - without guaranteed rights. The only true democratic strong point in the world is the US Constitution and the American people. Weakening constitutional rights by way of treaties or international agreements is one avenue that politicians are going to attempt to destroy the rights of the American people and disable the framework of the Constitution. Can't address their motivation.
19 :
It makes sense... His grandfather (Prescott Bush) was convicted of doing business with the Nazis - while at war with America - and had his assets confiscated. His former closest adviser, Karl Rove, was the grandson of Karl Heinz Roverer, who designed concentration camps for Hitler. Californian Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's father was a member of the SS during WW2. Seems like there's a pattern developing! Seems like certain elements within the American moneyed elite really wanted the Nazis to win WW2, and they're doing their best to see that Hitler scores a belated victory. IMPEACH BUSH AND HIS CRIMINAL CRONIES NOW!!!
20 :
Yes. Every Terrorist, Communist, and Democrat will agree with you. (At least Terrorists hold down jobs for cover, but Commies & Democrats are either born Rich, or are on Welfare. They don't work.)
21 :
the nazi movement is alive an well. we are fools to fail to realize that the bush's are bavarian and profited during the build up to ww2. it is just another way of looking at the world. now it is all out out of control. but if it were directed by nazis the trains would run on time. it is that simple.
22 :
hey I got this bridge for sale great investment opportunity give me a call.....1(800) 424-3688 Do people just believe everything they read? Does anyone actually ask a question that's not filled with rhetoric? There are plenty of debatable issues going on cant people think of more intellegent questions then this?
23 :
Gee, Let me see here. The borders have been wide open during every president before Bush. Or did they just magically become wide open when Bush took office? Your statement and this link hold no merritt. Besides, the president isn't the only member of the government that is in on this problem. But I guess it's easier for you to point your little finger. That's the easy way out isn't it?
24 :
the war on terror is as big a scam as the war on drugs. guess who is the largest drug smuggler in the world. do your research. their initials are C. I. A.
25 :
The Democrats are in control now Bush is a lame duck president so if all these terrible things are going to happen then it will be with the Democrats blessing.
26 :
His sister-in-law said he will always be welcome in Mexico
27 :
On the contrary, but it must be difficult getting anything done with so many people trying to get their feet in your moccasins. --- doubt that any of them could walk the full mile.
28 :
1 - nothing personal, just business 2 - try to remember you're just a consumer serf 3 - also try to remember W and his small country club circle are the REAL Americans...the rest of us are just support staff.
29 :
The USA is now one big corporation with its eye on the 600 million people under 20 in China/India as the new market. They have given up on America. Wages, crime, inner city decay, education, well virtually the works. They do not want to rebuild in America. America will become a vacation destination for the "new world order" Do you want fries with that?
30 :
Don't blame Bush. He's just following orders just like the presidents before him. We're marching steadily toward a one-world government and one-world religion.
31 :
Because he wants the North American Union to come into being. He has no loyalty towards America or her Constitution...only to money. He shows this in everything that he does. Did you know that Chertoff point blank said in a Memo in Sept. 2005 that "Dept. of Homeland Security" was there to answer to Mexico and Canada and NOT the US citizens? This is also the reason why Bush is tanking the American $$$$ and spending as much as he can. He wants to FORCE the US to accept the Amero which was already defeated in Congress in, I think it was something like in 2003. Sad but true. Another point is that Bush is not spending money on the US because he wants it to collapse. Look at his comments on Sunday about the SPP and "protecting the US citizens from tainted food and the only way we can do this is via depending on our neighbors" But he NEGLECTED to say that American's FDA has continually been cut since he went into office and is on the brink of collapsing from being underfunded. You are right about your assessment.
32 :
Simple. Because it's GOOD FOR BUSINESS.
33 :
Because he wants to accomplish his daddy's plans for a New World Order. He wants the borders open so the North American Union, NAFTA Superhighway, and NWO can be quickly established before the American people wakes up and finds out what's really going on. That's why the Constitution must first be shredded: NO CONSTITUTION = NO POWER = THEY CAN DO WANT THEY WANT TO. But before this can happen, there must first be another false-flag attack on American soil. FALSE-FLAG = FRAID AMERICANS = PATRIOT ACT III = NO CONSTITUTION. They're right on schedule!!
34 :
I would suggest that everyone that doesn't want to see this NAU project of Lil' Bush's get away start getting close to your Washington Representatives to find out where they stand on it and if they have any type of plan to squash it. That SOB setting in the White House is definitely trying to bring our great nation down
35 :
I agree with Booger and Radiocitizen. Well said
36 :
He just wants to protect israel, what do ya think this war is for.